Department of Health Professions Practical Nursing Directors Meeting C. N. Ridout, R.N., M.S., RNFA, CNE
Department of Health Professions Objectives Establish collegial relationship Review and answer questions regarding regulations Review documents necessary for continued survey visits Discuss current trends in nursing education Answer your questions
Department of Health Professions Collegial relationship marked by power or authority vested equally in each of a number of colleaguescolleagues a person who works with you : a fellow worker
Department of Health Professions BON website Regulations Governing the Practice of Nursing - Revised Regulations Governing the Practice of Nursing - Revised guidelines.htmhttps:// guidelines.htm
Department of Health Professions Regulation 18VAC Organization and administration. –Accrediting agency –Clinical agency sites shall be in good standing
Department of Health Professions 18VAC Organization and administration. Director –Implement the program and curriculum –Oversee the admissions, academic progression and graduation –Hire and evaluate faculty –Recommend and administer the program budget Organizational Chart Evidence of financial support
Department of Health Professions Regulation 18VAC Philosophy and objectives. –Formulated and accepted by the faculty –Descriptive of the practitioner to be prepared –Basis for planning, implementing and evaluating the total program
Department of Health Professions Regulation 18VAC Faculty. –Faculty and director shall hold a current unencumbered license as a registered nurse –Licensed in the jurisdiction supervising clinical practice –The program director and nursing faculty shall maintain professional competency
Department of Health Professions 18VAC Faculty –The program director shall hold a baccalaureate degree –The majority of faculty shall hold a baccalaureate degree –Number shall be sufficient with 1:10 ration in clinical, 1:15 for preceptorship
Department of Health Professions 18VAC Faculty C. Functions. The principal functions of the faculty shall be to: 1. Develop, implement and evaluate the philosophy and objectives of the nursing education program; 2. Design, implement, teach, evaluate and revise the curriculum; 3. Develop and evaluate student admission, progression, retention and graduation policies within the framework of the controlling institution; 4. Participate in academic advisement and counseling of students; 5. Provide opportunities for student and graduate evaluation of curriculum and teaching and program effectiveness; and 6. Document actions taken in faculty and committee meetings.
Department of Health Professions Regulation 18VAC Preceptorships. –When giving direct care students shall be supervised by faculty or preceptor –Faculty should be responsible for the designation of the preceptor –Preceptorships - written objectives, evaluations, orientation for faculty, preceptor and students –Faculty has the ultimate responsibility
Department of Health Professions Regulation 18VAC Clinical practice of students. –Code of Virginia nursing students may perform task that would constitute the practice of nursing and the student is responsible and accountable for safe practice –Faculty or preceptors are responsible and accountable for assignments and evaluations
Department of Health Professions Regulation 18VAC Admission, promotion and graduation of students. –Shall not be less than Code of Virginia that would permit the graduate to be admitted for licensing exam –High school diploma, GED or completion of college courses –Information available to students in written form
Department of Health Professions Regulation 18VAC School records; student records; school bulletin or catalogue. –Records available –Final transcripts shall be retained –Publication of current information
Department of Health Professions Regulation 18VAC Curriculum. –Didactic content and supervised clinical experience in nursing encompassing the attainment and maintenance of physical and mental health and the prevention of illness for individuals and groups throughout the life cycle and in a variety of clinical settings; –400 direct client care hours
Department of Health Professions Regulation 18VAC Resources, facilities and services. –Periodic evaluation of resources, systematic evaluation –Support services, available space, equipment, learning resources to meet objectives –Written agreements with cooperating agencies
Department of Health Professions Regulation 18VAC Program changes. Notify the Board within 10 days
Department of Health Professions Regulation 18VAC Passage rate on national examination. Maintain 80% for first time test takers What is the process if you are below 80%?
Department of Health Professions Regulation 18VAC Maintaining an approved nursing education program. Annual report Re-evaluation through survey visits- 8 years PN programs without nursing accreditation
Department of Health Professions Regulation 18VAC Closing of an approved nursing education program; custody of records. –Continue to meet standard –Transfer students –Preserve records and final transcript
Department of Health Professions Your Survey Visit –One day or two day –One visitor or two –Different from others
Department of Health Professions Guidance Documents 90-21, Clinical Learning Experience in Nursing Education Programs, adopted July 17, 2012Clinical Learning Experience in Nursing Education Programs, adopted July 17, , Requests for Accommodations for NCLEX and NNAAP Testing and Medication Aide Examination for Registration, revised May 21, 2013Requests for Accommodations for NCLEX and NNAAP Testing and Medication Aide Examination for Registration, revised May 21, 2013
Department of Health Professions Guidance Documents 90-24, The Use of Simulation in Nursing Education, Accepted July 21, 2009, Reaffirmed March 19, 2013The Use of Simulation in Nursing Education, Accepted July 21, 2009, Reaffirmed March 19, , Guidelines for processing applications for licensure by examination, endorsement and reinstatement, revised January 29, 2013Guidelines for processing applications for licensure by examination, endorsement and reinstatement, revised January 29, 2013
Department of Health Professions Guidance Documents 90-55, Joint statement of the Department of Health and the Department of Health Professions on Impact of Criminal Convictions on Nursing Licensure or Certification and Employment in Virginia, adopted September, 2005, revised September 2006, reviewed December 2012Joint statement of the Department of Health and the Department of Health Professions on Impact of Criminal Convictions on Nursing Licensure or Certification and Employment in Virginia, adopted September, 2005, revised September 2006, reviewed December 2012
Department of Health Professions Trends NCLEX Success Faculty Development Where is the LPN working? Accreditation
Department of Health Professions NCLEX Success
Department of Health Professions NCLEX Success Administration StudentFaculty
Department of Health Professions NCSBN Practice analysis Detailed Test Plan Students and educators Questions about the NCLEX exam?
Department of Health Professions Faculty Development Continued development in clinical practice and nursing education Faculty orientation and mentoring to the role as educator NCSBN –Understanding the NCLEX –Item writing –Professional boundaries
Department of Health Professions DHP Workforce Data
Department of Health Professions Accreditation Accreditation Commission For Education in Nursing – Commission for Nursing Education Accreditation –
Department of Health Professions Questions?