What you need to know. Katie Smith | Chris Jenkins |
Getting Started Log onto UNC School of Medicine’s ExamSoft webpage Download SofTest Software to your laptop
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The Night before an Exam or Quiz
Okay, so I have to take an Exam/Quiz tomorrow. What now? Click on the “SofTest” icon on your desktop, or find it in your applications.
Select “Download Exam Files”
If exams are available, click exam, then click Download.
What if I don’t download it the night before? We really recommend downloading it in advance. It may take a few minutes and this saves you from panicking the morning of. You will receive a reminder the morning of the exam/quiz if you have not downloaded the exam/quiz. Make sure to pack your power cord and computer!
The Morning of the Exam/Quiz
The Morning of a Quiz Arrive at least 10 minutes early. Make sure all study materials and personal items are not near you. Open SofTest and find the quiz under downloaded quizzes. Type in the Start Up code. When you get to the STOP screen, wait until you are told to type begin.
Select “Take an Exam”
Select the Exam You’ve Downloaded
Enter Quiz Password
Wait at this Screen. Only type begin when you are told to do so.
QUESTION: Can I take the quiz from my smartphone as I am running to Berryhill from the bus at 8AM? ANSWER: No, Sorry. SofTest is a desktop application. And you need to be in your seat to hear the start-up code.
The Morning of the Exam Arrive 30 minutes early. Leave all personal items in ante room. This includes Cell Phones. Seriously. Turn Cell Phones off– We’ve had alarms ring. Check in with the Proctor and sign the Sign-in Sheet & take scratch paper Go to your assigned testing seat and get your computer started. Input Start up code and wait at the STOP Screen. Entering Exam before told to begin is an Honor Code Violation.
Select “Take an Exam”
Select the Exam You’ve Downloaded
Enter the Exam Password
Wait at this Screen. Only type begin when you are told to do so.
During the Exam
During the exam… If you need to leave the room, i.e. restroom, water, etc. Choose “Hide Exam” on your exam Check in with the proctor before exiting room Your time does NOT stop when leaving the room If your battery is running out please notify your proctor
In SofTest you have these options:
You also can: Write notes to yourself Submit Questions about an item for Block Directors Highlight text Strike Out answers by right clicking
What happens when I’m done? Click Exit/Save.
Prompts you if you haven’t answered all questions…
Exiting Exam
No turning back now.
Yay! You did it! You also receive an ing confirming your upload. IF MAJOR EXAM: Show this screen to your proctor before leaving room. IF QUIZ: You can pat yourself on the back, you did it!
After the Exam
Okay, How do I get my Results? Remember that website? Wait for the from Katie Smith Click on Courses Click on the exam that you want to see results. Click on the
What Else do I need to Know?
Need Tech Support After Today? Visit 65 MacNider for Walk in Tech Support 9AM-4PM 962-HELP
Late Start Time and Upload Policy for Quizzes UNLIKE exams, there is no grace period for late starts for quizzes. If you arrive late, get as much done as possible and upload. You have up to 10 minutes after then end of the quiz to upload it. Quiz runs 8-8:10. You cannot answer questions after 8:10. However, you can upload your quiz answers between 8:10-8:20.
Late Start Time Policy Exams All examinees are granted a 10-minute grace period after the official start of the exam. Examinees may begin the exam within this 10-minute grace period without penalty to the full exam time allotted to the entire class. Only after the 10-minute grace period will a examinee’s allotted exam time be penalized, deducting every minute from the allotted exam time that falls outside the grace period. Example: Exam is scheduled for 8:00-9:00 You arrive at: 8:06. You are within the 10-minute grace period and will have the full 60 minutes to take the exam. You will conclude or be pushed out by 9:06. You arrive at 8:15. You are not within the 10-minute grace period. You have lost 5 minutes and now have 55 minutes to complete the exam. You will conclude or be pushed out by 9:10.
Upload Policy for Exams For every exam there is an established time by which all examinees must UPLOAD their answers regardless of start time. All examinees must upload answers within the allotted exam time plus 10 minutes, including all students who began the exam after the 10-minute grace period. Please note that students’ allotted exam may expire, but they have up to 10 minutes to officially upload the answers. Proctors will always give a two-minute warning prior to the expiration of the upload deadline. Examinees must upload the exam file at the end of the two-minute warning and show proctor confirmation (i.e. green check) screen prior to exiting exam room. Example: Exam is scheduled for 8:00-9:00 You arrive at: 8:06. You are within the 10-minute grace period and will have the full 60 minutes to take the exam. You will conclude or be pushed out by 9:06. You must UPLOAD by 9:16 You arrive at 8:15. You are not within the 10-minute grace period. You have lost 5 minutes and now have 55 minutes to complete the exam. You will conclude or be pushed out by 9:10. You must upload by 9:20.
Exam Start Up Code Policy To begin any exam or quiz given in-class at the SOM a start-up code will need to be entered by the examinee to start the exam/quiz. Room proctors/facilitators will announce the code to the exam room when the exam is open. Examinees must be present in the exam room in order to receive the code from the proctor. Examinees will not be able to take an exam/quiz from an off campus location. Staff will verify the IP addresses of uploaded exams to ensure they are within the acceptable range of UNC School of Medicine addresses. The sharing of an exam/quiz startup code with another examinee who is not in the exam room is prohibited. Examinees who share the startup code as well as the examinee receiving the startup code in an unsecure location will both be found in violation of the Honor Code and reported to the Honor Court.
Student Responsibilities Before an Exam 1. Students come to the exam/quiz having downloaded the test. 2. Students should have run the mock exam successfully before coming to the first exam. If a student experiences technical problems they should take care of all issues with walk-in help desk in 67 MacNider or by calling the ExamSoft Customer Service desk Students must have laptops in good, working order for each exam. If there is a computer problem, it is the student’s responsibility to address that issue before coming to the exam, including getting a loaner replacement computer and downloading the exam to that computer. If the student gets a loaner and has already downloaded the exam to the broken computer, the student needs to notify the Exam Coordinator or to request a second download of the 4. Students must report to the exam room 30 minutes before the start time of the exam and have all non-essential items (backpacks, cell phones, coats, study materials, etc.) for the exam placed in the ante-room and sit in their pre-assigned testing seats. 5. Students must have SofTest running on their computers and ready to input the password BEFORE the exam/quiz start time. 6. Exams/quizzes uploaded after the official upload deadline (10 minutes after the official exam end time) will not be accepted. 7. Students must adhere to the Late Start Time Policy if arriving to an exam late. 8. Students must adhere to the Exam Start-Up Code policy and not share the exam start-up code with any students that is not in the testing room. 9. Students MUST show the exam proctor the confirmation (i.e. green check) screen signifying a successful exam upload and turn in all scratch paper prior to exiting exam room. Successful upload of the exam is the students’ responsibility.
Okay– now what? I want to try it out! You all have been added to a mock exam. Please download SofTest Log in, complete, and upload the mock exam by by 5PM. Password is UNCSOM1
Questions? Comments? Direct all questions to Chris! No, no. Just kidding. You can ask either of us. Katie Smith Chris Jenkins