Distributed Software evelopment Adrien Olivier(AO) Dominik Rojković(DR) Hassan Aziz Khan(HSK) Petar Butković(PB) Petar Dučić(PD) Rashid Khan(RK) Seyed Morteza Hosseini(SMH)
Alpha Prototype
Content Project Schedule Current State Important Events Process Info Experience Prototype Demo
Current State General Project Status Fulfillment of Next Milestone on track Timeliness
Current Project Cost Current Planned Cost$9.180 Current Actual Cost$9.015 Planned Project Cost$ Forecasted Project Cost$
Results Last Week Analyzing database-adapt to the hibernate mapping Change to JDBC instead of Hibernate Implementing methods to access to the database Establishing SSH tunnel on MAC Refining the requirements Re-shaping the design Creating the UML diagrams Studying Java Server Faces and AJAX Creating web pages for authentication and main page, Creating client side of web application
Creating security for JavaBeans classes Integration of connection graph with web application Working on server side of web application Making the initial web pages in HTML and CSS Studying JSON Finalizing work on initial version of connection Graph Configuring and running Tomcat Troubleshooting of access to the PostgreSQL
Activities Planned for Next Period –Continuing implement database interface needs –Refine the Requirements –Enhance the design –Modify the Requirements specification document –Improving domain layer –Work on the matrix –Studying how to make zoomed-out graph –Update coding policy –Insert more data in DB tables
Working Hours Member W39 W40W41 W42 W43 Total Adrien Dominik Hassan Morteza :30 35:30 Petar B Petar D Rashid K :45 15: :15 Total :45 58: :45
Project Cost Week 40Week 41Week 42Week 43 Current Planned Cost $2.400$4.380$6.720$9.180 Current Actual Cost $2.760$4.555$5.365$9.015 Planned Project Cost $ $26.04 Forecasted Project Cost $26.400$26.215$24.685$
Important Events Meeting with customer –Arrange communication’s channels. –Familiarizing with project details. –Geting details about connection diagram, activity matrix, database tables and list of main options. –Geting data for DB, details for preparing tables and tips for optimizing tables for searching. General meetings Local meetings Leaders meetings
Used policies General policies Collaboration policy Naming policy Week report policy Coding policy
Changes in design decisions Abandon the use of PHP. Decided to develop only in Java server side language. Using JDBC instead of Hibernate
Development Process’ Definitions Keyword Definitions Visualize Transactions Graphically represent the calls or data transfer between different users. Search Depth No of hops from a certain user or Subscriber Activity Matrix A table representing certain transactions over a period of Time
Requirements Description 1.Graphically(transactions between subscribers) 2.Search depth 3.Time period(user defined) 4.Types of transactions(in different colors) 5.Zoomed out graph(whole network) 6.Activity matrix(summarize transactions) 7.Clickable and zoomable main graph. 8.Selectable cells. 9.Selected cell’s transactions(highlighted in main graph)
Specific requirements Interface 1.Main content. 2.Control panel on right side. 3.A small zoomed out graph. 4.Activity matrix at the bottom of the screen
Assumptions and constraints Technological –HTML, CSS (web pages) –JSF (client authentication and DB connection) –JavaScript (Graphs) –AJAX(asynchronous communication SQL DB queries) Environmental –Apache (Tomcat), PostgreSQL (database) –Server running application are Linux based
Time schedule Id Milestone Description Responsible ept./ Initials Finished week Metr. Rem. Plan Forecast Actual Week+/- M001Project visionDR, HAK39 0 M002Project planDR40 0 M003 Requirements Definition HAK40 0 M004Design DescriptionRK, DR41 0 M005Prototyping–Iteration1RK, PD44 M006 Milestone - Alpha prototype RK, PD44 M007 Prototyping–Iteration2 AO47 M008 Milestone - Beta prototype AO47 M009 Implementation DR, RK, AO51 M010 Milestone – Release candidate DR, RK, AO51 M011TestingMHS01 M012 Final Project Report,final version existing documents,other project-related documentation HAK03 M013Final product RK, PD, DR, AO 03
Experiences Help on Skype. Lot of work that isn't visible. Not enough time for everything. Hard to organize work when people do not keep the schedule. Many interesting meetings and people.
AO - Interfaces for DB HAK - Documentaion RK - Activitiy mat + HTML DR - Organization + Visualization MHS - Presentation + SVN PB - MVC + JSF + system maintenance PD - Interface design + servlets Work distribution
Week 40Week 41 Multiple roles Lack of time Communication, Understanding role Technologies integration problems Architecture People’s time and appointments. Didn’t send week report. Week 42Week 43 Lack of time Can’t access to main site Incomplete database. JSON data format. Don’t respect deadlines Organization of work Lack of time Lack of knowledge Lot of coding problems Problems
Use Case Diagram
Software architecture Client Server Architecture
System architecture in general General System Architecture
Detailed software design Class Diagram
General Sequence Diagram
Database Tables RTX –The RTX table contains call detail records RTX_TYPES –The table defines different types of transactions found in table RTX (column RTX_TYPE) RTX_USAGE_TYPES –The table defines different usage types of transactions found in table RTX (column NR). LEAP_CUSTOMERS –This table contains subscriber details)