Data Driven Continuous Improvement May 5, 2010


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Presentation transcript:

Data Driven Continuous Improvement May 5, 2010 HOW DO YOU DO SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT? WHAT IS RDI? WHAT IS D4SS? WHAT DATA WAREHOUSES ARE BEING USED? WHAT IS AER? NCA/MDE SCHOOLS? Do you know how to incorporate all of the tools above into Data Drive Continuous Improvement? “It is about focusing on building a culture of quality data through professional development and web based dynamic inquiries for school improvement.”

Outcomes To define Continuous Improvement To outline the Stages and Steps of the SI Process To understand the importance of starting with the data To demonstrate the use of the Data Points Reference Manual in supporting the completion of the School Data Profile To understand the importance of strong data analysis before writing goals, objectives, strategies and action steps To identify the steps needed for effective implementation monitoring and evaluation of the SI Plan

What is Continuous Improvement? A process by which staff engages in collaborative inquiry, focused on the use of consistent formative and summative assessments, strategic monitoring of the effectiveness of instruction and strategy implementation, adjusting instruction, and continual evaluation to increase student LEARNING. Have participants read the slide – provide handout for activity.

“Unwrap” the definition Nouns Process Staff Inquiry Formative Assessments Summative Assessments Instruction Strategy implementation Evaluation Learning Verb Engages Focused Monitoring Adjusting Increase Larry Ainsworth

“Unwrap” the definition Nouns Process Staff Inquiry Formative Assessments Summative Assessments Instruction Strategy implementation Evaluation Learning a particular course of action intended to achieve a result Teachers, administrators, counselors, paraprofessionals seeking information by asking questions

“Unwrap” the definition To take part To concentrate effort or attention Keep track of Verb Engages Focused Monitoring Adjusting Implementing Increase

Collaborative Inquiry How does this relate to Continuous Improvement? What are the similarities? What are the differences? Vehicle for data driven decisions Adapted from The Teaching and Learning Cycle ©1999 by Richard C. Owen Publishers, Inc. All rights reserved. Do not duplicate without publisher’s permission. 

Is Continuous Improvement a finite process. Why or why not Is Continuous Improvement a finite process? Why or why not? Why does it sometimes feel like a finite process? Think-Pair-Share

Improvement Process in Michigan Requirements with finite deadlines Requirements for all schools Requirements for Title 1 schools Requirements for Title 1 districts We have finite deadlines imposed by state and federal law. In the past, SI has been thought of as another “report” that needs to be checked off a list. How do we change that perspective? What needs to happen?

School Requirements School Improvement Plan With Title I components for Title I schools Comprehensive Needs Assessment School Data Profile School Data Analysis School Process Profile (SPR 90 or EdYes! 40) School Process Analysis Summary Annual Education Report (posted before the start of school) SI Plan – September 1, 2010 CNA SPR – due March 12, 2010 Annual Report – posted/available before the start of school in 2010)

District Requirements District Improvement Plan LEA Planning Cycle for Title I districts Comprehensive Needs Assessment District Data Profile District Data Analysis District Process Profile (DPR 19) District Process Analysis Summary CIMS-2 indicators Annual Education Report DI Plan – June 30, 2010 CNA – DPR 19 – April 1, 2010 CIMS-2 Indicators need to be embedded in individual SI Plans by Sept 1, 2010 Annual Report – posted/available by start of school 2010

Graphic found in Data Points Reference Manual

One Common Voice – One Plan LEA Planning Cycle district CIMS-2 district CNA school and district Common Vision Common Language Tools Assistance Goals Causes for Gap Objectives Strategies Data and Process Profile, Analysis and Summary Indicators Improvement Plan school and district Reports/Requirements all work together for CSI Coherent Plan for Improvement Annual Education Report – school and district Continuous School Improvement Goals, objectives, strategies and action steps 13

Calhoun CSI – CIMS-2 transmittal forms – last spring - in letter format (new) In CALHOUN this is the plan for this spring – transmittal addendum – embedded in CSI process at Calhoun May 27th RAP teams meeting for Facilitated CSI with support from SE Supervisors

Steps and Stages of the School Improvement Process One Common Voice-One Plan

C N A School Improvement Planning Process Student Achievement Gather Do Implement Plan Monitor Plan Evaluate Plan Plan Develop Action Plan Gather Getting Ready Collect Data Build Profile Student Achievement C N A Study Analyze Data Set Goals Set Measurable Objectives Research Best Practice Study Analyze Data Set Goals Measurable Objectives Research Best Practice Circle collect data,, build profile, analyze data Blue Cards 16

School Improvement Plan One Common Voice – One Plan Michigan Continuous School Improvement Stages and Steps Getting Ready Collect Data Build Profile School Data Profile School Process Profile Analyze Data School Data Analysis School Process Analysis Summary Report Set Goals Set Measurable Objectives Research Best Practice Develop Action Plans Implement Plan Monitor Plan Evaluate Plan Gather Study Plan Do Comprehensive Needs Assessment School Improvement Plan

School Improvement Plan One Common Voice – One Plan Michigan Continuous School Improvement Stages and Steps Getting Ready Collect Data Build Profile School Data Profile School Process Profile Gather Study Plan Do Comprehensive Needs Assessment School Improvement Plan

Handout – Some in Calhoun wanted specific time lines of what to do when. This is what came out of that discussion Emphasize Culture trumps Innovation quote from Dennis Sparks – why culture changes need to occur first


The school’s culture… dictates, in no uncertain terms, “the way we do things around here.” Ultimately, a school’s culture has far more influence on life and learning in the schoolhouse than the state department of education, the superintendent, the school board or even the principal can ever have… Roland Barth (2001) Read this statement- as a group reflect Do you agree? Disagree? How does this impact what you do? WHAT IS CULTURE? WHAT IS A TOXIC CULTURE? WHAT TYPES OF CULTURE PROMOTES QUALITY CONTINUOUS SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT?

Creating a Culture of Quality Data The most promising strategy for sustained, substantive school improvement is developing the ability for school personnel to function as professional learning communities. DuFour and Eaker, 1998 Develop ability of school personnel…this is not necessarily natural for educators to work collaboratively to build community Factory model… WHAT IS A PLC? HOW DO YOU USE PLC’S IN YOUR SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT PROCESS?

Why do we start with the data Why do we start with the data? What kind of data help us make decisions as we go through the Continuous Improvement Process? The data allows us to look objectively at the state of the learning Data is neutral Otherwise we go on hunch, gut feeling and may be lead astray

Gather: Collect Data and Build Profile Data Reference Points For the Michigan School Data Profile Using D4SS or your Data Warehouse for data inquiry to complete the Michigan School Data Profile. Versions Available to date: Data Director Pearson IGOR/Pinnacle Others coming soon! Refer to manuals 36

It is recommend that you use Demo data as you train unless everyone in the room has permissions to view student level data. 37


User name: demo_test1 Password: demo_test1 User name: demo_test1 Password: demo_test1 Instruct participants to login to the demo site using login and password on slide.

Need a login? If you need a D4SS Inquiry Tool username, please contact your local district curriculum or technical leader, or your RESA/ISD's Curriculum or Technical leader. Click on the link to see the contact list

Time for Exploration of Data 4SS

In manual also page 6

School Improvement Plan One Common Voice – One Plan Michigan Continuous School Improvement Stages and Steps Analyze Data School Data Analysis School Process Analysis Summary Report Set Goals Set Measurable Objectives Research Best Practice Gather Study Plan Do Comprehensive Needs Assessment School Improvement Plan


Analysis You can gather all the data you want but until you analyze the data, decide what the data is telling you and determine what you are going to do, the data is just data, numbers on a page. To make the data meaningful, dialogue needs to occur, decisions need to be made and actions need to be taken. What AHA MOMENTS HAVE YOU GOTTEN FROM DOING DATA ANALYSIS? SUCCESS / FAILURES SHARED…. Collecting more Data is not the answer to all our problems…the careful analysis of data will lead to the question…So what are we going to do about it?

Analysis Collaborative analysis of data needs to happen before school improvement goals are determined. To have a goal, objectives, strategies and action steps that are not grounded in the data perpetuates the idea that school improvement plans are just paper, they are documents, not real plans used to support sustained instructional improvement and increase student learning. Finite plans/reports versus continuous improvement process Should determine how instruction will be adjusted/modified/improved to increase student learning – What needs to happen?

Goals Management Components This is the order of components in Goals Management on Advanc-ed. SHARE EXAMPLES OF GOALS YOU ARE USING

Example Goal statement Important! Example Goal statement All students will improve their reading comprehension skills in all core subject areas. student focused stated broadly based on data analysis Goals: Goal statements are: Student focused. Linked to identified student academic learning needs in the four core content areas or associated with a Content Area for which there are no challenges in the CNA or EdYES! State broadly the area of focus and that all students will become successful learners. Based on a careful analysis of multiple sources/types of data. Define the priority area for an improvement plan.

Goal Criteria Goal statements are: Student focused Linked to identified student academic learning needs in the four core content areas or associated with a Content Area for which there are challenges in the CNA or EdYES! State broadly the area of focus and that all students will become successful learners. Based on a careful analysis of multiple sources/types of data. Define the priority area for an improvement plan. See

S.M.A.R.T. Objectives Building Level S.M.A.R.T. Objectives/Goals would lead to incremental student learning objectives – grade level S.M.A.R.T objectives/goals – need to be measurable across time – in meeting with building teams the process of reviewing student learning goals would be informed by the data they are collecting Revision of Student learning objective/goal would be based upon the data. – The grade level action plan revision would be based upon the student learning achievement in meetings through out the year

Research Based Strategies Research occurs before the strategies are determined for the plan Do you have a process in place to research strategies before inclusion in the plan? Why is researching strategies so important? Where should we look?

Strategies and Action Steps Strategies are what will be done by the adults to support student learning Action Steps are how the strategies will be implemented What specifically needs to happen Professional Development Implementation of strategy -direct instruction Monitoring of strategy What will adults do to support student learning? How will these strategies be implemented? What needs to be planned?

Criteria for Strategy Statement Begin each statement with “District staff will...” (and/or which specific group of teachers). Use an action verb of observable behavior which must be done. Write clear, concise statements that describe what you intend to accomplish. (Be specific.) Make sure each strategy addresses the issue and connects back to the measurable objective. Research and evidence based Describe an adult action (what adults will do to assist students in meeting the objective). Linked to an objective statement. Specific, planned, research-based instructional practices. Address system practices that were identified as challenges in the CNA process. Focus on maximizing each student's growth and individual successes. Can be academic or non academic in focus. Done to/or with students to develop a specific result.

Strategy Sample Teachers will provide Tier I reading comprehension instruction for all students to include the use of Question Answer Relationship and Strategies That Work including; visualizing and making inferences, making connections, questioning, determining importance and synthesizing. Strategy Sample -

Check Strategy criteria Staff will Connects back to objective Action verb Teachers will provide Tier I reading comprehension instruction for all students to include the use of Question Answer Relationship and Strategies That Work including; visualizing and making inferences, making connections, questioning, determining importance and synthesizing. Describe what you intend to accomplish and research based Check the criteria identified for Strategies

School Improvement Plan One Common Voice – One Plan Michigan Continuous School Improvement Stages and Steps Gather Study Plan Do Develop Action Plans Comprehensive Needs Assessment School Improvement Plan

Plan Develop Action Plans Who? Will do what? By when? How will you know it has been done? How will you know if it has been effective? What evidence will we collect? Goal, objectives, lead to PLAN -strategies and action steps.

Criteria for Activities Describes an adult activity/action (what adults will do to assist students in meeting the measurable objective). Linked to the strategy statement. Includes specific steps that include: activity staff responsible timeline for implementation, resources needed funding source and amount monitoring plan and evidence of success.

Activity 1 Sample Professional Development will be provided for all core staff on the use of the strategies identified Question Answer Relationships and Strategies That Work by members of the Reading Committee. These strategies are: making connections, visualizing and making inferences, asking questions, determining importance and synthesizing.

Check Activity Criteria Specific Step Check Activity Criteria Linked to strategy Teacher action Professional Development will be provided by members of the Reading Committee for all core staff on the use of Question Answer Relationships and the strategies identified in Strategies That Work. These strategies are: 1) making connections; 2) visualizing and making inferences; 3) asking Questions; 4) determining importance; and 5) synthesizing. Check criteria for activity Specific steps, linked to strategy, teacher action

Activity 2 Sample ELA teachers will provide explicit instruction of QAR within the first week of school. The instruction will include modeling, think aloud strategies, guided practice and independent practice. ELA teachers will display QAR posters and provide QAR bookmarks for student use. ELA teachers will provide explicit instruction of the Strategies That Work, making connections, visualizing and making inferences, questioning, determining importance and synthesizing. Each strategy will be taught individually with at least a week of practice devoted to each strategy. Thinking Charts will be utilized to monitor student use of strategies. Explicit instruction (specific strategies) Use of posters and bookmarks How the strategy will be taught – for what length of time Monitored how?

Activity 3 and Activity 4 Sample All core teachers will use the one of the strategies identified at least three times a week. Lesson plans will be monitored weekly. “Walk-Through’s” will occur looking for evidence of strategy implementation. Collaborative Action Teams will meet weekly to monitor implementation of strategies through dialogue, and examination of student work (Thinking Charts) and formative assessments. Core teacher use – how often? 3 x per week Monitored by lesson plans Walk-throughs CAT discussion around Thinking Charts

Activity 5 and Activity 6 Sample Co-Teaching will occur in selected classrooms based on data. Common formative assessments will be created in Collaborative Action Teams, where necessary, to support monitoring of comprehension strategies. Data will be entered in Data Director for ease of monitoring. How instruction will be supplemented for all. Monitoring of effectiveness of strategies on the learning of students how? by whom?

Implement Plan Monitor Plan Evaluate Plan One Common Voice – One Plan Michigan Continuous School Improvement Stages and Steps Gather Study Plan Do School Improvement Plan Implement Plan Monitor Plan Evaluate Plan

Do Implement the Plan How do you implement the plan? What needs to be done to implement the strategy effectively? Who is responsible? What manageable steps need to be put in place to implement strategy? What timeline needs to be put in place? What materials/resources are needed? What professional development is needed to support the strategy? What on-going support will be provided? How will the plan be monitored? Notice that much of this was embedded in the action steps - Action steps can outline your implementation, monitoring and evaluation

Do Monitor the Plan Who will monitor that the strategy is being implemented with fidelity? How will this be done? How often? How will you document? How will you respond if the strategy is not being implemented with fidelity? Note it was embedded in the action steps

Do Evaluate the Plan How will you know if the strategy is successful? What assessment(s) will you use? How will you keep track of the data? How will you respond if the strategy is not effective? How will you respond if the strategy is effective? Embedded in the action steps. Why do you think all three of these were embedded in action steps? Implementation Monitoring Evaluation?

What is Continuous Improvement? A process by which staff engages in collaborative inquiry, focused on the use of consistent formative and summative assessments, strategic monitoring of the effectiveness of instruction and strategy implementation, adjusting instruction, and continual evaluation to increase student LEARNING. How does data drive this process? Identify areas where data might be collected that will impact learning

Formative Assessment “Is an assessment for learning, a tool used to inform both the teacher and the student about the student’s current level of achievement, to guide the teacher’s instructional practice, to help the student understand what steps must be taken to further his or her learning and to motivate the student to take those steps.” (William & Thompson, 2007) DATA ..ongoing. Used to guide instruction and determine next steps

“Assessment for learning…when done well, is one of the most powerful, high-leverage strategies for improving student learning that we know of.” (Fullan, 2004) “Assessment for learning rivals one-on-one tutoring in its effectiveness and …particularly benefits low-achieving students.” (Stiggens, 2004)

Summative Assessment Is an assessment of learning, a tool to answer the question, “Did the student learn by the deadline?” with a “yes” or “no,” “pass” or fail. DATA did they learn what they were supposed to learn?

Collaborative Inquiry Teaching and Learning Cycle How does data relate to this graphic? Adapted from The Teaching and Learning Cycle ©1999 by Richard C. Owen Publishers, Inc. All rights reserved. Do not duplicate without publisher’s permission. 

How do you build in time for Collaborative Inquiry? Line up activity depending on time


Contact Information Beth Brophy, Calhoun ISD (269) 789-2456 Jennifer Parker-Moore, Ed.D., Macomb ISD (586) 228-3517 David Judd, Office of Educational Assessment and Accountability (517) 373-4311