Sales Kickoff - ARCserve 4/21/2017 5:15:15 AM CCI through Firewall r11 December 2005 - r11 presented created
Objectives CCI Considerations for NSM r11 deployment in DMZ Review different deployment options Review potential Risks , primarily Denial of Service (DOS) attacks
DoS Any software deployed in DMZ requires protection against malicious access or denial of service attacks. This requires review of security solutions to prevent these attacks which is out of scope of this presentation
Agenda CCI Introduction CCI Layers DoS Different Deployment Options
The need for CCI Applications, such as Job Management Agent, Event Management, etc., need to communicate with one another across various servers and platforms.
The need for CCI Allows applications on various platforms to communicate with applications on any other using the mechanism of CCI.
CCI is available on... UNIX NT AS/400 OpenVMS Tandem OS/390
What CCI does…. Allows applications to communicate with one another without considering IPC / network programming issues. Presents set of APIs that allow programmers to focus on what an application needs to do and forget about IPC / network programming issues.
CCI Layers QUES Layer introduced the ability to connect at send time. RMT Layer connects at CCI start up time. RMT has auto-connect capability Auto-connect capability can be disabled with configuration setting
QUES Layer Eliminates need for configuration files New hosts may be brought into configuration with less effort Removal of host from configuration does not affect other hosts Connections between hosts are short lived Bi-Directional CCI Initialization
Sales Kickoff - ARCserve 4/21/2017 5:15:15 AM QUES Layer Requires 7001 port to be unblocked bi-directional CCI Initialization from DMZ and Private Network Potential risk for Denial of Service Attacks Syn Flooding Etc Port must be unblocked for the designated NSM servers and not for all hosts No predefined source port
QUES Layer Transport mechanism Connects with SYN Flag Send Data Disconnect No persistent connection
RMT Layer Persistent Connection Connection established at start up and remains open for duration of CCI Preferred option in Firewall deployment New hosts may be brought in with Auto Connect Feature
RMT Layer Port Usage Source Port can be configured by environment settings Destination port defaults to 1721 but can be configured
Syn Three-way Handshaking DMZ Private SYN/ACK DMZ Private ACK DMZ Private
How SYN Flooding Works A TCP connection request (SYN) is sent to the target computer. The source IP address in the packet can be "spoofed," or replaced with an address that is not in use on the Internet, or that belongs to another computer. An attacker may send many of these TCP SYNs to tie up as many resources as possible on the target computer to exhaust the resources Upon receiving the connection request, the target computer allocates resources to handle and track the new connection, then responds with a "SYN-ACK". In this case, the response is sent to the "spoofed" non- existent IP address. No response is received to the SYN-ACK. A default-configured Windows NT 4.0 computer will retransmit the SYN-ACK 5 times, doubling the time-out value after each retransmission. The initial time-out value is three seconds, so retries are attempted at 3, 6, 12, 24, and 48 seconds. After the last retransmission, 96 seconds are allowed to pass before the computer gives up on receiving a response, and deallocates the resources that were set aside earlier for the connection. This can be configured using registry changes BLOCK 7001 port except for designated NSM servers
Firewall SYN Flood Review Firewall solution to prevent Syn Flood attacks or DoS Ensure, 7001 is only unblocked for the two NSM servers which requires CCI Connectivity
CCI Ports – Windows Transporter Quenetd TCP destination port 7001 for Windows to Windows communication CCI will attempt TCP connection first If fails, will then attempt, RMT daemon on 1721
CCI Transporter Service - QUES Layer TCP 7001 Verify Transport Protocols settings to TCP to avoid attempts to open 7003 or 7004 Transport Protocol defaults to TCP
Firewall Setup Secured DMZ
Testing Environment
Deployment Options
Scenario 1 We want to forward Event exception messages from DMZ without installing the Ingres Client in the DMZ environment How can we configure this?
Deployment - Scenario 1 Install Event Agent Set Event Agent Proxy Node to NSM server inside the firewall Open up CCI 7001 port bi-directional.
DMZ Event DSB Event Agent Proxy Node Specify the node name of Central Server Event Manager DSB refreshed from Central Server
DMZ Event DSB If proxy node not required, then local dsb can be pushed to DMZ by other means
Sales Kickoff - ARCserve 4/21/2017 5:15:15 AM Windows -> Windows MDB Secured Zone DSM wvdbt Common Services EVT TCP 7001 TCP 7001 FIREWALL Common Services DSM EVT DMZ 7001 Unblocked both directions – CCI may be initiated from DMZ
Scenario 2 We want to open CCI port for outbound traffic only and prevent CCI initialization from taking place in the DMZ How can we configure this?
Scenario 2 RMT daemon provides persistent connection Customize ccirmtd.rc to start up connection from secured network Add the Windows servers to RMTHOSTNAME entries
Windows – Windows Remote RMTHOSTS Sales Kickoff - ARCserve 4/21/2017 5:15:15 AM Windows – Windows Remote RMTHOSTS Secured Node DMZ Add Windows node to RMTHOSTS settings for DMZ and secured servers
Windows – Windows Remote RMTHOSTS Update RMTHOSTS on both Windows nodes. If only one node is updated, the other Windows node will use the QUES layer. For example: RMTHOSTS entry on DMZ node not updated to use RMT layer for secured zone node Secured server RMTHOSTS entry updated to use RMT layer for DMZ node. All requests from secured to DMZ will use RMT. Events from DMZ to secured will use QUES layer. This port would be blocked. It will then attempt to use RMT port.
ccirmtd.rc location ccirmtd.rc must reside in ca_appsw directory - NOT caiuser directory (as in previous releases)
Windows – Windows Remote Secured ccirmtd.rc Sales Kickoff - ARCserve 4/21/2017 5:15:15 AM Windows – Windows Remote Secured ccirmtd.rc Add Windows node to ccirmtd.rc to prevent potential first autoConnect attempt failure. The CCIRMTD.rc in the secured network must be updated to startup RMT connection
Windows – Windows Remote DMZ ccirmtd.rc CCIRMTD.rc file on the DMZ must have entry with nostart and retry=0 (no retry). This prevents CCI initialization from DMZ environment
Windows – Windows Remote Source Port To pre-define source port for RMT connection, add environment variable CAI_CCI_PORT1
Source Port
Inbound CAM port Blocked
CAM Inbound CAM inbound traffic denied if CAM not initiated from secured zone
Sales Kickoff - ARCserve 4/21/2017 5:15:15 AM Windows -> Windows Remote Secured Network MDB DSM wvdbt Common Services EVT FIREWALL TCP 1721 Common Services DSM EVT 7001 Blocked - Persistent Connection and traffic initiated from Private network DMZ Note that –r cannot go at the end of the line – it must be at begin of parameters
DMZ -> Secured
Deployment - Scenario 3 Client would like to use QUES Layer but wish to block 7001 port from DMZ to private network. What are the implications?
DMZ -> Secured Execute cawto in DMZ environment to send message to Private network Cawto [<secured>] Sending message from DMZ to Private Message will be denied by Firewall Exception messages cannot be forwarded from DMZ to secured network
DMZ -> Private with 7001 Blocked
Summary For Windows – Windows, use Ques Layer with 7001 unblocked for the selected NSM servers only. CCI Initialization from DMZ and Secured environment For Windows – Windows , configure RMT layer to avoid by-directional unblocking of ports For Windows –> Unix or UNIX -> Windows (including Linux) , RMT layer provides persistent connection
Sales Kickoff - ARCserve 4/21/2017 5:15:15 AM Questions and Answers Any questions?