Chapter 2 Organizing Data
Section 2.1 Frequency Distributions, Histograms, and Related Topics
Do Now Using the chart on the board, place a tally mark in two spots: – The number of letters in your first name – The number of letters in your last name – Ex: My first name is Mark, so I’d put a tally mark at “4”. My last name is Frew, so I’d put an additional tally mark at “4”.
Histograms (Example) gram gram
Copy Figure 2-8 into Notebook Mound-shaped Symmetrical Typical Uniform Skewed Left Skewed Right Bimodal
Basic Steps for Creation by Hand Determine the Number of Classes Determine Class Width Determine Class Boundaries Tally Find Relative Frequencies Find Midpoints Graph (X axis = # Line, Y Axis = Freq or Rel. Freq)
Do Now Using the NFL Touchdown Data from 2011, complete the frequency distribution.
Steps in Excel: Be sure Data Analysis Toolpack is installed To Let Excel Decide on Bins: – Choose Data, Data Analysis, Histogram – Input Range is your data range. – Click Label if you have a title for your data. – Click Chart Output. – To make bars touch, click into white space on histogram:choose chart tools, design, chart layout #8 – Be sure to fix titles and labels
Steps in Excel: To have User Defined Bins: – Next to your data, type the right endpoint of each of your bars, with the exception of the last bar. – Choose Data, Data Analysis, Histogram – Input Range is your data range. – Bin Range is your right endpoints. – Click Label if you have a title for your data. – Click Chart Output.
Do Now: 1.Display Homework 2.Download Weekly Hershey Stock Prices from my Wikisite and create a histogram of the prices.
Do Now Display your homework Download Class of 2012 Math PSAT scores from my wikisite
Do Now Download NFL Touchdowns for Histograms – Using number of touchdowns: 1.Create a histogram of bin width 10 2.Create another histogram having 8 bins
Quiz Directions Download Eagles Roster from wikisite – Using the weights: 1.Create a histogram with 6 bins 2.Create a histogram with bin width of 30 (starting at minimum weight).
Do Now Click on the link “USA Today Snapshots” from my wikisite. Click through the four tabs (News, Sports, Money, and Life) Find one bar graph of interest and one pie chart of interest. Record at least two interesting facts from each (for a total of 4).
Bar Graphs and Circle Graphs Both show qualitative data. Pie Charts are only used when you are representing “parts of a whole” and when selections are made in only one category. Paretto Charts are Bar Graphs organized from greatest to least.
Now: Download the Eagles Roster (again) from my wikisite. Which variables are qualitative?
Do Now Copy important information from the blue box on page 59 into your notebook. Display Homework (attempted pie graph of Eagles Positions)
Practice Page 60 #1, 5, 8
Do Now 1.Download 100 meter dash data set from wiki. 2.Compare your homework with mine. – Titles? – Labels?
Quiz (download 2-2 quiz data) Using “Phillies Winning Percentage”: – Create an adequately labeled graph that best represents the data. Using “Buying Music Online” data set: – Choose an adequately labeled Paretto or Pie graph to display the data. (You will need to choose the correct option.) Transfer both graphs to Word and display on one page.
Do Now Pick up a score sheet. Type the Team Name and Score for each of the NFL Games into an Excel document. TeamScore Tampa Bay34 NY Giants41 Arizona20
Do Now 1.Please download NFL Week1 and Week 2 Excel Spreadsheet. – Create two Stem and Leaf Plots (one for each week). 2.Measure yourself in inches at the whiteboard. Record your name in the “Google Doc – Height” link. – Please use the sheet appropriately by not adding non-data to it.
What did we learn? Histograms – Create with # of Bins – Create with specific Bin width – Shape Bar Graphs – Qualitative – Paretto Circle Graphs – Not always appropriate
What did we learn? Stem and Leaf – Keys and Titles – Back to Back – Split Stems – Shapes