Parent Training: Communicable Diseases & Bloodborne Pathogens Community Council of Idaho, Inc. Migrant & Seasonal Head Start
Communicable diseases, Sometimes called infectious diseases Illnesses caused by organisms such as Bacteria Viruses Fungi (hongos) Parasites (parásito) Sometimes not due to the organism itself, but rather a toxin (toxina).
Illnesses caused by organisms such as: V_ _ _ _ _ _ F_ _ _ _ P_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Communicable Diseases What are some that you can think of? How are they transmitted? Bacteria: Tuberculosis: Suspected cases also are reportable; 3 days to report to local Health District Botulism: foodborne, infant, other; report IMMEDIATELY E. coli: 1 day to report Viral Diseases Hepatitis A, B, C: 1 day to report Measles (rubeola): 1 day to report West Nile virus infections: report within 3 days Other Foodborne illness/food poisoning: 1 day Lead ≥ 10 µg/dl whole blood: report within 3 days
How are CD Transmitted (spread) One infected person to another, From an animal to a human, or From some inanimate object Ex: doorknobs to an individual (tirador de la puerta) Some communicable diseases can be spread in more than one way.
How are CD Transmitted (spread) B C D
Why are Young Children at Risk? Children in child care are more likely to get sick than children who stay at home. Children are at risk for getting communicable diseases because: they have developing immune systems Infants & young children explore their environment by using their hands and mouths. Young children do not wash their hands on their own after toileting, eating or wiping their noses, they often spread germs. Staff may not always take time to wash their hands between activities (i.e. diapering, wiping noses, preparing food).
What types of diseases are most commonly seen in young children? Ear Infections: Not contagious Upper Respiratory: Contagious Runny Nose: often a sign of a respiratory illness caused by a virus, but can also come from crying, teething, being out in cold weather, or allergies. Rashes are not usually contagious (2 common rashes). Heat rash: mostly found in the skin folds of a child and is a small, red rash that t is most often the result of being too bundled up. It will disappear once the child is cooler. Milia: occurs on the face & consists of very small, white bumps over the forehead and cheeks. Harmless and will eventually go away.
Continued Nausea and Vomiting: Viral infection that is contagious. There are many reasons for nausea and vomiting, including illness, so a vomiting infant should be separated from other children, and monitored closely for signs of dehydration and illness. Pink Eye: contagious
How are Diseases Spread? Respiratory: most common way diseases pass from one child to another is through direct contact with the mucous membranes of the nose, mouth or eyes (due to inadequate hygiene). Recurrent middle ear infection Meningitis Upper respiratory infections (colds, coughs, sinusitis) Sore throat Lower respiratory infections (pneumonia, repiratory syncytila virus(RSV)) Haemophilus Influenza type B (HIB) Whooping cough (pertussis) Tuberculosis Swine-Influenza (see handout)
Fecal-Oral: viruses can be passed from one person to another through inadequate hand washing or hand-to-mouth behavior, fecal material is brought into a child’s mouth, causing illness. Children in diapers and children that put toys and other objects in their mouths are at risk. An uncovered sandbox can contain cat or other animal feces that may cause disease in humans. Diarrheal illnesses, pinworms, hand-foot-mouth disease (coxsackie), and hepatitis A.
Skin-to-Skin: viruses can be spread by touching and sharing of personal belongings, dress-up clothes, stuffed toys and other items can contribute to the transmission of some infections: Chickenpox (varicella) Impetigo (skin infection caused by bacteria) Scabies (itchy skin caused by mites) Head lice Scalp and body ringworm Herpes simplex virus (cold sores)
Body Fluids: Blood, Urine, Saliva (Bloodborne Pathogens) Bloodborne disease: disease carried by blood or other body fluid Germs live in body fluids When children put toys and fingers in their mouths, they can spread disease through their body fluids Cytomegalovirus (CMV): viral infection that is usually harmless unless the immune system is weak Hepatitis B and C HIV / AIDS
How are Diseases Spread? F S B
Rompa la cadena de la enfermedad!! Washing hands is one of the most important steps we can take to avoid getting sick and spreading germs to others. WASH YOUR HANDS: #1 preventing communicable diseases Follow sanitation and hygiene procedures Stay home if you are sick Follow Short Exclusion of Ill Children Policy Train parents on what they can do
ACTIVITY: Hand Washing Supplies Needed: Glow Germs Black Light
INSTRUCTIONS: Glo Germ™ Liquid is rubbed onto one’s hands like lotion INSTRUCTIONS: Glo Germ™ Liquid is rubbed onto one’s hands like lotion. Then wash your hands as normal. Use the ultra-violet light to discover remaining germs left behind. Review proper hand washing procedures.