In America, dental problem amongst youngsters are growing day by day, because of their dependency on fast food and beverages. Teenagers and young college goers are developing Periodontal Disease, bad breath, mouth sores, and tooth erosion in their teeth. To avoid these problems we need regular checkups and with simple lifestyle modification like brushing teeth twice a day, avoid fast food and beverages. These teeth problems can easily be cured with advancement in technology of dental care.
Dentists now provide wide range of oral health care services including routine checkups, cleaning, fitting braces and treating oral diseases. Dental emergencies are now handled more efficiently by Mark Kalpakis. He provides the latest information about diagnosis, treatment, and alternative options, and uses the most innovative techniques to bring smile on your face. Mark Kalpakis
Mark Kalpakis is an oral surgeon, and has core interest in dental Prosthodontics surgery. He has been treating number of patients who had a dental problem such as crowns, veneers, bridges and implants. In his clinic he has advanced technology tools thereby he gets back the smile of patients. Mark Kalpakis is known for his teeth implant. In which a titanium implant is placed in the bone through surgery. It takes 3moths to heal, and later on artificial teeth is connected to the implant by cement.