Texas Clean Rivers Program Nueces River Authority Texas Commission on Environmental Quality Citizens
30,500 square miles 3 Basins 23 Watersheds 45 Segments CRP Area of Responsibility
Overview of the Clean Rivers Program Funding and Allocation of Resources –State fee-funded –$9 Million State-Wide for 2 years –NRA: $548,272 Project Administration – 21% Quality Assurance – 4% Water Quality Monitoring – 39% Data Management – 13% Data Analysis and Reporting – 9% Stakeholder Participation and Public Outreach – 13% Special Projects – 1%
Deliverables Quality Assured Data Basin Highlights Report Basin Summary Report (every 5 th year) Data Accessibility via Website
Overview of the Clean Rivers Program Role of the Steering Committee and Stakeholders –Objective 4: Inform and Engage Stakeholders 1. Give stakeholders the opportunity to contribute their ideas and concerns through steering committee meetings, public meetings, and/or other forums 2. Participate in public information and education activities to increase stakeholder involvement in the program and interest in water quality issues 3. Communicate information on water quality issues to stakeholders so that priorities may be set considering local, regional, state, and federal needs 4. Support stakeholders, volunteers, and other programs in addressing water quality issues 5. Provide information requested by interested parties and disseminate information via the Internet
Overview of the Clean Rivers Program Water Quality Assessment –2006 – December 1, 1999 – November 30, 2004 –2008 – December 1, 1999 – November 30, 2006 Water Quality Inventory –Concerns – 305(b) list –Impairments – 303(d) list
Monitoring Schedule
FY 2008 Monitoring Sites San Antonio – Nueces Coastal Basin –NRA 12 sites –TCEQ 12 sites
FY 2008 Monitoring Sites Nueces Basin –NRA 18 sites –TCEQ 17 sites
FY 2008 Monitoring Sites Nueces – Rio Grande Coastal Basin –NRA 3 sites 2 24-DO sites on Arroyo Colorado CWQM on Petronila Creek –TCEQ 33 sites – City of Abilene (Boy Scouts of America) 1 site
Use Assessment & Monitoring Parameters Aquatic Life –Dissolved Oxygen Public Water Supply –Chloride –Sulfate –TDS Contact Recreation –Bacteria General Use –Water Temperature –pH –Ammonia –Nitrogen –Phosphorus Fish Consumption –Fish Tissue © Shedd Aquarium/ Aquarium/
Delistings from the 303d list 2104 Nueces River Above Frio River (depressed DO) 2107 Atascosa River (impaired habitat) 2113 Upper Frio River (impaired habitat) 2116 Choke Canyon Reservoir (bacteria) 2117 Frio River Above Choke Canyon Reservoir (depressed DO) 2204 Petronila Creek Above Tidal (chloride, sulfate, TDS) 2485 Oso Bay (bacteria)
New Listings on the 303d list 2117 Frio River Above Choke Canyon Reservoir (bacteria)
Continued Listings on the 303d list 2001 Mission River Tidal – bacteria 2003 Aransas River Tidal – bacteria 2004A West Aransas Creek (unclassified) – bacteria 2106 Nueces/Lower Frio River – TDS 2107 Atascosa River – bacteria, impaired fish community, depressed DO 2108 San Miguel Creek – bacteria 2109 Leona River - bacteria 2113 Upper Frio River – impaired fish community, impaired macrobenthic community 2116 Choke Canyon Reservoir – depressed DO 2117 Frio River Above Choke Canyon Reservoir – bacteria 2201 Arroyo Colorado Tidal – bacteria, depressed DO 2202 Arroyo Colorado Above Tidal - bacteria
Status/updates Water Quality Standards TCEQ website: 1997 Texas Surface Water Quality Standards 2000 Texas Surface Water Quality Standards EPA Approval of 2000 Standards Timeline Future Revisions of the Texas Surface Water Quality Standards Surface Water Quality Standards Workgroup
Copano Bay/Aransas and Mission Rivers Bacteria TMDL for bacteria (2003) To support this TMDL: TSSWCB and NRA funding for more monitoring 6 events/up to 30 sites (stream sites and WWTP)/year (4 high flow/wet events, 2 low flow/dry events) 3 consecutive days More sites chosen in upper reaches of watershed TWRI and TCE educational programs and assemble and evaluate existing information University of Texas model of watershed Texas A&M CC BST
2008 Basin Summary Report –Draft available for review –Comments by April 30 –Comments to Rocky Freund – –Fax: –Mail: Nueces River Authority 6300 Ocean Drive – Unit 5865 Corpus Christi, TX
Basin Summary Report Format Watershed Overview Segments and Assessment Units Active Wastewater Permits Permit Numbers Discharge Information
Basin Summary Report Format Cont. Sampling History All stations throughout history Current Stations 2008 Monitoring Stations Entity Frequency Parameter Groups AUSiteDate Range 2104_ – At FM , 2002 – _ – SH 16 south of Tilden1972 – Present – Approx km downstream of SH 16 on Smith Lease 2002 – _ – FM 1042 bridge 1.2 miles north of Simmons 1968 – 1992, Present AUSiteEntityFrequencyParameter Groups – SH 16 south of Tilden NRAQuarterlyConventional, Bacteria, Field 2105_ – FM 1042 bridge 1.2 miles north of Simmons NRAQuarterlyConventional, Bacteria, Field
Flow Information Basin Summary Report Format Cont.
Water Quality Analysis and Trend Analysis TDS, chloride, sulfate for entire segment Analysis for each AU (min, max, median, discussion) DO pH Ammonia Nitrate+Nitrite OP Total Phosphorus Chlorophyll a TSS Bacteria (E.Coli, Enterococcus) Basin Summary Report Format Cont. pH (su): 58 samples, ranging from 7.5 to 8.6, median value is 7.8, 0 values outside criteria range of 6.5 to 9, decreasing trend. There is a fairly large variation in pH values, but it does not seem to correlate with seasons or changes in flow. The data indicates a decreasing trend. The values are still well above the minimum criteria value and are not a concern at this time. However, this parameter needs to be watched and understood so that it does not become a problem.
Groundwater Model
Rainfall Runoff Model
Monarch Madness Festival Aquatic Education Program
Wetland on Wheels
Arroyo Colorado Watershed Model
Contact Information Sky Lewey: Rocky Freund: Beth Almaraz: