Market Strategy IMS Inc.
Outline The Problem – Define the problem and The IMS Solution – How is IMS a solution to the Problem stated above? Data Collection – Surveys, General Research Analyze the Data and determine actions to take – Where should IMS be marketed? Location / Geographical Regions – What area of business or Society would IMS be marketable. Forecasting of Market Potential and Total Sales
The Societal Problem Access to information in the work place is cumbersome, inefficient, difficult to manage and costly over the smallest of distances.
Problem Characteristics: Business use video recordings to train new employees but are limited to what office in which state the videos are kept. A current solution to this is to have multiple videotapes, which is redundant and costly. Video conferencing has done wonders for today's businesses and companies; However this method is still difficult to manage due to many reasons. Some of these reason's could be that the remote site time operates on a different platform or maybe the remote site does not have an copy of the 1-2 thousand dollar video conferencing software to view the meeting.
The IMS Solution The IMS Project is designed to provide an efficient and practical way to manage resources. Such resources being various media types, VCR tapes, VCR players, DVD ROMs, DVD disks, stand alone digital video in multiple forms, and other various files as MS Office documents or Corel documents.
Data Collection General Research – The General Research includes Listing companies and organizations who use media as a means of communication Interviews – Robert Jones / V.P. Facilities – Noland Properties – Cliff Moore / Business Development Manager- W.M. Jordan – Dr. M’Hammed Abdous / Instructional Designer – Steven Crawford / Something ODU
Data Analysis Robert Jones / V.P. Facilities – Noland Properties – The IMS System will reduce the need to copy and distribute training tapes Reducing the need to buy VHS tapes and other duplication hardware – “our solution would reduce duplication and shipping costs of these resources” - Robert Jones
Data Analysis (Con.) Cliff Moore / Business Development Manager- W.M. Jordan – Going out for meetings is a problem – must transport materials such as laptops and projectors. – On-site access to company materials is vital. Having to purchase new “dumb terminals” for each new project is waste. “Given the nature of our business, W.M. Jordan is ahead of the curve. However, given the access capabilities and customization of IMS, we could easily save a good deal of money.”
Data Analysis (Con.) Dr. M’Hammed Abdous / Instructional Designer – ODU Has a great need for media access. Presentations and training sessions are giving on a day to day basis. The Teletechnet Center could spend.5 million on duplication of VCR Tapes per semester. Additional needs for VCRs, Video Software, Video Compression Software, etc. Stated that there are aspects of IMS that could save his organization time and money.
Data Analysis Results For companies like Noland Properties, W.M. Jordan, and Universities like Old Dominion University, there is a market for a product like IMS. – IMS will save these companies and companies like these a great deal of money on various aspects of using media on a daily basis.
Data Analysis Results (Con) Based on the Data from the Interviews and the general research the IMS’s target market has three stages. – Stage One: State wide Businesses Incorporate Smaller businesses with who have many offices in different locations but are with in a state. Incorporate Universities and Colleges with Distant Learning programs.
Data Analysis Results (Con) Stages of Marketing Strategy (con) – Stage Two Nation Wide Businesses These businesses are nation wide with head offices located in large cities across the nation And Universities with Distant Learning programs or educational institution who are completely on-line.
Data Analysis Results (Con) Stages of Marketing Strategy (con) – Stage Three Global The IMS system would expand to businesses who have locations through out the world. The IMS system will be able to manage such a large scale implementation with some modifications.
Forecasting Market Potential and Sales Prototype costs – # Consumer price Estimation of potential savings because of the IMS system over time – How much will a company save by using the IMS system.