[Entrepreneur ’ s name] [Date] [Business Name] 1
[Explain your business idea and why you selected your business] Explain your type of business: [Service, Retail, Manufacturing, Wholesale] & how your business will satisfy a consumer need.] Business Profile 2
Qualifications [ List 3 skills or resources that you have that will help make your business successful] 3
Economics of One Unit Definition of One Unit Selling Price per Unit$ (A) Direct Labor (if applicable) $ (B) Materials (if applicable) $ (C) Total COSTS Per Unit (B+C) $ (D) Other Variable Costs (outgoing shipping, packaging, commissions) $ (E) Total Variable Costs (D+E) $ (F) Gross Profit Per Unit (A-F) $ 4
Cost of Materials/Direct Labor Definition of One Unit: Material DescriptionCost /QuantityCost per Unit ($) TOTAL$ TOTAL MATERIALS/DIRECT LABOR $ 5
Competition CompetitorPriceLocationQuality [ex. Local seller] [ex. National chain] Competitive Advantage Chapter 8 [List 2 reasons why customers will purchase your product or service over your competitor ’ s.] chapter 8 (Remember: Lowest price is not a sustainable competitive advantage.) 6
Marketing Mix & Plan Price: Place: Product: Promotion: (Use the chart below) MethodDescriptionTarget Consumer ( age, gender, location) Cost 7
Philanthropy Plan [Describe how your business will give back to the community or support a cause that you believe in.] [Explain how you will incorporate philanthropy into your marketing plan.] 8
Average Monthly Fixed Costs Type of Fixed CostMonthly Cost [enter fixed cost] example: utilities, salaries, advertising, etc $ [enter fixed cost]$ $ $ TOTAL Fixed Monthly Costs$ 9
Monthly Sales Projection MonthUnits Sold January February March April May June July August September October November December Total = 10
Projected Yearly Income Statement Selling Price Per Unit$ (A) # of Units Sold (B) Total Sales (A*B) $ (C) Less Variable Costs Total COGS (COGS per unit * B) $ (D) Other Variable Costs (Other variable costs per unit * B) $ (E) Total Variable Costs (D+E) $ (F) Gross Profit (C-F) $ (G) Less Fixed Costs USAIIRD (Yearly) $ Unforeseen$ Total Fixed Costs$ (H) Profit before Taxes (G-H) $ (I) Less Estimated (I *.25) $ (J) Net Profit (I-J) $ 11
Start-up Investment Description of SuppliesVendor NamePrice $ $ $ $ CASH RESERVE covering 3 months of fixed costs $ Estimated TOTAL START-UP INVESTMENT $ 12
Financing Strategy for Total Start-up Investment SourceAmount Personal Savings [ How will you save?] $ Relatives/Friends$ Investor [Who is it?] $ Grant [From Whom?] $ Total: $ 13
Return On Investment Return on Investment (ROI) Yearly Net Profit ÷ Start-up Investment X 100 % For every $1 dollar invested, my business earned : $ (Double click on chart to add information) 14
Business & Educational Goals Business - [enter short term goal] - [enter long term goal] Educational - [enter short term goal] - [enter long term goal] 15
[Enter your mission statement (or slogan if applicable)] Thank you for your consideration of [Enter company name]