Schoolwide Reading Improvement Model - RTI Name:___________________________ Grade:___________________________ School:__________________________ CONSULTING SERVICES, INC. Spring Summative Data Analysis Workbook
Reflect on Changes Know Your Goal: PSF _____ NWF _____ NWF blended _____ ORF _____ What percentage of your students are now in: low risk _____ some risk _____ at risk _____ DIBELS low risk _____ some risk _____ at risk _____ GRADE What percentage of the grade level students are now in: low risk _____ some risk _____ at risk _____ Adjust your Green-Yellow-Red chart What plans do you need to make now to ensure 80% of your students exceed the benchmark by Winter next year? 90% by Spring? ____________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________
What is a “really good” gain? Reading WRC per Week GradeRealisticAmbitiousAmbitious
Expected Weekly Growth Rates for Critical Early Literacy Skills Gd.SubtestRealisticAmbitious KLetter Naming Fluency KInitial Sound Fluency KPhoneme Segmentation Fluency KNonsense Word Fluency* Phoneme Segmentation Fluency Nonsense Word Fluency © IDEAL Consulting Services, Inc From C. Parker (2003). [Utilizing general outcome measures to examine the weekly growth rates of kindergartners’ and first graders’ early literacy skills]. Unpublished raw data. *Note: Kindergarten Nonsense Word Fluency growth rates from the AIMSweb database ( )
Reflect on Classroom Gain Scores What is the “ambitious” gain score for your grade? “Ambitious” weekly rate x number of weeks = _________ What was your average gain score? ________ How does your average rate of gain compare to “ambitious” rates of gain? ___________________ Where did you make the most gains? Low risk _____ some risk _____ at risk _____ Where did you make the least gains? Low risk _____ some risk _____ at risk _____
Reflect on the Fall to Spring shifts in your classroom data What personal goals will you set? –For your students? –For your instruction? What assistance will you need to attain those goals- modeling, training, materials, observation, scheduling?
My goals for next year are: 1._______________________________________ 2._______________________________________ Examples:
Reflect on the Fall to Spring shifts in the Grade Level data What are our greatest areas of strength? What do we need to celebrate? What are our areas of need? Implications At the district level? At the building level? At the classroom level?
Prioritize Grade Level Goals for Next Year #1 #2 #3
Principal models by writing his own targets and sharing them.
Prioritize Building Goals for Next Year #1 #2 #3
Identify Students for Intensive Intervention next year