Back to School Night
In the AGS Pre-Algebra Book we plan to cover these topics: * Algebra and Whole Numbers * Decimals * Number Theory (Properties) * Rational numbers and fractions * Basic operations and rational expressions * Ratios, proportions and percent * Integers * Exponents, Square Roots * Geometry * Graphing * Problem Solving In the Saxon Intermediate Book(s) we plan to cover these topics: * Rational numbers/fractions * Number Theory (Properties) * Geometry * Algebra and whole numbers * Measurement * Data analysis and probability * Problem solving * Numbers and operations * Money/Decimals * Elapsed Time * Mean, Median, Mode and Range
Adults In Our Classroom * Mrs. Markloff ~ Teacher Assistant * Mrs. Colosi ~ Teacher Assistant * Mr. Chapman ~ Teacher Assistant * Ms.Buonora ~Speech and Language * Mr. Helsinger ~Behavior Speicalist * Mrs. O’Hara ~ Autistic Support Supervisor * Dr. Narragon ~ Counselor * Ms. Katsos ~ Occupational Therapist
Parent Communication I feel that parent communication is an essential part of the educational experience. I believe that this can help your child to find increased success in school. There are many ways to contact me: * My phone number is ~ it goes right to voic , which I can access on my * If there is an emergency, please call the office!! * My address is Please let me know if you have a new or additional that I need to add to my contact * is the best way to contact me. * Use the yellow folder when sending in handwritten notes or other information to school
* The link below is to our school website, it will answer many of your questions and provide useful information * * The link below will take you to the 6 day rotating schedule that we follow that is * * The link below will take you to my website *
Positive Behavior Support System Have you heard about our “Tickets” * All of your children have been “caught doing the right thing” * Prize Day is on our 5A day * Donations welcome! * Motivator suggestions?
* Spelling * Writing * Word Study * Grammar * Reading Fluency * Reading Comprehension * Exposure to different types of literature
READ 180 Program
We will be using the AGS General Science Book The class will follow the sequence of topics of the inclusion classes. We will be working on these topics throughout the year: * Astronomy * Earth, moon, sun, solar system, stars, galaxies * Weather and Climate * Atmosphere, weather factors, patterns, climate and climate change * Earth’s Changing Surface * Weathering, erosion, geology * Inside the Earth * Plate tectonics, earthquakes, volcanoes * Exploring the Planet Earth * Exploring the earth’s surface, rocks and minerals * Earth’s Waters * Water cycle, resources, ocean motions, ocean zones
During this school year we will focus on American History (Beginnings to 1877) * The Colonies and the American Revolution * Creating a New Nation and the Constitution * Our growing Nation and expansion * The Civil War We will read leveled novels that will take us through history and complete projects to extend our knowledge as we learn about the growth of our Nation.
* R/A – Resource Activities * Homeroom * Buddy Club * Social Skills Activities * Arts Classes * Drop Period * Clinic Thursday’s 3:00 to 3:45
* If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to or call. * I will post grades on the HAC * Any Questions?