David Elsaesser Piacenza 2008: Landau, Poland, Norway Landau, Poland, Norway field work, experiments Task D
Piacenza 2008: Landau, Poland, Norway -2- Poland, Szczecin 4 ditches 10 Sampling Stations Application on corn: Mesotrione (H) Nicosulfuron (H) Atrazine (H) Application on wheat: Fenpropimorph (F) Prochloraz (F) Propiconazole (F) Fenpropidin (F) samples: 28.05, 30.05, 07.06, 10.06, 12.06
Piacenza 2008: Landau, Poland, Norway -3- Norway, Lierdammen July, August 2008: -Experiment with Common pesticides -Preparation started
Piacenza 2008: Landau, Poland, Norway -4- Monitoring Landau: Substances 2007 Analysis: 10 Fungicides 2 Herbicides and 4 Insectizides Detection: All Substances except two Insecticides were detected
Piacenza 2008: Landau, Poland, Norway -5- Monitoring Landau: Substances 2007 Analysis: 10 Fungicides 2 Herbicides and 4 Insectizides Detection: All Substances except two Insecticides were detected Concentrations: mean total in stream Concentration (runoff events): 1205 µg/l TU=C/EC50
Piacenza 2008: Landau, Poland, Norway -6- Monitoring: Toxicity TU=∑(C Substance /EC50 Substance ) Lieselgraben TU Algae_max =7.28 Kropsbach: TU Daphnia_max =7.13
Piacenza 2008: Landau, Poland, Norway -7- Hainbach Tebuconazole
Piacenza 2008: Landau, Poland, Norway -8- Kropsbach 2007: Retention
Piacenza 2008: Landau, Poland, Norway -9- Outlook 2008 Field Jul - Sept: Experiments Jul - Nov: Krottenbach (VD, DP)Lier (EW) Hainbach (VD, DP)Landau (ED) Kropsbach (DP) Methods: Samples: Water, Suspended Sediments, Plants, ground Sediments Measurement of oxygene, pH, conductivity, N and P Discharge: Water level loggers Leaf decomposition bioassays (VD, DP) Mapping of runoff and drainage entries (VD)
Piacenza 2008: Landau, Poland, Norway -10-
David Elsaesser Piacenza 2008, Task H Task H APPLICATION: SIMULATION AT EU-LEVEL
Piacenza 2008, Task H -12- synopsis Objective: The application of the prototype mitigation techniques to selected regions in the EU will be simulated in order to assess the mitigation potential as well as the financial implications Models Steps: 1. definition of reference areas ArtWET sites 2. selection of a suitable model REXTOX ? 3. simulation at reference areas Exposure at point, mitigation runoff only available local geodata / free EU geodata 4. simulation at EU-scale existing risk maps (footprint…?) free EU-geodata 5. estimation of application costs and environmental impact
Piacenza 2008, Task H -13- Input Geodata SRTM Elevation CORINE Landcover EUjrc Octop, soil texture Precipitation CCM2 waterbodies, watersheds, points Pesticide data Footprint PPDB
Piacenza 2008, Task H -14- SRTM
Piacenza 2008, Task H -15- CCM2
Piacenza 2008, Task H -16- CORINE
Piacenza 2008, Task H -17- OCTop
Piacenza 2008, Task H -18- Soil texture
Piacenza 2008, Task H -19- Model (modified Reus et al., 1999) Outtake per Hektar P c (g/ha) 10x10m Cellsize: P c = (Q/P) * e (- 3 * ln (2) / DT 50soil )*(1/(1+(K OC * %OC/100))) * (1 – I/100) * f 1 slope * f 2 bufferzone * Pa*1000 Q: Runoff amount (Lutz 1984 und Maniak1992) P: Precipitation [mm] DT 50soil halflife soil K OC : partition coefficient in the organic fraction of the soil OC: Organic Carbon in topsoil [%] I: Plant interception f 1 slope : factor of slope f 2 bufferzone : widh of vegetated bufferzone Pa: Application amount in [g/ha] REXTOX Model
Piacenza 2008, Task H -20- Model part 2 Calculation of the In stream concentration at the sampling point T = (D H /V runoff )/60 D H : Hydrological distance [m] of each cell to the sampling point V runoff :flow velocity [m/s] T:flowtime from cell output to sampling point as Integer [minutes] M T = Sum of the M cell with the same T Integer M T : output mass of the cells with the same arrival minute [g] M cell : absolute mass per cell [g] C T = M T /Q stream C T :In stream concentration of Timestep Q stream : Peak stream flow during rain event [l/minute] The highest C T value describes the peak concentration at T minutes after begin of the Runoff event
Piacenza 2008, Task H -21- Hainbach simulation: study area Hainbach Spring in the palatinean forest Catchment of detention ponds : appr. 585 ha 76 ha intensive winegrowing 25 major runoff and drainage entries from vineyards Sampling stations upstream and downstream of three consecutive flow through vegetated detention ponds
Piacenza 2008, Task H -22- Runoff Events with Precipitation > 10 mm/m² Focus Substance: Tebuconazole - present in all water and sediment samples (C max =326 µg/l) - highest average concentration in both years (C av =136.7 µg/l) - Average retention = 56% Hainbach Monitoring: Tebuconazole
Piacenza 2008, Task H -23- Hainbach simulation: Step 1
Piacenza 2008, Task H -24- Hainbach simulation: Step 2 Rain event of 19 mm/m² three days after Application Application rate of 300 g/ha Tebuconazole Simulated Peak at the Sampling station 35 minutes after begin of the rain event C max 275 µg/l Tebuconazole
Piacenza 2008, Task H -25- Hainbach Synopsis In Stream Concentrations show considerable pollution of the monitored surface waterbodies with acute toxic effects to aquatic organisms Daphnia EC50: 7.13 TU max Algae EC50: 7.28 Tu max mean total in stream Concentration (runoff events): 1205 µg/l Wetlands have a potential to mitigate agricultural nonpoint-source pollution entering surface waters via spray drift or runoff First results show feasibility of GIS based Runoff Simulation with widely available Geodata: Measured: C av = 137 µg/l Tebuconazole C max = 326 µg/l Tebuconazole Simulated: C max = 275 µg/l Tebuconazole
Piacenza 2008, Task H -26- At issue… Simulation at EU level Own simulation existing Risk maps Runoffrunoff, drainage, Spray drift Good resolutioncoarse resolution Best recent geodata Regional Climate not included Combined approach: - Identification of Areas with high risk from existing risk maps - Exposure Simulation of those areas with best recent geodata (GIS) - Simulation of Mitigation (GIS) - Upscaling estimation of application costs and environmental impact