Windy Dorsey Oral Proposal Defense July 27, 2015 Dr. Mary B Ratliff, Ed.D. Committee Member Dr. Steven Bingham, Ed.D. Committee Member Dr. Mary Beth Roth, Ed.D. Committee Chair
Introduction Background of Study Nature of Study Research of Study Purpose of Study Theoretical Framework Assumptions/Limitations /Delimitations Literature Review Research Design Setting and Sample Instrumentation Data Collection & Analysis Participant Rights Dissemination of Data Social Change
Researcher ◦ Instructional Coach ◦ Support Schools Across the State Background of Study ◦ History of Low Reading Scores in District ◦ District identified as low-performing district with Race to the Top in ◦ Read to Achieve law ◦ Adoption of McGraw-Hill Reading Wonders ™.
Ineffective reading instruction has resulted in students not demonstrating proficiency on the state Reading End of Grade assessment and Reading 3D.
Purpose: The pre-post experimental design will use the NC Beginning of Grade(BOG)/End of Grade (EOG)and Reading 3D to explore the impact of Reading Wonders ™ on third grade students academic achievement. Teacher surveys and interviews will be conducted to determine teacher’s perception of Reading Wonders ™ implementation on student achievement. This study will use a convergent parallel mixed methods. In this approach, both quantitative and qualitative data is collected convergent mixed method the same time to assist with interpreting the outcomes (Creswell, 2014).
Research Design: ◦ NC BOG and EOG and Reading 3D beginning of year (BOY) and end of year (EOY) will be collected in order to determine if the implementation of Reading Wonders ™ has an impact on student reading achievement. ◦ NC BOG and EOG and Reading 3D beginning of year (BOY) and end of year (EOY) will also be collected in order to determine if there is a correlation between teacher’s perceptions of Reading Wonders ™ and student reading achievement.
1. To what extent has Reading Wonders ™ made an impact on students’ reading achievement? 2. To what extent are teacher perceptions of Reading Wonders ™ associated with students’ reading achievement?
The purpose of the convergent mixed method approach study is to determine if there is a correlation between a balanced reading basal and students’ reading achievement and teachers perceptions of the balanced reading basal on students’ reading achievement.
Variables ◦ Independent Variable McGraw-Hill Reading Wonders ™ ◦ Dependent Variable Student Achievement as measured by: Reading 3D Scores Reading Beginning of Grade and End of Grade Scores
The interactive theory also named the balanced approach will be applied to this to this study. The interactive model allows students to integrate the bottom-up and top-down reading theory by simultaneously processing context information and knowledge sources (Rhumelhart, 1977). Fitzgerald and Weaver found that interactive approach develops life-long readers and writers (Donoghue, 2009).
Assumptions ◦ Teachers participating in the study have an understanding of the reading program. ◦ Teachers are implementing the program as prescribed with fidelity on a daily basis. Limitations ◦ The study is limited to all third grade graders in the district. ◦ The study does not include a control group to compare the true impact of the independent variable. ◦ The study is limited to the students in the district due to convenience of being in the district the researcher supports as an instructional coach. Delimitations/Scope ◦ Focused on third grade reading achievement.
Understanding student achievement and the impact of poverty Five components of Reading ◦ Phonological Awareness ◦ Phonics ◦ Fluency ◦ Vocabulary ◦ Text Comprehension
Reading Theories ◦ Bottom-Up Theory ◦ Top-Down Theory ◦ Interactive Theory Basal Reading Programs History of Basal Reading Programs Research on Basal Reading Programs
This mixed method study will be used to determine if Reading Wonders ™ has an impact on student reading achievement and if teachers’ perception of Reading Wonders ™ show a correlation with student reading achievement. Data collection will include fall and spring Reading 3D and BOG/EOG data that will correlated to determine if Reading Wonders ™ had an impact on student achievement. In addition, survey and interviews will be conducted in fall to determine if there is correlation with the teacher perception of Reading Wonders on student achievement.
Setting ◦ Small rural south central NC school district ◦ Title I schools ◦ One primary, five elementary school, one middle school, one alternative school, and three high schools. ◦ Approximate Enrollment 3,500 students Sample ◦ Convenience Sampling Method ◦ All Third Grade Students in District ◦ N= 253
Research Questions Tools/InstrumentsData CollectedMethods of Analysis 1.To what extent has Reading Wonders™ made an impact on students’ reading achievement? Pre-Posttest design Reading 3D scores from BOG/EOG scores from Reading Wonders™ Survey Two-Way ANOVA t-Test
Research Questions Tools/InstrumentsData CollectedMethods of Analysis 2.To what extent are teacher perceptions of Reading Wonders™ associated with students' reading achievement? Likert Scale Open Ended Questions Interviews Responses Reading Wonders™ Teacher Perception Survey (1-10) Responses to Reading Wonders™ Teacher Perception Survey (11-14) Interview Transcripts Pearson-r Axial Coding- Responses will be reviewed the identify patterns, opposing views, and trends Axial Coding- Responses will be reviewed the identify patterns, opposing views, and trends
Reading 3D ◦ Fall and spring results ◦ Text Reading Comprehension and Composite NC BOG/EOG ◦ Fall and spring results ◦ Reading Scores Teacher Survey ◦ Administered electronically ◦ Fall Teacher Interviews ◦ Face to face ◦ Fall
Adapted survey was piloted electronically once the questions were peer-reviewed by the district curriculum administrator, district literacy coach, and district transformation coach. A Cronbach alpha will be conducted on the pilot data to reestablish reliability and internal consistency.
Letter of Cooperation from Superintendent Teacher Consent Forms District third grade BOG and EOG results District third grade Reading 3D results Teacher survey results Teacher interviews Data will be destroyed Data will be collected upon approval of IRB.
Data will be analyzed upon approval of IRB Research Questions: ◦ To what extent has Reading Wonders ™ made an impact on students’ reading achievement? ◦ To what extent are teacher perceptions of Reading Wonders ™ associated with students’ reading achievement? MANOVA will be used analyze the Reading 3D and NC BOG/EOG differences among group means. Cronbach Alpha will be used on the Likert-like items of the survey to determine the reliability. Coding will be used to analyze the open-ended survey and interview responses for themes.
No new participants will be added Letter of Cooperation from Superintendent Teacher consent form Anonymity ◦ Stored electronically ◦ Removal of personal identifying information
Improved academic success Increased literacy Data driven decision making about utilization of balanced reading basals in the classroom. “ It matters little what else they learn in elementary school if they do not learn to read at grade level.” (Fielding, Kerr, & Rosier, 2008, p.30)
Questions Regarding Study?
Creswell, J. (2014). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches (4th ed.). Thousand Oaks, California: SAGE Publications. Donoghue, M. (2009). Language arts: Integrating skills for classroom teaching. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. Fielding, L., Kerr, N., & Rosier, P. (2008). Annual growth for all students, catch-up growth for those who are behind (Second ed.). Kennewick, WA: The New Foundation Press, Inc. Rhumelhart, D. E. (1977). Toward an interactive model for teaching. In S. Dornic (Ed.), In attention and performance (6th ed., pp ). New York: Academic Press.