CareSearch: What is the Research Data Management System? This event is part of the Quality Use of CareSearch Project
CareSearch Overview Three types of content Information pages –E.g. Dyspnoea Functions –E.g. Research Data Management System (RDMS) Databases –E.g. Grey Literature Database
Research Data Management System Assists in evidence generation Enables researchers and services to collect data Data can be entered by a project officer or by individual respondents
The research platform contains the following components: Surveys –Enables the online design of data collection forms and questionnaires –Access to completing the questionnaires or entering data is controlled –Allows for web-based form completion
The research platform contains the following components: Reports –Data can be summarised and / or the raw data can be exported for further analysis –Provides for basic reporting of results with features such as percentages, graphs, and tables –Allows export of data to other programs such as Excel, Access or SPSS
Research Data Management System Libraries: questions relating to palliative care have been created and stored in the RDMS –Create surveys by writing your own questions –Create surveys by copying frequently used questions from the library –Save frequently used questions to your own library for future use
Types of use The RDMS can be useful when several services or hospitals are involved, as the data can be entered through the web and goes into a single database. –Enables data entry from multiple sites with a single co-ordinating site –Multisite clinical trials (e.g. PaCCSC)
Types of use Audit and feedback for services National Standards Assessment Program data entry CareSearch evaluation
Research Data Management System Examples of what can be put in a survey
Research Data Management System Invitations: survey link can be ed using the invitation feature –Set the start and finish dates for your survey –limit the number of responses –invite people to take your survey by
RDMS Reports Examples of what can be generated
Statistics Table for Rating Scale Questions –a display of responses, mean, median, mode and standard deviations for radio button scale questions Response Details –display a list of responses to a question Display Report –show a report or provide a link to a report
Response Summary –Display the survey response or a link to a separate page to view the survey response. Summary Chart –Display a graphical summary of answers Summary Table –Display a tabular summary of answers.
RDMS Security options –Registered access to the platform –enable the survey or questionnaire to be available to all users of the platform –control which individuals have access to the questionnaire by defining the user list
RDMS Data security - impose a password and define who can enter data - data is secure and backed-up
CareSearch would like to thank the many people who contribute their time and expertise to the project including members of the National Advisory Group and the Knowledge Network Management Group. CareSearch is funded by the Australian Government Department of Health and Ageing as part of the National Palliative Care Program.