Ministry of Integration and Gender Equality Sweden Ministry of Integration and Gender Equality Sweden Division for gender Equality Birgitta Åseskog Senior Adviser
Ministry of Integration and Gender Equality Sweden Parental insurance three kinds of cash benefits -pregnancy benefit -parental benefit in connection with childbirth or adoption -temporary parental benefit
Ministry of Integration and Gender Equality Sweden Parental benefit in connection with childbirth or adoption 16 months in total - (8 months for each parent) 13 months at 80 % of annual income Parents with low or no income receive a minimum guaranteed benefit – about 20 EUR/day 3 months - about 20 EUR/day (the same for everybody)
Ministry of Integration and Gender Equality Sweden Parental benefit in connection with childbirth or adoption Can be used until the child is 8 years old Parents are free to transfer days betwween themselves with the exception of 2 months - the so called mum’s and dad’s months
Ministry of Integration and Gender Equality Sweden ”Father’s days” The father of a newborn child is entitled to 10 days of temporary parental benefit 75 % of fathers use these days
Ministry of Integration and Gender Equality Sweden Temporary parental benefit given to a working parent for care of a sick child up to the age of cash benefit days per year and child at 80% of annual income In average 7 days per child a year
Ministry of Integration and Gender Equality Sweden Parental benefit days used by men (20,8% 2007)
Ministry of Integration and Gender Equality Sweden Family policy reform ”gender equality bonus” Aim: Gender equality – parental leave and participation in the labour market Incentive to share parental leave more evenly The bonus is a tax credit of maximum about 300 EUR/month
Ministry of Integration and Gender Equality Sweden Family policy reform ”child-raising allowance” Municipalities can choose whether to introduce child- raising allowance or not. Application for child-raising allowance can be made for children over the age of 1 but younger than 3 The allowance is maximum about 300 EUR/month and child Child care facilities can not be used full time together with the allowance, neither parental benefit, etc.
Ministry of Integration and Gender Equality Sweden Swedish family policy The Government wants to: make it easier for parents to combine working life with family life improve the conditions for gender equality increase the freedom for parents to choose the care of their children