Pat Cummings, Director Research & Evaluation August 30, 2013 Tacoma Public Schools Research and Evaluation
NCLB Update …100 percent student proficiency by 2014…really
State Testing Update …an object in motion stays in motion…really
8/16/2013 | Slide 7 TACOMA PUBLIC SCHOOLS- RESEACH AND EVALUATION EOC Math and Biology EOC 1 AlgebraEOC 2 Geometry EOC Biology
Graduation Rates …onward ever, backward never…really
Discipline …this is your last warning…really.
Smarter Balanced …the next big thing…really.
A Balanced Assessment System Common Core State Standards specify K-12 expectations for college and career readiness All students leave high school college and career ready Teachers and schools have information and tools they need to improve teaching and learning Summative: College and career readiness assessments for accountability Interim: Flexible and open assessments, used for actionable feedback Formative resources: Supporting classroom-based assessments to improve instruction
A Balanced Assessment System School Year Last 12 weeks of the year* DIGITAL CLEARINGHOUSE OF FORMATIVE TOOLS, PROCESSES AND EXEMPLARS Released items and tasks; Model curriculum units; Educator training; Professional development tools and resources; Scorer training modules; Teacher collaboration tools; Evaluation of publishers’ assessments. English Language Arts/Literacy and Mathematics, Grades 3-8 and High School Computer Adaptive Assessment and Performance Tasks Computer Adaptive Assessment and Performance Tasks Scope, sequence, number and timing of interim assessments locally determined *Time windows may be adjusted based on results from the research agenda and final implementation decisions. PERFORMANCE TASKS ELA/Literacy Mathematics Re-take option COMPUTER ADAPTIVE TESTS ELA/Literacy Mathematics Optional Interim Assessment Optional Interim Assessment
“Not just another test”…Smarter Balanced is being built by states for states Supporting teachers with a suite of resources Connecting learning to life after high school Preparing your students for a changing world Keeping educators in the driver’s seat Providing information to guide student growth
Major Milestones in Development of Summative Assessments Cognitive Labs Apr – Aug 2012 Small Scale Trials Mar – Nov 2012 Pilot Testing Feb – May 2013 Field Test Mar – June 2014 Deploy For Operational Use Fall 2014 ✔ ✔ ✔ Early Q.C. of items & software; no student results Full system run-through; Establish performance standards; some results 16
8/16/2013 | Slide 17 TACOMA PUBLIC SCHOOLS- RESEACH AND EVALUATION Evolution to Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments in Washington Reading (end ) Writing (end ) English/LA (begin ) Math (end ) Math (begin ) Science (no change) Grade 3MSPSBACMSPSBAC Grade 4MSP SBACMSPSBAC Grade 5MSPSBACMSPSBACMSP Grade 6MSPSBACMSPSBAC Grade 7MSP SBACMSPSBAC Grade 8MSPSBACMSPSBACMSP High School See next slides Biology EOC MSP = Measurements of Student Progress HSPE = High School Proficiency Exams EOC = End of Course exams SBAC = Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium
8/16/2013 | Slide 18 TACOMA PUBLIC SCHOOLS- RESEACH AND EVALUATION HS Testing for Graduation (new June 30) Graduation Assessment Requirements Classes of 2013 and 2014 HSPE Reading, HSPE Writing, 1 EOC Math Classes of 2015 – 2018 ELA exit exam, 1 EOC Math exit exam, EOC Biology Class of 2019 and beyond College and Career Ready Tests in ELA, Math, Science (Biology or NGSS)
Assessment High School Graduation Requirements by Class Class of… English Language Arts MathematicsScience 2013 and 2014 Reading HSPE Writing HSPE Either Algebra or Geometry 2015 and beyond English Language ArtsEither Algebra or Geometry Biology EOC (until Next Gen Science Standards) Class of… English Language Arts Mathematics Science th grade comprehensive ELA exit exam Either Algebra or Geometry EOC exit exam Biology EOC (until Next Gen Science Standards) 2019 and beyond 11 th grade college and career ready assessment (Smarter Balanced ELA) 11 th grade college and career ready assessment (Smarter Balanced Math) Biology EOC (until Next Gen Science Standards)
8/16/2013 | Slide 20 TACOMA PUBLIC SCHOOLS- RESEACH AND EVALUATION Summative Assessments in 2014–15 and beyond English/LAMathematicsScience (no change) Grade 3SBAC Grade 4SBAC Grade 5SBAC MSP Grade 6SBAC Grade 7SBAC Grade 8SBAC MSP Grade10 (until Class of 2019) Comprehensive ELA exit exam Year 1or Year 2 EOC exit exam EOC Biology exit exam (until NGSS) Grade 11SBAC – College and Career Ready SBAC=Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium MSP= Measurements of Student Progress EOC= End of Course exams NGSS = Next generation Science Standards
8/16/2013 | Slide 21 TACOMA PUBLIC SCHOOLS- RESEACH AND EVALUATION 2013 Legislative Decisions Regarding High School Assessments Accountability will move to Grade 11 Smarter Balanced tests in : English Language Arts & Math Three Exit Exams (ELA, Math, Biology): English Language Arts: Class of 2013 & 2014 HSPE Reading and Writing Class of 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 HSPE Reading and Writing, OR new 11 th Smarter Balanced ELA Test, OR new 10 th ELA Exit Exam Class of 2019 and beyond 11 th Smarter Balanced ELA Test
8/16/2013 | Slide 22 TACOMA PUBLIC SCHOOLS- RESEACH AND EVALUATION 2013 Legislative Decisions Regarding High School Assessments, Cont’d Math: Class of 2013 & 2014 Algebra 1 EOC OR Geometry EOC Class of 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 Algebra 1 EOC, OR Geometry EOC, OR new 11 th Smarter Balanced Comprehensive Math Test, OR new Algebra 1 EOC Exit Exam, OR new Geometry EOC Exit Exam Class of 2019 and beyond - 11 th Smarter Balanced Math Test
8/16/2013 | Slide 23 TACOMA PUBLIC SCHOOLS- RESEACH AND EVALUATION 2013 Legislative Decisions Regarding High School Assessments, Cont’d Science: Class of 2015, 2016, 2017…. until Next Generation Science Standards are adopted, implemented and assessed – Biology EOC When NGSS are implemented – Comprehensive NGSS Test Certificate of Academic Achievement options remain available for all cohorts, with the addition of Biology COE
EHB 1450 Sch Yr Tests Admin Rdg HSPE Wrtng HSPE Alg & Int 1 EOC Geo & Int 2 EOC Bio EOC ELA CCR (11th) ELA 10th Exit Exam Math CCR (11th) Alg & Int 1 EOC exit exam Geo & Int 2 EOC exit exam Bio EOC ELA CCR (11th) Math CCR (11th) Bio EOC CAA Require- ments Class of 2013: Rdg, Wrtng, Math Class of 2014: Rdg, Wrtng, Math Class of 2015: ELA, Math, Biology Class of 2016: ELA, Math, Biology Class of 2017: ELA, Math, Biology Class of 2018: ELA, Math, Biology Class of 2019: ELA CCR, Math CCR, Bio EOC. Fulfilled by Rdg HSPE Wrtng HSPE Alg or Int 1 EOC OR Geo or Int 2 EOC Rdg HSPE Wrtng HSPE Alg or Int 1 EOC OR Geo or Int 2 EOC Geo or Int 2 EOC exit exam Bio EOC Rdg & Wrtng HSPE OR ELA CCR (11th) OR ELA 10th Exit Exam Math CCR (11th) OR Alg or Int 1 EOC OR Geo or Int 2 EOC OR Alg or Int 1 EOC exit exam OR Geo or Int 2 EOC exit exam Bio EOC ELA CCR (11th) ELA 10th Exit Exam Math CCR (11th) Alg or Int 1 EOC exit exam OR Geo or Int 2 EOC exit exam Bio EOC ELA CCR (11th) Math CCR (11th) Bio EOC. Grade 12 Class of 2013: Rdg & Wrtng HSPE Alg or Int 1 EOC OR Geo or Int 2 EOC Class of 2014: Rdg & Wrtng HSPE Alg or Int 1 EOC OR Geo or Int 2 EOC Class of 2015: Rdg & Wrtng HSPE OR ELA CCR (11th) (or ELA 10th Exit Exam?) Alg or Int 1 EOC OR Geo or Int 2 EOC OR Math CCR (11th) (OR Alg or Int 1 EOC exit exam OR Geo or Int 2 EOC exit exam?) Bio EOC Class of 2016: Rdg & Wrtng HSPE OR ELA CCR (11th) (or ELA 10th Exit Exam?) Alg or Int 1 EOC OR Geo or Int 2 EOC OR Math CCR (11th) (OR Alg or Int 1 EOC exit exam OR Geo or Int 2 EOC exit exam?) Bio EOC Class of 2017: ELA 10th Exit Exam OR ELA CCR (11th) Math CCR (11th) OR Alg or Int 1 EOC exit exam OR Geo or Int 2 EOC exit exam (OR Alg or Int 1 EOC OR Geo or Int 2 EOC?) Bio EOC Class of 2018: ELA 10th Exit Exam OR ELA CCR (11th) Math CCR (11th) OR Alg or Int 1 EOC exit exam OR Geo or Int 2 EOC exit exam (OR Alg or Int 1 EOC OR Geo or Int 2 EOC?) Bio EOC Class of 2019: ELA CCR (11th) ELA 10th Exit Exam? Math CCR (11th) Alg or Int 1 EOC OR Geo or Int 2 EOC Alg or Int 1 EOC exit exam or Geo or Int 2 EOC exit exam Bio EOC 11 Class of 2014: Rdg HSPE Wrtng HSPE Alg or Int 1 EOC OR Geo or Int 2 EOC Class of 2015: Rdg HSPE Wrtng HSPE Alg or Int 1 EOC OR Geo or Int 2 EOC Bio EOC Class of 2016: Rdg & Wrtng HSPE OR ELA CCR (11th) (or ELA 10th Exit Exam?) Math CCR (11th) OR Alg or Int 1 EOC OR Geo or Int 2 EOC (OR Alg or Int 1 EOC exit exam OR Geo or Int 2 EOC exit exam?) Bio EOC Class of 2017: ELA 10th Exit Exam OR ELA CCR (11th) Math CCR (11th) OR Alg or Int 1 EOC exit exam OR Geo or Int 2 EOC exit exam OR Alg or Int 1 EOC OR Geo or Int 2 EOC Bio EOC Class of 2018: ELA 10th Exit Exam OR ELA CCR (11th) Math CCR (11th) OR Alg or Int 1 EOC exit exam OR Geo or Int 2 EOC exit exam OR Alg or Int 1 EOC OR Geo or Int 2 EOC Bio EOC Class of 2019: ELA CCR (11th) ELA 10th Exit Exam Math CCR (11th) Alg or Int 1 EOC exit exam OR Geo or Int 2 EOC exit exam Alg or Int 1 EOC OR Geo or Int 2 EOC Bio EOC Class of 2020: ELA CCR (11th) ELA 10th Exit Exam Math CCR (11th) Alg or Int 1 EOC exit exam OR Geo or Int 2 EOC exit exam OR Alg or Int 1 EOC OR Geo or Int 2 EOC Bio EOC 10 Class of 2015: Rdg HSPE Wrtng HSPE Alg or Int 1 EOC OR Geo or Int 2 EOC Bio EOC Class of 2016: Rdg HSPE Wrtng HSPE Alg or Int 1 EOC OR Geo or Int 2 EOC Bio EOC Class of 2017: ELA 10th Exit Exam Alg or Int 1 EOC exit exam OR Geo or Int 2 EOC exit exam Alg or Int 1 EOC OR Geo or Int 2 EOC Bio EOC Class of 2018: ELA 10th Exit Exam Alg or Int 1 EOC exit exam OR Geo or Int 2 EOC exit exam Alg or Int 1 EOC OR Geo or Int 2 EOC Bio EOC Class of 2019: ELA 10th Exit Exam Alg or Int 1 EOC exit exam OR Geo or Int 2 EOC exit exam Alg or Int 1 EOC OR Geo or Int 2 EOC Bio EOC Class of 2020: ELA 10th Exit Exam Alg or Int 1 EOC exit exam OR Geo or Int 2 EOC exit exam Alg or Int 1 EOC OR Geo or Int 2 EOC Bio EOC 9 Class of 2016: Alg or Int 1 EOC OR Geo or Int 2 EOC Bio EOC Class of 2017: Alg or Int 1 EOC OR Geo or Int 2 EOC Bio EOC Class of 2018: Alg or Int 1 EOC exit exam OR Geo or Int 2 EOC exit exam Alg or Int 1 EOC OR Geo or Int 2 EOC Bio EOC Class of 2019: Alg or Int 1 EOC exit exam OR Geo or Int 2 EOC exit exam Alg or Int 1 EOC OR Geo or Int 2 EOC Bio EOC Class of 2020: Alg or Int 1 EOC exit exam OR Geo or Int 2 EOC exit exam Alg or Int 1 EOC OR Geo or Int 2 EOC Bio EOC 8 Class of 2017: Alg or Int 1 EOC OR Geo or Int 2 EOC Bio EOC Class of 2018: Alg or Int 1 EOC OR Geo or Int 2 EOC Bio EOC Class of 2019: Alg or Int 1 EOC exit exam OR Geo or Int 2 EOC exit exam Alg or Int 1 EOC OR Geo or Int 2 EOC Bio EOC Class of 2020: Alg or Int 1 EOC exit exam OR Geo or Int 2 EOC exit exam Alg or Int 1 EOC OR Geo or Int 2 EOC Bio EOC 7 Class of 2018: Alg or Int 1 EOC OR Geo or Int 2 EOC Bio EOC Class of 2019: Alg or Int 1 EOC OR Geo or Int 2 EOC Bio EOC Class of 2020: Alg or Int 1 EOC exit exam OR Geo or Int 2 EOC exit exam Alg or Int 1 EOC OR Geo or Int 2 EOC Bio EOC 6 Class of 2019: Alg or Int 1 EOC OR Geo or Int 2 EOC Bio EOC Class of 2020: Alg or Int 1 EOC OR Geo or Int 2 EOC Bio EOC DRAFT – PLEASE Do NOT Distribute
8/16/2013 | Slide 25 TACOMA PUBLIC SCHOOLS- RESEACH AND EVALUATION What’s Happening This Year, ? Exit exams remain the same (HSPE, EOC) CAA options remain the same, except New Biology COE ready for June 2014 submission for Class of 2015 and beyond (only after two attempts on Biology EOC) Class of 2013 had some relaxation of Collection of Evidence rules that had been newly implemented – these will not continue ( COE is limited to one submission per content area throughout HS, and requires two attempts on general assessment before submitting ) Schools will be recruited for Smarter Balanced field test Trying to avoid students having to take current test AND field test
8/16/2013 | Slide 26 TACOMA PUBLIC SCHOOLS- RESEACH AND EVALUATION Smarter Balanced Field Testing March - June 2014 Purpose: Evaluate items and tasks for Smarter Balanced pool… Statistical data analysis of 22,000+ items Divide items/tasks into secure (summative) pool and open (interim) pool Conduct standard setting for different performance levels (“cut scores”) Sampling of about 10% of each state’s students for ELA and about 10% for math States & Smarter Balanced developing ways to avoid double testing
8/16/2013 | Slide 27 TACOMA PUBLIC SCHOOLS- RESEACH AND EVALUATION Smarter Balanced Field Testing US Dept of Ed is allowing states to participate in the Smarter Balanced field test in in one of several ways ( pending ESEA Waiver approval ): Students take current state tests and field tests (double testing), with school accountability coming from current state tests Students take only field test, with school accountability coming from field tests (early adoption states – not Washington) Blended model where some schools take current test only and some schools take field test only If only field testing, school accountability is carried over from
Resources for you!
8/16/2013 | Slide 29 TACOMA PUBLIC SCHOOLS- RESEACH AND EVALUATION Resources – where to find more? Smarter Balanced Assessment for special populations Assessment Operations WaKIDS ESEA Flexibility Dynamic Learning Maps
8/16/2013 | Slide 30 TACOMA PUBLIC SCHOOLS- RESEACH AND EVALUATION “Hot” CCSS Communications Topics and Resources Where did the CCSS come from? What was WA’s process for adoption? OSPI CCSS Website Background: Transition: Achieve, Inc’s Implementing the CCSS Website (for variety of audiences) Feel free to contact OSPI with any questions or support you need!
8/16/2013 | Slide 31 TACOMA PUBLIC SCHOOLS- RESEACH AND EVALUATION Current Resources for Communities and Families NEW! The Common Core State Standards: An Introduction for Families and Other Stakeholders (from the Aspen Institute) introduction-families-other-stakeholders introduction-families-other-stakeholders Flyers in Spanish and English for download OSPI’s CCSS Web Site: Links to: National PTA Parent Guides Parent Roadmaps to the CCSS – from the Council for Great City Schools