Biology Blended with Math and Computer Science A. Malcolm Campbell Reed College March 7, 2008
DNA Microarrays: windows into a functional genome Opportunities for Undergraduate Research
How do microarrays work? See the animation
Open Source and Free Software
How Can Microarrays be Introduced? Ben Kittinger ‘05 Wet-lab microarray simulation kit - fast, cheap, works every time.
How Can Students Practice?
What Else Can Chips Do? Jackie Ryan ‘05
Comparative Genome Hybridizations
Synthetic Biology
What is Synthetic Biology?
BioBrick Registry of Standard Parts
Peking University Imperial College What is iGEM?
Davidson College Malcolm Campbell (bio.) Laurie Heyer (math) Lance Harden Sabriya Rosemond (HU) Samantha Simpson Erin Zwack Missouri Western State U. Todd Eckdahl (bio.) Jeff Poet (math) Marian Broderick Adam Brown Trevor Butner Lane Heard (HS student) Eric Jessen Kelley Malloy Brad Ogden SYNTHETIC BIOLOGY iGEM 2006
Burnt Pancake Problem
Look familiar?
How to Make Flippable DNA Pancakes hixC RBS hixC Tet hixCpBad pancake 1pancake 2
Flipping DNA with Hin/hixC
How to Make Flippable DNA Pancakes All on 1 Plasmid: Two pancakes (Amp vector) + Hin hixC RBS hixC Tet hixCpBad pancake 1pancake 2 T T T T pLac RBS Hin LVA
Hin Flips DNA of Different Sizes
Hin Flips Individual Segments -21
No Equilibrium 11 hrs Post-transformation
Hin Flips Paired Segments white light u.v. mRFP off mRFP on double-pancake flip
Modeling to Understand Flipping ( 1, 2) (-2, -1) ( 1, -2) (-1, 2) (-2, 1) ( 2, -1) (-1, -2) ( 2, 1) (1,2) (-1,2) (1,-2)(-1,-2) (-2,1)(-2,-1) (2,-1) (2,1)
( 1, 2) (-2, -1) ( 1, -2) (-1, 2) (-2, 1) ( 2, -1) (-1, -2) ( 2, 1) (1,2) (-1,2) (1,-2)(-1,-2) (-2,1)(-2,-1) (2,-1) (2,1) 1 flip: 0% solved Modeling to Understand Flipping
( 1, 2) (-2, -1) ( 1, -2) (-1, 2) (-2, 1) ( 2, -1) (-1, -2) ( 2, 1) (1,2) (-1,2) (1,-2)(-1,-2) (-2,1)(-2,-1) (2,-1) (2,1) 2 flips: 2/9 (22.2%) solved Modeling to Understand Flipping
Success at iGEM 2006
Time for another story?
Living Hardware to Solve the Hamiltonian Path Problem, 2007 Faculty: Malcolm Campbell, Todd Eckdahl, Karmella Haynes, Laurie Heyer, Jeff Poet Students: Oyinade Adefuye, Will DeLoache, Jim Dickson, Andrew Martens, Amber Shoecraft, and Mike Waters; Jordan Baumgardner, Tom Crowley, Lane Heard, Nick Morton, Michelle Ritter, Jessica Treece, Matt Unzicker, Amanda Valencia
The Hamiltonian Path Problem
Advantages of Bacterial Computation SoftwareHardwareComputation
Advantages of Bacterial Computation SoftwareHardwareComputation $ ¢
Cell Division Non-Polynomial (NP) No Efficient Algorithms # of Processors Advantages of Bacterial Computation
3 Using Hin/hixC to Solve the HPP
hixC Sites Using Hin/hixC to Solve the HPP
Solved Hamiltonian Path Using Hin/hixC to Solve the HPP
How to Split a Gene RBS Promoter Reporter hixC RBS Promoter Repo- rter Detectable Phenotype Detectable Phenotype ?
Gene Splitter Software InputOutput 1. Gene Sequence (cut and paste) 2. Where do you want your hixC site? 3. Pick an extra base to avoid a frameshift. 1. Generates 4 Primers (optimized for Tm). 2. Biobrick ends are added to primers. 3. Frameshift is eliminated.
Gene-Splitter Output Note: Oligos are optimized for Tm.
Predicting Outcomes of Bacterial Computation
Probability of HPP Solution Number of Flips 4 Nodes & 3 Edges Starting Arrangements
k = actual number of occurrences λ = expected number of occurrences λ = m plasmids * # solved permutations of edges ÷ # permutations of edges Cumulative Poisson Distribution: P(# of solutions ≥ k) = k = m = 10,000, ,000, ,000, ,000, ,000, ,000,000, Probability of at least k solutions on m plasmids for a 14-edge graph How Many Plasmids Do We Need?
False Positives Extra Edge
PCR Fragment Length False Positives
Detection of True Positives # of True Positives ÷ Total # of Positives # of Nodes / # of Edges Total # of Positives
How to Build a Bacterial Computer
Choosing Graphs Graph 2 A B D Graph 1 A B C
Splitting Reporter Genes Green Fluorescent ProteinRed Fluorescent Protein
GFP Split by hixC Splitting Reporter Genes RFP Split by hixC
HPP Constructs Graph 1 Constructs: Graph 2 Construct: AB ABC ACB BAC DBA Graph 0 Construct: Graph 2 Graph 1 B A C A D B Graph 0 B A
T7 RNAP Hin + Unflipped HPP Transformation PCR to Remove Hin & Transform Coupled Hin & HPP Graph
Flipping Detected by Phenotype ACB (Red) BAC (None) ABC (Yellow)
Hin-Mediated Flipping ACB (Red) BAC (None) ABC (Yellow) Flipping Detected by Phenotype
ABC Flipping Yellow Hin Yellow, Green, Red, None
Red ACB Flipping Hin Yellow, Green, Red, None
BAC Flipping Hin None Yellow, Green, Red, None
Flipping Detected by PCR ABC ACB BAC UnflippedFlipped ABC ACB BAC
Flipping Detected by PCR ABC ACB BAC UnflippedFlipped ABC ACB BAC
RFP1 hixC GFP2 BAC Flipping Detected by Sequencing
RFP1 hixC GFP2 RFP1 hixC RFP2 BAC Flipped-BAC Flipping Detected by Sequencing Hin
Conclusions Modeling revealed feasibility of our approach GFP and RFP successfully split using hixC Added 69 parts to the Registry HPP problems given to bacteria Flipping shown by fluorescence, PCR, and sequence Bacterial computers are working on the HPP and may have solved it
Living Hardware to Solve the Hamiltonian Path Problem Acknowledgements: Thanks to The Duke Endowment, HHMI, NSF DMS , Genome Consortium for Active Teaching, Davidson College James G. Martin Genomics Program, Missouri Western SGA, Foundation, and Summer Research Institute, and Karen Acker (DC ’07). Oyinade Adefuye is from North Carolina Central University and Amber Shoecraft is from Johnson C. Smith University.
What is the Focus?
Thanks to my life-long collaborators
Extra Slides
Can we build a biological computer? The burnt pancake problem can be modeled as DNA (-2, 4, -1, 3)(1, 2, 3, 4) DNA Computer Movie >>
Design of controlled flipping RBS-mRFP (reverse) hix RBS-tetA(C) hixpLachix