Leicester, February 24, 2005 VisIVO, a VO-Enabled tool for Scientific Visualization and Data Analysis. VO-TECH Project. Stage01 Ugo Becciani INAF – Astrophysical Observatory of Catania VisIVO Client VisIVO Server
Leicester, February 24, 2005 VTK: C++ Library Classes VTK is an Open Source tool developed by Kitware inc.: 3D computer graphics. VTK can be used with different languages (Tcl/Tk, Java, Python) Can be run on Linux (Unix) and Windows (PC and Mac OSX) Largely used to implement scientific tools Technical Characteristics More than 700 C++ classes Extended set of 3D Widgets Surface Rendering and Volume Rendering Data interaction: good efficiency Rendering windows: easy use of lights, cameras and actor properties
Leicester, February 24, 2005 VisIVO: Visualization Interface for the Virtual Observatory Goals: Visualization of Astrophysical data (MAIN) Astrophysical Data Analysis (on the fly) Interaction with Databases Interaction with distributed resources VO compliance Educational and outreach applications VisIVO is a visualization package developed in collaboration between INAF (Catania Astrophysical Observatory) and CINECA with the specific object of supporting visualization and analysis of astrophysical data. The package is written in C++ and it is completely open source. VisIVO components requirements: standard and high performance programming language flexible and powerful high-level graphics library open source, multi-platform components
Leicester, February 24, 2005 VisIVO Programming Language: C++ More Compatibility and Integration with VTK classes MAF main characteristics Usage of MAF: Multimod Application Framework, funded by EU FP5 (htpp://
Leicester, February 24, 2005 Main Topics Importers – classes which allow us to read data files Database access – dealing with SQL databases Web services interaction – dealing with the Virtual Observatory Data analysis functions – manipulation of data to get derived results Data mining results – Neural networks algorithms (in collaboration with Napoli and Salerno- Prof. G. Longo)
Leicester, February 24, 2005 Importers: input = file output = VME Specific readers are implemented to read data files in different formats. At present we support: Binary format (particles and grids) HDF format (subset for particles) FITS format VOTables Tipsy format VTK Format Binary dump of memory (C I/O style). Positions followed by N scalars for particles Support only for particle files. To be extended. HDF5 libraries imported Fully supported. CFITSIO library imported Fully supported. XALAN and XERCES libraries (for XML parsing) and VOIndia C VOTables library imported
Leicester, February 24, 2005 Operations: Input = VME (one or more) Output = VME (one or more) Specific tools are implemented to support astrophysical data analysis and manipulation: Randomizer: extraction of random subset of data Power Spectrum: calculates the spectrum of a periodic particles distribution Correlation Function: computes the correlation function of a particles distribution Minkowsky functionals: evaluate the geometry and topology of a point distribution Group finder: FOF Points splatter: distributes a particle field on a regular mesh
Leicester, February 24, 2005 Viewers Input = VME Output = image Specific views are implemented to support astrophysical data rendering: Points viewer: maps points to pixels and glyphs (shapes) Isosurfaces: draws surfaces that divide grids into higher and lower grids than a given value Volume rendering: renders grids with colors and transparencies (cloud effect) 2D graphics: visualizes curves and plots Stereo view : for stereographics rendering HTML browser : for documentation/help pages RUNNING SHORT DEMO: new features
Leicester, February 24, 2005 VisIVO SERVER -Typical functionalities: data from catalogs and simulations applied where data are stored -Development of a Server Side subset of VisIVO: visualization and analysis data from queries: data from catalogs and simulations -VisIVO Server: selector tool for data download
Leicester, February 24, 2005 VisIVO SERVER -MAIN TASK: VisIVO transfer of the functionalities Server Side -Development of a Pilot Project for a TVO (DS4): data from simulation -VisIVO Server: Requirement Study -VisIVO Server: Data Format Interface -VisIVO Server: Run of analysis tools (off-line) -VisIVO Server: Data extraction -Preliminary data selection and preview -VisIVO Server: Data download - VisIVO Server: VO compliant data access and data output -VisIVO Server: Integration with VisIVO Client -…………..
Leicester, February 24, 2005 VisIVO Client VisIVO – Integration in a Data Center VisIVO SERVER
Leicester, February 24, 2005 VisIVO TEAM INAF - OACT Becciani Ugo (permanent staff – Partial time 6 months/year) Comparato Marco (young fellow – Full time. VO-TECH : 1-2 years: ) Alessandro Costa (permanent staff – Partial time 3-6 months/year) New Position (young fellow – Full Time. VO-TECH : 2-3 years) Cineca Claudio Gheller (permanent staff – partial time 3-4 months/year) New position (permanent staff - partial time 3-4 months/year) MAF – STAFF International Tester Group: for validation and new inputs TBD
Leicester, February 24, 2005 VisIVO Client Short Time WorkPlan (six months) VisIVO Client Long Time WorkPlan (36 months) VisIVO Server Long Time WorkPlan (36 months) Preliminary VisIVO WEB SITE