Gerunds & Infinitives Infinitive of Purpose: IN ORDER TO 4 IN ORDER is often omitted, e.g. He came here in order to study English. -> He came here to study English. 4 Certain adjectives are followed by infinitives, e.g. We were sorry to hear the bad news.
Gerunds & Infinitives PASSIVE INFINITIVE: to be + past participle: I didn’t expect to be invited to his party. 4 PASSIVE GERUND: being + past participle: I appreciated being invited to your home. 4 PAST INFINITIVE: to have + past participle: The rain seems to have stopped.
Gerunds & Infinitives PAST GERUND: having + past participle: I appreciate having had the opportunity to meet the king. 4 PAST-PASSIVE INFINITIVE: to have been + past participle: Jane is fortunate to have been given a scholarship. 4 PAST-PASSIVE GERUND: having been + past participle: I appreciate having been told the news.