September 7 Complex Sentences: A complex sentence consists of an independent clause and a subordinate clause PLUS all their modifiers. Ex: The cow in the middle of the street mooed loudly at the on-coming traffic because it was frightened. 1.Identify independent clauses. Identify the subordinating conjunction. 2.Write a sentence using “because” as the subordinating conjunction (not at the beginning of the sentence though). Your topic: Lt. Cross’s guilt.
September 7b List of subordinating conjunctions and relative pronouns that identify subordinate clauses. (Handout) APPLY: Write a 3-sentence paragraph that discusses the necessity of “war diction” in the works we’ve read. Use two complex sentences and 1 simple sentence. Underline your subordinating conjunctions.
September 8 Prepositional phrases add interest, depth, and clarity to your sentences. Ex: “Kiowa shook his head sadly and glanced over at the hole where Lt. Jimmy Cross sat watching the night. 1.Is this a simple sentence or complex sentence? Why? 2.Write 2 sentences: One that is simple with a prepositional phrase and one that is complex using a prepositional phrase. TOPIC: A comparison/contrast between the writing style of Hemingway and O’Brien. Identify pp in both and s.c. in complex.
September 9 More on Verbals: The infinitive and the gerund. Infinitive=to + verb EX: to eat-- Mort loves to eat pickled beets with his boiled eggs. Gerund= verb + -ing acting as a noun! EX: Swimming provides great exercise for water lovers. APPLY: Write two sentences--one that uses an infinitive and one that uses a gerund. TOPIC: Discuss what the subject of a modern day war story might be. Identify your infinitive and gerund.
September 10a Turn in all 5 exercises. The Last Verbal: Participle Seem to be verbs, but are only 1/2 a verb. Used to modify a noun. Usually has an -ed, -ing,-s ending or is past tense without the helping verb. Ex: participle-fallen verb-had fallen Unlike a gerund (who pretends to be a noun), a participle always modifies a noun. EX: Lying on the ground, the cow moaned in frustration.
September 10b Turn in all 5 exercises. Write a 5 sentence cohesive paragraph using the following in the prescribed order: 1.Simple sentence with introductory prepositional phrase. 2.Complex sentence. 3.Complex sentence that uses an infinitive or gerund in independent clause. 4.Simple sentence with participial phrase. Topic: Your opinion on any movie you have seen lately.