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Presentation transcript:

All rights reserved, property and © CAD Computer GmbH & Co.KG 2009 Cover page

All rights reserved, property and © CAD Computer GmbH & Co.KG 2009 General purpose What are the MCPS settings? How to set up MCPS, to do measuring and controlling in the way you expect it and want it. To get to the MCPS settings, click Configuration, MCPS settings.

All rights reserved, property and © CAD Computer GmbH & Co.KG 2009 Passwords 1 It is possible to type in up to 10 different passwords for up to 10 different MCPS- Packages. Enable this checkbox, when you are working at a netview client PC. (See MSERV)

All rights reserved, property and © CAD Computer GmbH & Co.KG 2009 Passwords 2 Normally MCPS offers only those devices which are free to used concerning your password. Nevertheless in some cases it´s useful to see all devices. For example to setup a configuration and a new project, which should be used with another MCPS package. You have to enable this checkbox, if you want to see data and alarms from a MCPS package running on another PC, which is connected by network. You have to restart MCPS to get the data acquisition menu and the MSERV tab in this configuration sheet. The menu batch manager is not visible by default and must be turned on.

All rights reserved, property and © CAD Computer GmbH & Co.KG 2009 General 1 Normally you have to choose Multiple projects. These option results from earlier MCPS versions. Not important. Smart menu: Menus look like XP-Menus. Only optical effects. If you use MCPS in connection with the MCRCAD card reader for downloading data and setups, you must select here the interface, where the card reader is connected. Some devices are able to be setup concerning time and date by software. If you want to synchronize your PC and devices, activate this. Select the log files, where an occurring alarm should be logged.

All rights reserved, property and © CAD Computer GmbH & Co.KG 2009 General 2 MCPS offers the option to restart the measurement automatically in case of a power blackout and the following restart of the PC. MCPS offers the option to load a number of projects together. This is possible using the feature “Project list”. Here you can select that an existing project list should be loaded automatically at start up of MCPS. In case of loading a project list you can decide, that the measurement should begin automatically using a defined window layout. Choose a script, that should be worked off at start up.

All rights reserved, property and © CAD Computer GmbH & Co.KG 2009 Graphic 1 Change the outfit of MCPS trend windows: Change the background color. Change the Axis-color. Change the grid color. Change the thickness of lines. To adapt the cursors to the new colors of the trend windows, it’s possible here to change there colors, too. Activate this option in case of huge amount of data. This will accelerate the graphical construction of the trend window. Select the default Y-Axis- Description.

All rights reserved, property and © CAD Computer GmbH & Co.KG 2009 Project 1 After scaling or resizing the trend window, MCPS has to redraw the data. The values are loaded from an internal buffer. Because the buffer is limited in size, maybe not all of the values are shown after a redraw. Here you can change the size of this redraw buffer. If the data file can not be accessed, because of network problems or so, MCPS can hold the scans in memory. If the file can be written again, before the buffer overflows, the data are appended normally. Otherwise the alternative saving directory is used to create a child file for further data saving. Select here the size of this memory buffer. Select the number of columns, which should be shown in the project configuration, independent of the position from the horizontal scroll bar. Conceal the templates at opening a new project.

All rights reserved, property and © CAD Computer GmbH & Co.KG 2009 Admin 1 Up to 3 administrators can be defined by typing in passwords. User ID is optional. Select the minimum length of passwords. Disable User in case of wrong login. Select a period of time after which the logged in user is automatically logged out in case of inactivity. Select passwords, which are not allowed like names of the childes, birthday dates or something like that

All rights reserved, property and © CAD Computer GmbH & Co.KG 2009 Admin 2 Select if administrator messages should be logged or not. Select if administrator messages should be send be or not (Option SMS-E is required.) Select a path for a central user administration in case of multiple MCPS.

All rights reserved, property and © CAD Computer GmbH & Co.KG 2009 Users 1 Rightclick on Anwender and select Insert Group… to establish a new group of users. Insert User… to create a new user in the group Anwender (or another group you created before.) Select a user or a user-group by clicking on the name Now distribute the access rights for the respective users/groups Click User login/password settings to setup the password and access rights (See next page.)

All rights reserved, property and © CAD Computer GmbH & Co.KG 2009 User login settings 1 Optional: Type in an user id for the selected user. Optional: Add a comment to the selected user. Set / change the password for the selected user. Change the password settings concerning the changeability by the user. Change the access rights of the selected user concerning the projects. Activate / Deactivate the selected user.

All rights reserved, property and © CAD Computer GmbH & Co.KG 2009 Directories 1 Set / change the default directories for projects, Setups, and so on… Set the paths to external setting software for the DARWIN and the DX devices to use the setup- software Select an alternative directory to store data in case of e.g.: Normally saving on a server, then network trouble occurs.  MCPS uses THIS directory to store the data to avoid a loss of data.

All rights reserved, property and © CAD Computer GmbH & Co.KG 2009 Messages 1 Activate this option to open the alarm window automatically in case of an alarm. When this option is active, the collaborator who acknowledges an alarm MUST type in an event comment. This comments are stored in the audit trail and the event log file(s). Activate this option to open the message window automatically in case of an occurring system or device message. Limit the maximum number of online messages to keep the message window clear.

All rights reserved, property and © CAD Computer GmbH & Co.KG 2009 Messages 2 Select a number of transmission errors, which are acceptable, before creating an error message. It is possible to set digital outputs in case of a system or device message. The relay card must be added in the device manager! It is possible to send an in case of a system or a device message. * and ** Select the length of a pulse, which is given out at the selected output. * Only available in combination with the SMS-E-Option ** Correct -settings must be done. See chapter “SMS/ ”

All rights reserved, property and © CAD Computer GmbH & Co.KG 2009 Network 1 Enables / disables the local project configuration for network applications. Often the original projects and their data is only writable by the MCPS package, which is running the data acquisition. Other MCPS packages in the network often configured only for data evaluation (e.g. Netview) have normally no write access to the data directory. If a project is loaded by a client package, it can´t be changed for example to set another color or scaling range. In this case the user can save the project configuration to a local path, where he has write access. MCPS generates a link to the original data, so that it´s not necessary to copy the whole project. The next time the project is loaded, MCPS asks to load the original or local one.

All rights reserved, property and © CAD Computer GmbH & Co.KG 2009 Network 2 In network sessions the MCPS client versions (e.g. NETVIEW) often see the original measured data on another drive than the MCPS data acquisition package. For example if the project is saved to F:\MCPS the client package find it on X:\MCPS. If the project contains a math file (e.g. F:\MCPS\MATHFILES\POLY. POL), it cannot be evaluated by the client package, because the drive F: is maybe unkown. To avoid this conflict the drive names can be replaced, e.g. from F: to X:. Even a path can be replaced (F:\data ---> X:)

All rights reserved, property and © CAD Computer GmbH & Co.KG 2009 Network 3 If the batch database is loaded on a MCPS client computer, the paths of the batch files as saved in the database are different than seen from the client side. Only if the measurement computer saves the batch files on a server, which is accessable in the same way from the client (exactly the same drive and path), then there is no problem, otherwise the client MCPS must change the drive and directory of the batch file path.

All rights reserved, property and © CAD Computer GmbH & Co.KG 2009 MSERV 1 If a MCPS measurement version (with device drivers) contains the option /MSERV, other MCPS packages can be connected to it and can display its online data and alarms. A client can be connected to fifteen measurement PCs. If a MCPS measurement version (with device drivers) contains the option /MSERV, other MCPS packages can be connected to it and can display its online data and alarms. A client can be connected to five measurement PCs. To establish a connection, the remote computer´s name or ip address must be filled in.

All rights reserved, property and © CAD Computer GmbH & Co.KG 2009 MSERV 2 If the alarm window is opened or the menu item Project/Open from DA server, MCPS tries to get data from the remote computer. If the connection is established, MCPS will also receive a number of history data from the online project. If not necessary, this number should not be too high to reduce network traffic or block slow client machines.

All rights reserved, property and © CAD Computer GmbH & Co.KG 2009 SMS/ 1 Enable / Disable the possibility of sending Messages or alarms per SMS. Type in the telephone number of the SMS service center (NOT of the desired recepient!). You’ll get these number from your provider. Depending on your provider select here the valid protocol. Select the connection device. MCPS offers here all available devices from hardware configuration of the PC. Select a number of retries in case of connection errors / problems. Select a period of time to wait before trying to call again.

All rights reserved, property and © CAD Computer GmbH & Co.KG 2009 SMS/ 2 Enable / Disable the possibility of sending Messages or alarms per . Type in a meaningful Sender name, which identifies the at once as important! Type in the ip address of the smtp-server, which should be responsible for the - dispatch. Select the smtp-server-port for the dispatch of s. Select a number of retries in case of connection errors / problems. Select a period of time to wait before trying to send the again.

All rights reserved, property and © CAD Computer GmbH & Co.KG 2009 Batch 1 A batch session file can be loaded at startup of MCPS. See batch manager for more information. A batch session file can be run at startup of MCPS. See batch manager for more information.

All rights reserved, property and © CAD Computer GmbH & Co.KG 2009 DLLs 1 MCPS is able to call specific customer defined DLLs to solve complex mathematical calculations. Select up to five different DLLs to load.

All rights reserved, property and © CAD Computer GmbH & Co.KG 2009 ERES 1 Enable / disable the duty of the user to add a comment to the audit trail after sending a setup file to a device.