Common Assessment 2 review
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1. Make sure you can use a dictionary. Like… a real one.
Context Clues “The Leaves that are Green” is a song about how quickly time goes by. Our lives are pretty ephemeral when you think about it… but it makes us uncomfortable to consider it for too long. Look at what comes before and after the word. Substitute a simpler word and see what makes sense!
Number 1-5. Write a definition for the underlined word. Guess! His stoic personality kept him from caring too much about what people thought. If you sneak up behind me and scare me, you’re likely to hear a caterwaul. Ozymandias thought his empire was indelible, but it crumbled eventually. Let’s try to stick to things that are germane to the topic, or we’ll just waste time. He went to the library everyday because he was autodidactic.
Answers: 1. stoic = unmoved; someone who doesn’t really care. 2. caterwaul = a loud cry 3. indelible = permanent 4. germane = relevant 5. autodidactic = self-taught
Context clue practice
2. How to pick a good summary. Write B, M, and E over the answer choices in the appropriate spots. If you find a choice with all three, it is probably that one. If there’s more than one choice with BME, pick the one that seems to have included more important details.
Which of the following is the best summary of Amigo Brothers? A. Felix and Antonio train hard for their upcoming fight against each other. They fought hard, but in the end they don’t care who wins. B. Felix and Antonio are friends who are both really into boxing. Their friendship is strained when they find out that they will have to go head to head against each other in a big community match. C. Felix and Antonio are great friends who enjoy boxing together. Their friendship is strained when they find out that they will have to fight each other. They fight each other with all their might in the boxing match, but don’t stick around to hear who won.
Choosing the best summary I know choosing-the-best-summary questions are not fun, but try the above link for some extra practice. It’s only 3 questions.
Text Organization Chronological Cause and effect Compare/contrast Problem/solution Sequence
If you need more help with text structure, look in the notes section of my teacher webpage.
Reading a graph Visuals like graphs are called “text features” or “graphic elements,” and they’re important! If you’re not good at reading graphs, take some time to work on it!
Making inferences We talk about this all the time. To infer is to “read between the lines.” The author may not say something directly, but you can figure out the deeper meaning by reading carefully and connecting the text to your own life experiences.
“Implicit message” = deeper idea that is being hinted at, but not directly stated.
Author’s purpose Persuade Inform Entertain Share Feelings Describe Inspire And many more!
“How did they structure their central argument “How did they structure their central argument?” = How did they make their point? Did they use facts and statistics? Did they make an argument from authority? Did they make an emotional appeal? Did they make an analogy (comparison) to something that happened in the past?
Commonplace assertion = common opinion “We all want what’s best for our pets.” That’s a commonplace assertion. Most people do want what’s best for their pets, but (sadly) some people don’t.
Rhetorical Fallacy – bad arguments Rhetorical Fallacy – bad arguments. A rhetorical fallacy is an argument that does not rely on facts to back it up. Emotional appeal – Agree with me because your heart tells you so! Argument from authority – I’m right because I’m a _________ . OR I’m right because _________ agrees with me. Ad Hominem – name-calling.
When asked to contrast two things together, do this: What is one important difference between the poem and the speech? A. The poem has a harsh tone, but the speech has a lighthearted tone. B. The poem has figurative language, but the speech only has literal language. C. The poem is fictional; the speech is nonfiction. D. The poem is about growing as a person; the speech is about growing as a society.
Last minute reminders: Remember to read the questions first, but don’t worry about the answer choices. Remember to use a dictionary! Don’t be lazy! If a question says “In paragraph 5,” go immediately to that paragraph and write the question number next to it. Prove your answers when you are done. Write the paragraph number next to your answer choice or write a short explanation of why you chose it. If you can’t explain why you chose it… it may be wrong! Summarize as you go! Divide the selection into thirds and stop to write a short summary each time you finish a section. Picture every single thing in your head. That’s so important.