Josh Olson April 24, 2013
What is the "Cloud"? Why a "Cloud"? What is the "Cloud" in cloud computing?
The idea has been around since the 1960s. First major breakthrough didn’t happen till SalesforceSalesforce Recent emergence of Google, Amazon, Apple and Microsoft cloud technology.
Reduced Costs Not required to buy everything necessary Scalability Dynamic Scaling is available Easier Management of Data Reliable As high as 99.9% Reliability
Dependency One big problem Ownership and Mobility Changing services is nearly impossible Downtime Without internet, access is limited Security Limited to the security of your cloud provider
What is a Public Cloud? What most people think of Service which delivers an easy to use cloud solution Why use a Public Cloud? Don't have to purchase expensive equipment Scalability Amazon, Google, Dropbox, and Rackspace
What is a Private Cloud? Profit based Slightly more complicated than the Public Cloud Why use a Private Cloud? More redundancy Better security
What is a Hybrid Cloud? Why not both? Both Public and Private Clouds in any combination Why use a Hyrbid Cloud? Desire some features of both previous cloud types Able to provide a better overall system
What is a Virtual Private Cloud? Fairly recent creation Closely related to the Public Cloud Why use a Virtual Private Cloud? Features of the Public Cloud More privacy and better security
Dropbox Dropbox Google Docs Google Docs Amazon Amazon iCloud iCloud Microsoft Microsoft
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