This is the business plan template. When you are done, be sure to delete all generic text and formulas. Add graphics and transitions. Make sure all questions are answered in complete sentences. Fill in all requested information. Do your best! I will reference this project on almost a daily basis. Be sure to use the time I give you to work on this project effectively. This project is a major component of your final grade.
Business Name Entrepreneur’s Name Date
Business Profile Explain your business and why you selected it chapter 1 Write the mission statement of your business chapter 17 Type of Business: –[Service, Retail, Manufacturing,Wholesale] –How will you satisfy a consumer need chapter 2
Core Beliefs (ch.5)
Opportunity chapter 4 List 3 reasons why this business is a good opportunity Qualifications List at least 2 reasons why you qualified to manage this business
Legal Structure chapter 25 [Is your business structure a Sole Trader, Partnership, Private Company, Public Company] [Why did you choose your legal structure?]
My Accounting System Plan (ch. 12)
Cost of Materials/Direct Labor chapter 2 Cost of Sales Per Unit Direct Labor (Labor Cost per Hour) (A) Time (in hours) to make 1 unit (B) Direct Labor Cost Per Unit (A)*(B) $$ Total Direct Labor Per Unit$ Material DescriptionCost/Total QuantityCost Per Unit ($) Total Material Cost Per Unit$ Variable Costs Per Unit (shipping, commission, packaging) $ Cost of Sales Per Unit (labor +material+vc) $
Economics of 1 Unit chapter 9 Definition of One Unit Selling Price per Unit$ (A) Direct Labor Per Unit (if applicable)$ (B) Materials Per Unit(if applicable) $ (C) Total COGS Per Unit (B+C)$ (D) Variable Costs Per Unit (outgoing shipping, packaging, commissions) $ (E) Total Cost of Sales (D+E)$ (F) Gross Profit Per Unit (A-F)$
Type of Operating CostMonthly Cost Entrepreneur’s Salary$ [enter fixed cost]$ $ $ $ TOTAL fixed costs$ Unforeseeon/Other Costs$ TOTAL Operating Costs$ Optional Average Monthly Operating Costs chapter 9
Month Units Sold January February March April May June July August September October November December [consider which month you will start your business] Total= Monthly Sales Projections chapter 13 Sales Assumptions: Seasonality Purchasing Behavior Time Constraints of Entrepreneur (Double click on chart to add information)
Selling Price Per Unit$ # of Units Sold$ Total Sales$ Less Variable Costs Total COGS$ Variable Costs$ Total Cost of Sales (Total Variable Costs)$ Gross Profit$ Less Fixed Costs USAIIRD$ Other Costs/Unforeseen$ Total Operating Costs$ Pre-Tax Profit$ Less Estimated Net Profit$ Projected Yearly Income Statement chapter 13
Entrepreneurial hours needed for start-up (A) Wage you pay yourself (B) Total start-up time investment (A*B) $$ ItemWhere I will buy this?Cost of Item $ $ $ $ CASH RESERVE totaling 3 months of fixed costs $ Estimated TOTAL START-UP INVESTMENT $ Start-Up Investment chapter 14
SourceAmountDebt or Equity? Personal Savings [How will you save?]$ Relatives/Friends$ Investor [Who is it?]$ Grant [From whom?]$ Total: $ Financing Strategy chapter 14 (for start-up investment)
Return on Sales (ROS) chapter 3 Net Profit ÷ Total Sales X 100 % For every $1 dollar of sales, my business earned : $ Return on Sales chapter 13 Return on Investment chapter 14 Return on Investment (ROI) chapter 3 Net Profit ÷ Start-up Investment X 100 % For every $1 dollar invested, my business earned : $
Monthly Break-Even Units chapter 20 Monthly Fixed Costs ÷ Gross Profit Per Unit Years for my start-up investment to double in value* (Start-up Investment ÷ Net Profit) X 2 Breakeven chapter 20 Start-Up Investment Double chapter 14
Competitive Advantage [List 2 reasons why customers will purchase your product or service over your competitor’s.] chapter 8 Competition chapter 8 CompetitorPriceQuality Compared to my business (better, worse) why? $ $ $
[By location]: Where does your consumer live? [By personality]: what are the concerns, desires, etc? [By behavior]: how does the consumer purchase (impulse, cautious, price sensitive, etc.) [By population]: what is the size of the market? Market Analysis chapter 18 Total Population (by age and gender) % Breakdown (income) % Breakdown (potential market size)
Consumer Profile Magazine Game With your target market in mind, create a personality for your target consumer –Name –Description of personality –Age, Gender, Income, Disposable Income –Values –Education Background –What does consumer do in free time? –What music does he/she listen to? –What brands does he/she like to buy? –What motivates, bothers, and entertains him/her?
Marketing Mix chapter 10 &18 Price: –[Should be an explanation of why you chose your price] Place: –[Should be an explanation of why you chose this place] Product: –Explain the benefits and features of product Promotion: –Explain the strategy to promotions you will use
Marketing Plan chapter 10&18 Awareness How will you generate awareness?Cost Purchase How will you motivate consumer purchase? Cost Relationship How will you build a relationship with customer and get them to return? Cost
[Describe how your business will give back to the community or support a cause that you believe in.] [Explain how you will incorporate philanthropy into your marketing plan.] My Philanthropy Plan chapter 10 & 38
My Resume
Business & Education Goals Business Short-term goal Long-term goal –Growth strategy? –Exit strategy? Education Short-term goal Long-term goal
Business schedule for a typical week Entrepreneurship Hours: [enter hours] School Hours: [enter hours] Work Hours: [enter hours] Free-Time Hours: [enter hours] Time Management Slide
Management Plan Recruiting Benefits You are Going to Offer to Your Employees Evaluation Plan
My Organization Chart
[Enter your mission statement (or slogan if applicable)] Thank you for your consideration of [Enter company name]