A Building Area: (sf) 32,000 sf Cost per Square Foot: $62.50/sf Construction Cost $20,000,000 Date of Substantial Completion: May 2006 Location of Project: Sarasota, Florida Type of Project: Mixed use structure including retail, office space, residential units and parking Construction materials, mechanical systems or other pertinent information: Auger piles Post-tensioned concrete Curtain wall Modified Bitumen Roofing Stucco Program Requirements: The structure is a ten-story mixed use complex providing functional facilities for retail, corporate and residential tenants. Its office levels boast a 30,000 square foot floor plate- the largest in downtown Sarasota. In addition is a five-story, 421 car parking garage providing spaces for both the structures tenants and the neighboring historic building to the immediate west. The major challenge in designing the project was how to successfully insert a new ten-story structure into Mains Street’s existing fabric now predominantly consisting of two and three-story structures. The initial plan was developed around a courtyard concept: a scheme which would provide the public an open urban plaza at the west end of Main Street. This 50’-0” x 80’-0” plaza would not only preserve a mural painted on the east façade of the adjacent building but would act as a backdrop to the large space which all building users pass through upon entering and exiting the complex. Separating the new ten-story structure from the smaller scale historic building also allowed for a more subtle transition to a building more than double in height from its neighbor. This structure is the first modern-designed hi-rise office complex in over twenty years in a city where modern architecture once flourished. The two-story loft- style apartments at the upper levels are the first of their kind in Sarasota. The minimal design of these Live/Work units will allow professionals to live and work downtown while contributing to a thriving, active downtown. The success of the project will translate into the success of downtown itself, as people live, work and play in the city’s downtown core.
A Northeast View
A Southwest view
A View from the courtyard
A Southeast view
A Façade detail
A Lobby view
A Loft interior
A Site plan N
A Ground floor plan N
A Fourth floor (parking) plan N
A Seventh / Eighth floor plan N
A Floor Plan at Loft Level N
A East elevation
A South elevation
A West - plaza elevation
Project Name: Courthouse Centre Project Location: Sarasota, Florida Owner/Client: Dr. Mark Kauffman Sarasota, Florida Architect(s) of Record, Contractors, Consultants and any other project participants: SMRT, Inc. 144 Fore Street Portland, Maine Design Architect Todd M. Sweet, AIA, LEED AP TOTeMS Architecture 2168 Main Street Sarasota, Florida Contact Person: Todd M. Sweet, AIA, LEED AP TOTeMS Architecture 2168 Main Street Sarasota, Florida A122.x Project Identification Slide This slide will not be seen by the jury. Please fill out the information requested to the left. As with other slides please set the correct Entry Number above; OK to leave slide# as “x” Note: on this slide if you run out of space please adjust font size as necessary or move more information to the second column. DO NOT add a slide. Upload your information to the designated FTP site on the instructions slide. Your entries must be received by 11:59 PM on April 16. NO LATE ENTRIES WILL BE ACCEPTED. Photographer(s): William S. Speer 931 Virginia Drive Sarasota, Florida By making this submittal, each entrant agrees that the information contained on the Project Identification slide is correct and complete and that the entrant will hold AIA Florida harmless for any and all damage arising out of its use of the information on this sheet and in this submittal. Any errors or omissions are the responsibility of the entrant.