COLLEGE OF SAN MATEO BUILDING 36 – SCIENCE / PLANETARIUM Design Build and Sustainability Sustainability Conference: Butte Community College August 3 rd & 4 th, "Facilities Excellence"
San Mateo County Community College District "Facilities Excellence" 2 CIP I - $300 M CIP II - $523 M CampusHistoryCampus Acreage Gross Square Footage Assignable Square Footage Student FTES (FY 06-07) Student Headcount (Spring ‘07) Parking Cañada College Redwood City, CA ,506176,9844,6226,2301,700 College of San Mateo San Mateo, CA ,906444,6549,68410,5734,053 Skyline College San Bruno, CA ,269357,7417,5208,3642,031 Chancellor’s Office San Mateo, CA 1978N/A24,929 00Included in CSM TOTALN/A3961,466,6101,004,30821,82625,1677,784
60,904 GSF - 1 st Floor w/ Planetarium 22,251 gsf - 2 nd Floor 18,436 gsf - 3 rd Floor18,436 gsf - 4 th Floor 1, 781 gsf 42,413 ASF Efficiency Factor: 69.64% Total Project Cost = $28M ($24M Construction ) College of San Mateo Building 36 – Science / Planetarium 3 "Facilities Excellence"
College of San Mateo Building 36 – Science / Planetarium 4 Levels 12 Laboratories - 1 st Floor: 3 Physics / 1 Astronomy / 1 Optics Lab - 2 nd Floor: 1 Biology, 1 Anatomy, 1 Zoology and 1 Microbiology Lab - 3 rd Floor: 1 Organic Chemistry and 3 General Chemistry - Rooftop: 1 Astronomy Observatory 4 60 Seat Lecture Rooms 1 Observatory with retractable roof 1 97 seat Planetarium "Facilities Excellence" 4
Design Build and Sustainability Design Guideline Design a building that approaches or achieves LEED Certification Preference for LEED 1) Contractors, 2) Designers, and 3) Engineers Design and construct an energy efficient building Include PG&E Savings by Design Allows selection of mechanical engineers and designers Collaborative process; encourages sharing of ideas 5 "Facilities Excellence"
LEED Project Checklist Sustainable Sites (SS) Water Efficiency (WE) Energy & Atmosphere (EA) Materials & Resources (MR) Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) Innovation & Design Process (IDP) 6 "Facilities Excellence"
Improvements Site near public transportation (SS Credit 4.1 Alternative Transporation: Public Transportation) Bicycle Storage (SS Credit 4.2 Alternative Transportation: Bicycle Storage Light colored landscape paving (SS Credit 7.1 Heat Island Effect: Non-roof) Light colored, single ply roofing (Energy Star related) (Cool Roof) (SS Credit 7.2 Heat Island Effect, Roof) East – West building orientation Mechoshades at windows 7 "Facilities Excellence"
Improvements Storm water detention catch basin underneath landscaping on North side of building (SS Credit 6.1 Stormwater Management: Rate and Quantity) 8’ GFRC rooftop overhang – provides shade (EA Credit 1 Optimize Energy Performance) Energy efficient T-8 fixtures (EA Credit 1 Optimizing Energy Performance) Direct Digital Controls (EA Credit 1 Optimizing Energy Performance) Daylight Sensors (EA Credit 1 Optimize Energy Performance) Occupancy Sensors (EA Credit 1 Optimize Energy Performance) 8 "Facilities Excellence"
Improvements Automatic flush valve (toilets / urinals) (WE Credit 1 Water efficiency) Lavatory faucets with push button handle (WE Credit 1 Water efficiency) Water efficient irrigation system (WE Credit 1 Water efficiency) Resilient flooring and carpet (IEQ Credit 4.3 Low – Emitting materials, carpet) Low VOC paint (IEQ Credit 4.2 Low – Emitting materials, paints and coatings) 9 "Facilities Excellence"
Improvements Recycling stations throughout building (Prerequisite) Construction debris – 73% sorted for recyclable materials (MR Credit 2.1 Construction Waste Management: Divert 50% from Disposal) Utility Vision (EA Credit 5 Measurement & Verification) 10 "Facilities Excellence"
Overall Campus Improvements Building Management System (BMS) (EA Credit 1 Optimize Energy Performance) Heating / Hot Water Loop Lighting Co-Generation (EA Credit 2.3 Renewable Energy, 20%) 11 "Facilities Excellence"
Savings by Design 42% more efficient than Title 24 requires Cost (incremental over baseline) to implement: $71, 642 PG&E Rebate: $54,872 o Solarban 80 glazing, 1” thick, in Warm Gray or Clear o Daylight Sensors o Occupancy sensors in all spaces except corridors and lobbies o Direct / Indirect evaporative cooling – chemistry labs, dean’s offices, telecom closets, cadaver rooms and computer labs. Rooms with non-operable windows. o Direct evaporative cooling – lecture halls, teacher offices, biology labs and earth science labs. Rooms with operable windows. 12 "Facilities Excellence"
Question & Answer José D. Nuñez Vice Chancellor Facilities Planning, Maintenance & Operations (650) "Facilities Excellence"