Configuring the MagicInfo Pro Display
Configuring the MagicInfo Pro Display Once the MagicInfo Pro Server software is installed on a networked PC, the next step in assembling the MagicInfo Pro digital signage system is to configure the display itself. This configuration will require a USB keyboard and mouse to be connected to the display’s onboard USB ports. The display may be configured before or after it is installed, but it is recommended to have it already connected to the network the MagicInfo Pro Server is set up on, in order to immediately test the connection between the two devices.
Configuring the MagicInfo Pro Display The first step in configuring the MagicInfo Pro display is to access the setup menu. To do this, the user needs to close the MagicInfo Pro software running on the display’s computer, in order to show the Windows Desktop. This can be achieved by pressing Alt+F12 on the keyboard.
Configuring the MagicInfo Pro Display The MagicInfo Pro Setup utility is accessed through the globe icon near the clock, in the Windows Taskbar.
Configuring the MagicInfo Pro Display Right clicking the MagicInfo Pro globe icon will bring up a context menu of available setup options, as shown below. Left clicking on any option will bring up it’s associated MagicInfo Pro Setup menu in a new window. About: Displays version information for the MagicInfo Pro Client on the display. EWF: Brings up the Enhanced Write Filter controls. Password: Brings up the client password control. Setup: Brings up the main setup menu for the MagicInfo Pro Client Rotation: Allows changing from landscape to portrait modes. Program: Allows the user to select which version of MagicInfo Pro will be used on the display, for backwards compatibility with MagicInfo Pro X. Exit: Closes the MagicInfo Pro Client completely.
EWF – Enhanced Write Filter Setup EWF (Enhanced Write Filter) is a utility that provides protection against setting changes to the display’s operating system. When enabled, no changes made to the client setup will be saved after reboot, unless those changes have been committed by the write filter program. This filter should not be disabled unless absolutely necessary. The EWF setup menu shows the current setting of the filter (enabled or disabled) as well as the command that will be performed on the next boot.
EWF – Enhanced Write Filter Setup There are three commands available to the user for the EWF: Disable and Restart: This will turn off the EWF and restart the PC. This is not recommended. Enable and Restart: This will turn the EWF on, if it has been disabled, and restart the PC. Commit: This will save any changed settings to the write filter. After any settings are changed, in order to retain those settings through reboot, the user must run this command.
Password Setup Selecting Password will bring up the Password controls for the MagicInfo Pro client. This option allows the user to add, remove, or change the password for access to the MagicInfo Pro client. To change the password, the original password must be entered into the Old Password box, and the new password should be entered into the New Password and Confirm Password boxes. Checking the Use Password Lock option will cause the client to require the password before allowing the user to access the setup menus. Clicking OK will confirm any changes made. Cancel will reject any changes.
MagicInfo Pro Setup The Setup option will allow the user to access the main configuration menu for the MagicInfo Pro client. From here, the network settings can be controlled, along with program and display options. After configuring all of these options as desired, the user must go back to the EWF menu and Commit the changes to the filter, or they will not be retained through reboot.
MagicInfo Pro Setup The Connection option will allow the user to configure MagicInfo Pro network options. Schedule Server: This changes how the display will connect to MagicInfo Pro Servers. Selecting Automatic connection using server name will have the display automatically poll the network looking for the specified MagicInfo Pro server. Note: Automatic connection is only used for a LAN configuration, and the server name must be exactly the same on the client and the host.
MagicInfo Pro Setup Checking Reconnect another server when disconnected will cause the display to search and reconnect if communication with the primary server is lost, and will connect to the secondary server. Selecting Direct connection via IP address allows the user to specify the IP address of the MagicInfo Pro server the display will be connecting to. Note: Direct connection must be selected when connecting to a WAN configuration.
MagicInfo Pro Setup The Content Server allows the user to have the display connect to a specific content server for multi-site configurations, by checking Connect content servers and specifying a Preferred and Alternate content server IP Address. Name allows the user to specify the name of the MagicInfo Pro Server it will be looking for on the network, and change the Client name, that the display will be called on the MagicInfo Pro network.
MagicInfo Pro Setup Selecting Program brings up MagicInfo Pro program options: Startup: This option allows the user to select which version of MagicInfo loads at boot. None will cause MagicInfo to not load on startup. Player will launch MagicInfo X on startup, for use in existing MagicInfo X networks. Checking Scheduler will start MagicInfo Pro on startup. Automatic Updates: This allows the user to specify updates to the client software. They can be set to not update, update at a user selectable fixed time, or to update upon startup, each time the client computer boots.
MagicInfo Pro Setup Selecting Screen brings up MagicInfo Pro client display options: Logo Screen controls the screen displayed when the MagicInfo Pro client does not have an active schedule to display and is idle. The user can select a background color, or specify a content file, such as a logo, to be used by the display. Schedule Folder allows the user to specify which drive (internal storage or USB) the MagicInfo Pro client will download the schedule and content to, and how much space on that drive to use.
MagicInfo Pro Setup Local Schedule allows the user to control how local playback of schedule files is handled. The user can load a schedule file, and the associated content, onto a removable storage device (Thumb drive, USB hard drive, etc.) and have the display play it back without a network connection. Checking Copy and play from a removable disk will cause the display to copy the schedule to the display’s internal storage and play it back. Checking Play directly from a removable disk will cause the display to play directly off of removable storage when it is connected.
MagicInfo Pro Setup Selecting Options brings up two MagicInfo Pro program options: Show loading screen before program start allows the user to turn on and off the MagicInfo Pro loading screen on Windows startup. Do not show system messages will disable all system messages that may display over the MagicInfo Pro client software.
Display Rotation Rotation allows the user to select the screen’s orientation. There are two modes available: Landscape: This is the “standard” orientation. Portrait: This will change the display’s operating system and MagicInfo Pro client into portrait mode.
Program Setup The Program option allows the user to select which version of MagicInfo Pro will be currently running on the display. Changing this setting will only last until the system is rebooted, unless the Program option is changed permanently in the main Setup menu for MagicInfo Pro. The user has three choices: None: This will close the currently running MagicInfo Pro software MagicInfo X: This will launch the previous version of MagicInfo. This option is intended for use with previously installed networks running MagicInfo X, with new displays replacing the previous PXn models, or expanding an existing network. Signage: This will launch the current MagicInfo Pro client. This should be the preferred mode of operation.
Setting the Clock and Time Zone One final critical step in ensure the MagicInfo Pro display is set up, is to set the clock and time zone properly. The display will ship from the factory configured as GMT (Greenwich Mean Time), and must be set to the local time and zone, to ensure proper schedule function. If this is not done, the display will not show scheduled content at the required time. To access the clock and time zone settings, close MagicInfo Pro by pressing ALT + F12, and then double click the Windows clock, in the taskbar.
Setting the Clock and Time Zone Double clicking the clock will display the date and time settings window. From here, the user can adjust the system time and date. For proper function of the scheduling system, they must be correctly set.
Setting the Clock and Time Zone Clicking the time zone tab will allow the user to set the correct time zone for the displays location. For proper function of the scheduling system, it must be correctly set.
Adding Codecs and Players Additional codecs or MS Office viewers may be required for content playback. They need to be installed on the display prior to its first use. Some examples of these Office viewers and codecs may be: Adobe Acrobat Reader Microsoft PowerPoint Viewer Microsoft Word Viewer Adobe Flash Player MPEG / DIVX
Adding Codecs and Players To install a codec or Office viewer, the user must first close MagicInfo Pro. This can be done by pressing ALT+F12 on the keyboard. The codec or Office viewer reader should be either downloaded directly to the display through the Internet, or transferred via USB. From here, the installation process is the same as it would be on any PC running Windows XP. Follow the on screen directions provided by the manufacturer of the software. Note: After installation of the codec or Office viewer, the user must commit this change to the O/S through the EWF commit feature.
VNC Control Once the Magic Info Pro display has been configured and installed, a utility called VNC (Virtual Network Control) has been included on the display’s client computer, to allow for remote control of that PC. It will no longer be necessary to physically connect a keyboard and mouse to the display, or be present at it’s location.
VNC Control Launching VNC is accomplished through the MagicInfo Pro server scheduler, by right clicking the desired display, and selecting Remote Viewing.
VNC Control Once logged into the VNC Client, the user will be presented with the current template on the display or the MagicInfo Pro default image. From here, use the ALT+F12 command to access the displays desktop. Note: When finished with the VNC, the user must restart the MagicInfo Pro application before exiting the VNC. With the VNC the user can operate the MagicInfo Pro display computer exactly as if the user was physically at the display, controlling it via a keyboard and mouse. VNC is used to view the display content / templates remotely and for configuration or installing codecs and Office viewers. Note: VNC will not display the first video window content, however, additional windows with video content will be displayed.