co-founder / CTO @ data Artisans Apache Flink Stephan Ewen Flink committer co-founder / CTO @ data Artisans @StephanEwen
Looking back one year
April 16, 2014
Stratosphere Optimizer Pact API (Java) DataSet API (Scala) Stratosphere Optimizer Stratosphere Runtime Iterations, Yarn support, Local execution, accummulators, web frontend, HBase, JDBC, Windows compatibility, mvn central, Local Remote Batch processing on a pipelining engine, with iterations …
Looking at now…
What is Apache Flink? Flink Real-time data streams (master) ETL, Graphs, Machine Learning Relational, … Low latency, windowing, aggregations, ... Event logs Kafka, RabbitMQ, ... Historic data HDFS, JDBC, ...
DataStream (Java/Scala) What is Apache Flink? HDFS Python Gelly Table ML Dataflow SAMOA Dataflow HCatalog HBase DataSet (Java/Scala) DataStream (Java/Scala) Hadoop M/R JDBC Flink Optimizer Stream Builder Kafka Flink Dataflow Runtime RabbitMQ Flume Local Remote Yarn Tez Embedded
Batch / Steaming APIs DataSet API (batch): DataStream API (streaming): case class Word (word: String, frequency: Int) DataSet API (batch): val lines: DataSet[String] = env.readTextFile(...) lines.flatMap {line => line.split(" ") .map(word => Word(word,1))} .groupBy("word").sum("frequency") .print() DataStream API (streaming): val lines: DataStream[String] = env.fromSocketStream(...) lines.flatMap {line => line.split(" ") .map(word => Word(word,1))} .window(Count.of(1000)).every(Count.of(100)) .groupBy("word").sum("frequency") .print()
Technology inside Flink case class Path (from: Long, to: Long) val tc = edges.iterate(10) { paths: DataSet[Path] => val next = paths .join(edges) .where("to") .equalTo("from") { (path, edge) => Path(path.from, } .union(paths) .distinct() next DataSource orders.tbl Filter Map lineitem.tbl Join Hybrid Hash buildHT probe hash-part [0] GroupRed sort forward Type extraction stack Dataflow Graph Cost-based optimizer Pre-flight (Client) Program deploy operators Memory manager Out-of-core algos Batch & Streaming State & Checkpoints Recovery metadata Task scheduling track intermediate results Master Workers
Flink by Feature / Use Case
Data Streaming Analysis
Life of data streams Create: create streams from event sources (machines, databases, logs, sensors, …) Collect: collect and make streams available for consumption (e.g., Apache Kafka) Process: process streams, possibly generating derived streams (e.g., Apache Flink)
Stream Analysis in Flink More at:
Defining windows in Flink Trigger policy When to trigger the computation on current window Eviction policy When data points should leave the window Defines window width/size E.g., count-based policy evict when #elements > n start a new window every n-th element Built-in: Count, Time, Delta policies
Checkpointing / Recovery Flink acknowledges batches of records Less overhead in failure-free case Currently tied to fault tolerant data sources (e.g., Kafka) Flink operators can keep state State is checkpointed Checkpointing and record acks go together Exactly one semantics for state
Checkpointing / Recovery Operator checkpoint starting Pushes checkpoint barriers through the data flow Checkpoint done barrier Data Stream checkpoint in progress After barrier = Not in snapshot Before barrier = part of the snapshot (backup till next snapshot) Checkpoint done Chandy-Lamport Algorithm for consistent asynchronous distributed snapshots
Heavy ETL Pipelines
Heavy Data Pipelines Apology: Graph had to be blurred for online slides, due to confidentiality Complex ETL programs
Sorting, hashing, caching Memory Management Flink contains its own memory management stack. Memory is allocated, de-allocated, and used strictly using an internal buffer pool implementation. To do that, Flink contains its own type extraction and serialization components. User code objects Unmanaged public class WC { public String word; public int count; } Sorting, hashing, caching empty page Managed Shuffling, broadcasts Pool of Memory Pages More at:
Smooth out-of-core performance Single-core join of 1KB Java objects beyond memory (4 GB) Blue bars are in-memory, orange bars (partially) out-of-core More at:
Benefits of managed memory More reliable and stable performance (less GC effects, easy to go to disk)
Table API val customers = envreadCsvFile(…).as('id, 'mktSegment) .filter( 'mktSegment === "AUTOMOBILE" ) val orders = env.readCsvFile(…) .filter( o => dateFormat.parse(o.orderDate).before(date) ) .as('orderId, 'custId, 'orderDate, 'shipPrio) val items = orders .join(customers).where('custId === 'id) .join(lineitems).where('orderId === 'id) .select('orderId,'orderDate,'shipPrio, 'extdPrice * (Literal(1.0f) - 'discount) as 'revenue) val result = items .groupBy('orderId, 'orderDate, 'shipPrio) .select('orderId, 'revenue.sum, 'orderDate, 'shipPrio)
Iterations in Data Flows Machine Learning Algorithms
Iterate by looping Client Step Step Step Step Step for/while loop in client submits one job per iteration step Data reuse by caching in memory and/or disk
Iterate in the Dataflow
Large-Scale Machine Learning Factorizing a matrix with 28 billion ratings for recommendations (Scale of Netflix or Spotify) More at:
State in Iterations Graphs and Machine Learning
Iterate natively with deltas Replace initial workset A B workset workset initial partial delta iteration X Y solution solution set r esult other datasets Mer ge deltas
Effect of delta iterations… # of elements updated iteration
… very fast graph analysis Performance competitive with dedicated graph analysis systems … and mix and match ETL-style and graph analysis in one program More at:
Flink Roadmap for 2015 Out-of-core state in Streaming Monitoring and scaling for streaming Streaming Machine Learning with SAMOA More additions to the libraries Batch Machine Learning Graph library additions (more algorithms) SQL on top of expression language Master failover
Flink community #unique contributor ids by git commits dev list: 300-400 messages/month. record 1000 messages on @ApacheFlink
Cornerpoints of Flink Design Flexible Data Streaming Engine Robust Algorithms on Managed Memory No OutOfMemory Errors Scales to very large JVMs Efficient an robust processing Low Latency Steam Proc. Highly flexible windows High-level APIs, beyond key/value pairs Pipelined Execution of Batch Programs Java/Scala/Python (upcoming) Relational-style optimizer Better shuffle performance Scales to very large groups Active Library Development Native Iterations Very fast Graph Processing Stateful Iterations for ML Graphs / Machine Learning Streaming ML (coming)
Program optimization
A simple program val orders = … val lineitems = … val filteredOrders = orders .filter(o => dataFormat.parse(l.shipDate).after(date)) .filter(o => o.shipPrio > 2) val lineitemsOfOrders = filteredOrders .join(lineitems) .where(“orderId”).equalTo(“orderId”) .apply((o,l) => new SelectedItem(o.orderDate, l.extdPrice)) val priceSums = lineitemsOfOrders .groupBy(“orderDate”).sum(“l.extdPrice”);
relative sizes of input files Two execution plans GroupRed GroupRed sort sort hash-part [0,1] Combine Best plan depends on relative sizes of input files forward Join Hybrid Hash Join Hybrid Hash buildHT probe buildHT probe broadcast forward hash-part [0] hash-part [0] Map DataSource lineitem.tbl Map DataSource lineitem.tbl Filter Filter DataSource orders.tbl DataSource orders.tbl
Examples of optimization Task chaining Coalesce map/filter/etc tasks Join optimizations Broadcast/partition, build/probe side, hash or sort-merge Interesting properties Re-use partitioning and sorting for later operations Automatic caching E.g., for iterations
Visualization tools
Visualization tools
Visualization tools