The Ecosystems Our Ecosystems are the Rainforest and Tropical Oceans.
Abiotic Factors Rainforest Temperatures Humidity Sunlight Rocks Dirt Tropical Ocean Light Temperatures Water Sunlight
Biotic Factors Rainforest Plants Animals Trees Bugs Birds Vines Flowers Tropical Ocean Animals Kelp Mollusks Reptiles Fish Sea Sponges
Limiting Factors Rainforest Availability of food Predators Land Amount of rainfall Proximity to others of the same species Temperature PH Level Sunlight Tropical Ocean Living Space Disease Light Temperature Salinity PH Level Dissolved glass Hydro-Static Pressure.
Variations, Tolerances and Adaptations Rainforest Because of 80 inches of rain per year, plants shed excessive water by adapting to a drip tip leave. Parrots have strong beaks that help them crack open hard nuts and seeds to eat. Boa constrictors use camouflage to blend in with their surroundings. Tropical Ocean Cuttlefish blend I with their surroundings. Sea turtles have flippers to help move through the water. An octopus has a streamlined body to help maneuver through the water.
Symbiotic Relationships Rainforest Leeches and Monkeys (parasitism) Strangler Fig and an Oak tree (parasitism) Monkey and flowering plant (mutualism) Tropical Ocean Clownfish and sea anemone (mutualism) Barnacle and Whale (commensalism) Imperial Shrimp and Sea Cucumber (mutualism)