Hey Mind – Mappers! NO DQ! 1.Share your mind maps with your table partners. 2.Introduction to Rates of Chemical Reactions Inquiry
Reviewing My Old Inquiries 1.Look at your 6 th and 7 th grade inquiries 2.On a piece of notebook paper create a “4-square” (see whiteboard) 3.Use your old inquiries and the scoring guide to describe what should be included in each section of an inquiry.
Reflection Questions 1.Describe how your writing has changed since 6 th grade. 2.Which is your strongest section? 3.Which of the 4 sections will be the easiest to improve? 4.Which of the 4 sections offers you the chance to grow the most in your scientific writing?
Inquiry Lab Report Section 1 Question Hypothesis Background Information that supports and explains your hypothesis Explanation of how your question relates to the real world
Section 2 Materials Procedure with NUMBERED steps Constants – what will you keep the same during all trials to create a fair test Safety Precautions Instructions included for how to collect enough data – be clear how many times to repeat the procedure
Section 3 DATA TABLE Title IV and DV Clearly Identified Units of measure are listed – METRIC GRAPH OF DATA Graph is appropriate type for the kind of data you collected Title Each axis is clearly labeled and includes units of measure Appropriate scale and intervals
Section 4 Restate the Hypothesis Was it supported? How well? Discussion of Data Patterns and relationships Mean? Median? Mode? Range? Explain Results – What does your data mean? – Connect your results to relevant scientific background information Sources of error Limitations to your tools, procedure etc. Suggestions for improvement A new question you could asked based on the results of this experiment
Our Reaction… 3 NaHCO 3 + H 3 C 3 H 5 O 7 Na 3 C 3 H 5 O CO H 2 0 Sodium bicarbonate + Citric Acid Sodium Citrate + Carbon Dioxide (gas bubbles) + Water
Rate of Reaction (DV) What are some possible IVs that might cause a change in this DV?