The ISDD Tool Suite eXpress Diagnostic Modeling and Analysis eXpress creates the models used by all tools in the ISDD tool suite. It also performs standardized analyses to help engineers optimize and assess system diagnostics/prognostics, as well as the design’s ability to support effective HM. eXpress FMECA Plus Module Diagnostic FMECAs The eXpress FMECA Plus module allows standard FMECA data (either imported from a commercial FMECA tool or developed within eXpress) to be enhanced with metrics derived from the eXpress diagnostics. DSI Workbench Run-Time Diagnostic Application DSI Workbench allows diagnostics developed in eXpress to be fielded in a maintenance or production environment. DSI Workbench supports integration with a test executive, as well as guided troubleshooting and free-form test entry. eXpress Run-Time Authoring Tool Enhancing Exported Diagnostics The eXpress Run-Time Authoring Tool (RTAT) allows diagnostic procedures exported from eXpress to be enhanced with graphic overlays and links to external documents. Diagnostics can also be reformatted for use in a variety of tools. eXpress Maintenance Module The eXpress Maintenance Module provides a set of features that allow eXpress to support multiple levels of diagnosis. It has been designed to facilitate the concurrent development of embedded diagnostics and troubleshooting procedures (IETMs). © 2014 DSI International, Inc. Unauthorized use or distribution is prohibited. eXpress Maintenance Module
eXpress FMECA Plus Module eXpress Java Applet (Distributable Reader or Commercial Web Browser) eXpress Run-Time Authoring Tool Commercial IETM, Diagnostic Executive, Custom Applications, Written Documentation STAGE Other Industry Formats DiagML Proprietary DSI Formats Tight Integration Interoperability Integrated Systems Diagnostics Design (ISDD) eXpress © 2014 DSI International, Inc. Unauthorized use or distribution is prohibited. DSI Workbench History & Feedback Module DSI Workbench Third-party Test Executive Simulation Results, Presentation-Ready Graphics Relational Database eXpress Maintenance Module
RTAT & DSI Workbench Tool Suite Modules DSI Workbench Run-Time Diagnostic Application DSI Workbench allows diagnostics developed in eXpress to be fielded in a maintenance or production environment. DSI Workbench supports integration with a test executive, as well as guided troubleshooting and free-form test entry. eXpress Run-Time Authoring Tool Enhancing Exported Diagnostics The eXpress Run-Time Authoring Tool (RTAT) allows diagnostic procedures exported from eXpress to be enhanced with graphic overlays and links to external documents. Diagnostics can also be reformatted for use in a variety of tools. eXpress Java Applet “Free” Design Sharing via HTML ATML Module Import Test Results from Files in ATML (IEEE Std ) Format PDEL (TOD) Module Import Test Results from Files in PDEL/TOD (IEEE Std ) Format API Module Application Programming Interface (API) for use between DSI Workbench and the testing application History & Feedback Module Fully-Integrated Database Tracking of Session History and Feedback for Heuristic Applications. © 2014 DSI International, Inc. Unauthorized use or distribution is prohibited.
eXpress Run-Time Authoring Tool DSI Workbench Integration eXpress © 2014 DSI International, Inc. Unauthorized use or distribution is prohibited. Test Executive Development (Engineering, Logistics, Publications, etc.) Run-Time (Production & Maintenance) Unit Under Test DSI Workbench History & Feedback Module DSI Workbench Relational Database
Benefits of using the DSI Workbench History & Feedback Module Fully-Integrated Database – automatically stores information about work orders, diagnostic sessions, test results, diagnosed failures, corrective actions, repair times, etc. As data accumulates, it can be used for various applications, including trend analysis, design/process improvement, efficiency evaluation, or logistics planning. Built-In Report Generator – allows you to quickly create useful graphs showing information such as Ticket Resolutions, Ticket Times, Open Tickets or Rework Cycles. Data can presented side by side for different UUTs, repair items, User IDs or specified date intervals. Data can also be categorized by user-defined resolution type (manufacturing defect, component failure, documentation error, etc.) Historical Resolutions – provides heuristics within DSI Workbench so that empirical knowledge derived from the maintenance history can be used to supplement the model-based diagnostics from eXpress. © 2014 DSI International, Inc. Unauthorized use or distribution is prohibited.
Two Types of Diagnostics Available in DSI Workbench Model-Based Diagnostics – The Primary Suspects panel lists all currently suspected items (with specific functions or failure modes). Model-based diagnostics, because they are based on engineering data for the entire design, are particularly good at identifying uncommon or first-time failures and will have been fine-tuned to identify critical failures. Empirical Diagnostics – The Resolution History panel lists past solutions that are consistent with the current test results. Empirical diagnostics, because they are based on previous successes—as identified by technicians—are particularly good at identifying issues fall outside the scope of engineering (such as manufacturing defects, test station failures, inadequate or missing documentation, etc.). © 2014 DSI International, Inc. Unauthorized use or distribution is prohibited.