Int 1 Unit 2 Non Calculator Questions Outcome 2 TDS Outcome 3 Pythagoras Stem & Leaf Outcome 5 Mean, Median, Mode, Range and Probability Outcome 4 Coordinates Outcome 1 Integers Pie / Freq Table Scatter
Choice 10% of 380 a 70% of x x x x ÷ 6Dec x x Dec x Dec x Dec ÷ Dec ÷ Dec x Dec x400 ÷40 ÷400 5 x 4½ b c d e f g h i Start Dec Dec Generate Questions
a 10% of 810b 10% of 510c 10% of 820 d x 3 e x 8 f 5.3 x 7 g 0.9 x 8 h 10% of 560 i 60% of £400 ⅓ ⅔ ¼ ½ ¾ ⅛ ⅜ ⅝ ⅞ A A A GG E 1 1 E 1 1 A B New Q’s Starter 07/09/2011 Show Answers Print Different Q choice
Coordinates x y F G H I J A ( 3, 14 ) B ( -3, 0 ) C ( -5, 11 ) D (, -4 ) E ( 0, ) F (, ) G (, ) H (, ) I (, ) J (, ) Plot Write in Coords Start t C. ÷x 0 + On ² - Ans = √ (-) Print
Integers Start a C. ÷x 0 + On ² - Ans = √ (-) John-4 A 75 Sam Ann... B C Total Total for Sam is Total for Ann is Total for Karen is Beat John by 2 a Add the integers -8, 9 and -5 b Add the integers -4, 6 and -4 c Add the integers -5, 6 and -8 d Add the integers -3, 11 and -3 Print
a A bus is travelling at 35km per hr. How long does it take to cover a distance of 140km New Questions C÷x 0 +²- Ans =√ Int 1 Unit 2 Lo2 DST b A lorry travels 120 miles in 4 hrs. What speed is it travelling at c A car travels at a speed of 70mph for 3hours. How far does the car travel Time ( min ) Distance from Karen’s house (km ) d How long did Karen stop for e How far had Karen travelled before stopping f Which is quicker. 1st stage or 2nd. Why Print
Unit 3 Pythagoras A B C D Start a Find distance AB b Find distance CD c A bus is travelling at 30km per hr. How long does it take to cover a distance of 60km d A car travels at a speed of 65mph for 2hours. How far does the car travel e Add the integers -5, 12 and -5 f Add the integers -4, 10 and -5 Print
Int 1 Unit 2 Lo4 Q Number of customers in a Fast Food restaurant are a Write down the minimum and maximum values New Questions C. ÷x 0 + On ² - Ans = √ (-) b Copy and complete the stem and leaf diagram for this data. Remember the key c What can you tell from the stem and leaf diagram key 41 is 41 customers Print
Pie Chart and Frequency Table Pie Chart and Frequency Table A B C D a 160 pupils chose either letter A, B, C or D. Their choices are shown in the piechart How many chose C Score Tally Frequency C. ÷ x 0 + On ² - Ans = √ (-) Total Copy and complete the Frequency Table for the dice throws shown Print
Scatter Graph Test A Test B The table shows the marks for 6 pupils in two tests Start tt Draw a Scatter Graph Draw a line of best fit Test A Test B Click bottom left of box,arrows then “tick” Use line to estimate Test B when Test A is 71 Print
Unit 2 LO New QuestionsShow Numbers Sorted a Calculate the mean of the above numbers b The mode is c The median is d The range is e A spinner has 6 edges. When it is spun it comes to rest on one edge. What is the probability that it comes to rest on the number 2 f x 3 g 10.3 x Print
x6 C. ÷ x 54 + On ² - Ans = √ (-) C. ÷x 0 + On ² - Ans = √ (-)
a A bus is travelling at 30km per hr. How long does it take to cover a distance of 120km 4 New Questions C÷x 0 +²- Ans =√ Int 1 Unit 3 Lo1 Practice b A lorry travels 180 miles in 4 hrs. What speed is it travelling at 45 c A car travels at a speed of 50mph for 5hours. How far does the car travel 250 d Factorise 2q+10 2(q+5) e Solve, algebraically the equation u + 5 = 11 6 f Solve, algebraically the equation 3p = ÷ 3 g Solve, algebraically the equation t + 7 < 11 4 h Solve, algebraically the equation 6s < ÷ 6