Evolution or Revolution? Experiences & Aspirations From Cardiff Dr Luke Sloan School of Social Sciences Dr Luke Sloan School of Social.


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Presentation transcript:

Evolution or Revolution? Experiences & Aspirations From Cardiff Dr Luke Sloan School of Social Sciences Dr Luke Sloan School of Social Sciences

Introduction Historical Issues Investment Evolution… – Curriculum Innovation – Researcher Development Initiative Revolution?… – Undergraduate Research Methods Problems & Solutions?

As If By Magic… My name is XXXX and I have just finished my third and final year studying XXXX at Cardiff University. Currently, I am looking to continue my education to a higher level over in Holland, however after my recent unsuccessful application to the university of XXXX, I was wondering if it were possible to ask for some advice? The feedback I received after applying for a two year research masters in Psychology was that my academic record reflected too little training in Methodology and Statistics, lacking experience in quantitative research. [I’m applying for different courses but] I still worry that the candidates they will be looking for will hold more quantitative knowledge that what I possess- particularly as the requirements to one of the universities I have been researching asks for; '.. sufficient knowledge of methods and statistics (up to 20 EC): introductory and more advanced courses in methods and statistics of psychological research (including psychometrics, multivariate data analysis) and the use of SPSS‘ Although I have completed the modules 'Introduction to Social Research Methods' (year 1),'Social Research Methods' (year 2) and additionally completed a research dissertation (unfortunately using qualitative methods), do you know of any way I could increase my knowledge of quantitative research and statistics?

Historical Issues The general problem with the logic of empirical research is not confined to quantitative methods (QM) Typically research methods is taught by ‘service teachers’ whose fundamental substantive interest is not methodology or methods This means that curriculum innovation for research methods stagnates whilst substantive modules continue to develop Research methods require an alternative pedagogical approach to substantive modules which can be problematic

Investment Building staff capacity in QM teaching Two new posts have allowed us to develop viable bids (evolution) This has also allowed large-scale curriculum development (revolution?) Able to provide named experts in QM to support staff (also postgraduate students) Paradox of appointing a ‘Lecturer in QM’?

Evolution… ESRC CI Brief Embedding QM in substantive modules Joint venture with Plymouth University QM material framework is the same at both institutions Race and Ethnicity at Cardiff Equality and Diversity at Plymouth Reciprocal arrangement to pilot materials with Manchester

Evolution… ESRC CI Research Design These are both optional modules (in addition to generic core research methods) Allows (natural) experimental and control group All students to take part in an online ‘before and after’ survey enquiring about/testing QM knowledge Additional measure of success will be the use of QM in dissertations (despite supervision arrangements?...)

Evolution… ESRC RDI Embedding QM in substantive modules Embedding substantive issues in generic research methods modules 5 workshops involving international experts in teaching QM (USA, Netherlands, New Zealand) Open to any academic in UK HEI who teaches QM in some capacity

Evolution… ESRC RDI Brief Focus on sharing materials and good practice ‘Masterclasses’ in teaching QM (see Online collaborative space (controlled access initially) Developing an international pedagogic community Feedback regarding the usefulness of each workshop… “Understanding that others encounter the same problems as us, being able to exchange ideas about how to overcome problems, sharing materials and good practice” Workshop 1 feedback response to ‘which element of the programme was the most beneficial to you any why?’

Evolution… ESRC RDI Structure Workshop Level Taught at TopicExpertsVenue 27 th -28 th March 2012 Year 1 U/G Introduction to Social Research – Engaging Student with Evidence Ted Gerber (USA) Mike Hout (UC Berkeley) Chris Wild (NZ) Richard Zijdeman (NL) RSS London 28 th -29 th June 2012 Year 2/2 U/G Embed QM in Sociology of Education and Social Stratification [substantive] Don Treiman (UCLA) Ted Gerber (USA) Neville Davies (RSSCSE) Cardiff 1-2 Nov 2012Year 2 U/G Data Collection & Analysis for Generic Research Methods Modules Marc Swyngedouw (BEL) Don Treiman (UCLA) Richard Zijdeman (NL) Manchester March 2013 Year 2/3 U/G Embed QM in Political Sociology & Race & Ethnicity [substantive] Marc Swyngedouw (BEL) Mike Hout (UC Berkeley) Cardiff 28 June 2013All U/G Final Conference inc. presentation of materials, establishing legacy All SpeakersCardiff

Revolution?… UG Research Methods Year 1 Research Methods: – Research Methods at year 1 focuses exclusively on philosophy of knowledge, research design and data collection – Two hour lectures at year 1 with additional supporting seminar programme (task orientated) – Assessed through 1 MCQ exam and a ‘Research Proposal’ coursework which must use both qualitative and quantitative methods This ensures a solid grounding in the logic of empirical analysis and the focus on research design downplays the qual/quant divide

Revolution?... UG Research Methods Year 2 Research Methods: – Induction week ‘Methods Festival’ – Focus on data analysis and writing-up (using data collected in study designed during year 1) – 1 hour lecture and 1 hour computer workshop per week (not necessarily PC based tasks…) – Assessed through a portfolio of work related to weekly tasks with MCQ exam involving interpretation of tables etc. The focus is on methods as a toolkit – use the technique that is most appropriate! Use of own data should increase interest and regularity will maintain momentum The focus is on methods as a toolkit – use the technique that is most appropriate! Use of own data should increase interest and regularity will maintain momentum

Problems & Solutions? If methods are skill-based then the traditional model of 6 hours reading per week is not viable Research methods should be learnt through doing as well as theory This is the ‘natural science’ model with lab time in which skills can be practised (resource intensive) But funding for teaching STEM subjects is currently beyond our reach (STEM skills instead maybe?) Every room can be a lab if students have laptops…

Evolution or Revolution? Experience & Aspirations From Cardiff Dr Luke Sloan School of Social Sciences Dr Luke Sloan School of Social Sciences