Fish! Common Types Animal Science Level 1
Animals around us: Fish
Fish: What are they? Video Questions Complete after watching the video
Objectives Define Fish Identify common fish sold in the animal science industry Analyze common characteristics of fish
Warm Up Is this a fish?
Essential Question What are common characteristics shared by most fish?
What is a fish? Define: Any of numerous cold- blooded aquatic vertebrates of the subclass Pisces, characteristically having fins, gills, and a streamlined body and including specifically: Any of numerous cold- blooded aquatic vertebrates of the subclass Pisces, characteristically having fins, gills, and a streamlined body and including specifically:
What is a fish? Define: Any of the class Osteichthyes, having a bony skeleton. Any of the class Osteichthyes, having a bony skeleton.
Types of Fish Freshwater: fish that spend some or all of their lives in freshwater, such as rivers and lakes, with a salinity of less than 0.05% fish that spend some or all of their lives in freshwater, such as rivers and lakes, with a salinity of less than 0.05%
Types of Fish Salt water: Fish living in water containing from 3.0 to 3.5% total salts. Fish living in water containing from 3.0 to 3.5% total salts. Ocean type fish Ocean type fish
Freshwater Types: Livebearers, Guppies, Gouramis, Betta, Oscar, Cichlids, Goldfish (MUCH MORE!) Diet: Omnivores
Freshwater Behavior: Certain fish occupy different levels in the tank Certain fish occupy different levels in the tank Territorial Territorial
Types of Freshwater Fish: Get Paper Next are photos of the fish discussed. Make a graphic organizer that compares their features and care. You will have an identification quiz later.
Types of Freshwater Fish: Get Paper
Fresh Water Fish Types and Care Fresh Water Fish Types and Care Each group has an article on a type of fish and care Read your article and answer the following questions:
Fresh Water Fish Types and Care Fresh Water Fish Types and Care 1. What type of fish? 2. Size, Experience Level, Lifespan 3. 3 things a beginner fish owner should know about your type of fish. Students will be taking notes on your presentations.
Salt Water Types: Damsels/Clownfish, Gobies, Tangs/Angels Diet: Omnivores Behavior: Territorial (most types)
Types of Saltwater Fish Below are photos of the fish discussed. Make a graphic organizer that compares their features and care. You will have an identification quiz
Types of Saltwater Fish
Coral Reef
Vocabulary Territorial: Fish: Freshwater: Salt water:
Fish ID Quiz
Fish! Care Animal Science Level 1
Fish Video
Objectives Explore, Analyze, and Understand the basics of fish care
Essential Question Why is the nitrogen cycle important to fish tanks?
Warm Up What happened here? How might we fix this?
Nitrogen Cycle: Critical to Fish Care Define: the establishment of beneficial bacteria in the aquarium and in the filter media that will help in the conversion of ammonia to nitrite and then the conversion of nitrite to nitrates.
Nitrogen Cycle: Critical to Fish Care Process can take from 2 weeks to 2 months or longer to complete
Nitrogen Cycle
Activities Fish Care: Articles are located at stations throughout the room. You have questions to answer for each packet You will have 20 each station. There are 5 stations.
Fish! Anatomy Animal Science Level 1
Warm Up Is this a Fish?
Essential Question How are fish bodies suited for swimming?
External Anatomy
Internal Anatomy
Anatomy Explained Brain: seat of the mental faculties of a fish. Esophagus: part of the digestive tract connecting the mouth to the stomach. Dorsal aorta: vessel in the back that carries blood from the heart to the organs.
Anatomy Explained Stomach: part of the digestive tract between the esophagus and the intestine. Air bladder: pocket in which urine collects. Spinal cord: part of the nervous system that connects the brain to all other parts of a fish
Anatomy Explained Kidney: blood-purifying organ. Urinary orifice: opening for eliminating urine. Genital Orifice: opening related to the genital organs. Anus: end of the digestive tract. Gonad: hormone-secreting sexual gland of a fish.
Anatomy Explained Intestine: last part of the digestive tract. Pyloric cecum: cul-de-sac related to the intestine. Gall bladder: small sac containing the bile. Liver: bile-producing digestive gland. Heart: blood-pumping organ.
Anatomy Explained Gills: respiratory organ of a fish. Tooth: hard organ of a fish used to shred food. Eye: sight organ of a fish. Olfactory bulb: bulging part of the smell organ of smell of a fish
Science of the Sea
Activity Comparing Fish, Reptile and Bird Anatomy worksheet
Fish! Diseases Animal Science Level 1
Warm Up What happened to this fish?
Essential Question Why would fish disease be hard to spot?
Common Fish Diseases Clamped Fins The fish clamps its fins close against the its body Shimmy Looks like the fish is swimming fast but staying in the same place.
Common Fish Diseases Ich Spots Ich looks like tiny white spots on the body and fins of the fish.
Common Fish Diseases Red or White Sores Many things can cause sores on fish such as fights with other fish, scraping on sharp rocks, and small wounds that get infected and grow bigger.
Common Fish Diseases Crashed on the Bottom When fish crash on the bottom and do not swim, it is usually a sign that they are exhausted. There are many reasons a fish can become exhausted, but quite often they have been sick, and probably showed symptoms such as gasping, shimmy, or clamped fins, before they became tired and crashed on the bottom.
Diseases Glancing is a fish behavior where a fish rubs itself on the bottom of the aquarium, or on the gravel, or on a rock or ornament. The fish rubs or glances because it is itchy.
Diseases Loss of Appetite If your fish is not eating or takes food in its mouth and then immediately spits it out, your fish is showing one of the Signs of Stress and Disease.
Diseases Pop-eye in itself is not a disease but is more a symptom of an underlying infection.
Red Sores, Pop eye
Gasping at the Surface Gasping at the Surface A fish that is gasping at the surface of the water is usually suffering from a lack of oxygen, that could be due to a lack of oxygen in the water or the fish's inability to absorb the oxygen from the water.
Clam and Ich
Pamphlet Students will create a pamphlet on how to keep your fish happy and healthy Must be colored Things to do, NOT diseases
Killer Algae
Video Reviews Care for Fish: Aquariums Aquariums Fish Care General Tips: Maintain-an-Aquarium---General-Tips http:// Maintain-an-Aquarium---General-Tips Adding to your Tank : Aquarium---Adding-Fish Aquarium---Adding-Fish Fish Diseases: Maintain-an-Aquarium---Fish-Diseases http:// Maintain-an-Aquarium---Fish-Diseases