Review to begin Latin 3 Honors
PresentImperfectFuture for 1 st /2 nd Conjugations Future for 3 rd - 4 th Conj. ENGLISH 1. verbs 2. am/is/are verbing 3. do verb; does verb ACTIVE verb ENDINGS on this side Verb Tenses
PerfectPluperfectFuture Perfect
ENGLISH 1. verbs 2. am/is/are verbing 3. do verb; does verb Principal Part Needed to Form I or II 1 st Person Singular = I- 2 nd Person Singular = you - 3 rd Person Sing. = he, she, it - 1 st Person Plural = we- 2 nd Person Plural = you- 3 rd Person Plural = they- Infinitive - Imperative Sing. - Imperative Plur. -
PresentImperfectFuture for 1 st /2 nd Conjugations Future for 3 rd - 4 th Conj. ENGLISH 1. verbs 2. am/is/are verbing 3. do verb; does verb Principal Part Needed to Form I or II 1 st Person Singular = I -ō-ō - -b ō -am 2 nd Person Singular = you -s rd Person Sing. = he, she, it -t st Person Plural = we -mus nd Person Plural = you -tis rd Person Plural = they -nt ---
PresentImperfectFuture for 1 st /2 nd Conjugations Future for 3 rd - 4 th Conj. ENGLISH 1. verbs 2. am/is/are verbing 3. do verb; does verb 1. was/were verbing 2. used to verb 3. kept verbing 4. verbed (repeatedly) 5. tried to verb 6. began to verb 1. will verb Principal Part Needed to Form I or II 1 st Person Singular = I -ō-ō -b am -b ō -am 2 nd Person Singular = you -s -b ās -b is -ēs-ēs 3 rd Person Sing. = he, she, it -t -b at -b it -et-et 1 st Person Plural = we -mus -b āmus -b imus - ēmus 2 nd Person Plural = you -tis -b ātis -b itis - ētis 3 rd Person Plural = they -nt -b ant -b unt - ent
PerfectPluperfectFuture Perfect ENGLISH Principal Part Needed to Form III 1 st Person Singular = I -ī-ī -- 2 nd Person Singular = you rd Person Sing. = he, she, it st Person Plural = we nd Person Plural = you rd Person Plural = they ---
PerfectPluperfectFuture Perfect ENGLISH1. verbed (once/simply) 2. has/have verbed 3. did verb (once/simply) 1. had verbed 1. will have verbed Principal Part Needed to Form III 1 st Person Singular = I -ī-ī -er a m-er ō 2 nd Person Singular = you -ist ī -er ās -er is 3 rd Person Sing. = he, she, it -it-it -er at -er it 1 st Person Plural = we - imus -er ā mus-er imus 2 nd Person Plural = you - istis -er ā tis-er itis 3 rd Person Plural = they - ērunt -er a nt-er unt Infinitive = “to” -isse
Present ENGLISH 1. am/is/are verbed 2. am/is/are being verbed Principal Part Needed to Form I or II 1 st Person Singular = I- 2 nd Person Singular = you - 3 rd Person Sing. = he, she, it - 1 st Person Plural = we- 2 nd Person Plural = you- 3 rd Person Plural = they- Infinitive - Imperative Sing. - Imperative Plur. - PASSIVE ENDINGS
Present ENGLISH 1. am/is/are verbed 2. am/is/are being verbed Principal Part Needed to Form I or II 1 st Person Singular = I - or 2 nd Person Singular = you -ris 3 rd Person Sing. = he, she, it -tur 1 st Person Plural = we -mur 2 nd Person Plural = you -min ī 3 rd Person Plural = they -ntur Infinitive -r ī (3 rd = ī ) Imperative Sing. -re Imperative Plur. -min ī PASSIVE ENDINGS
PresentImperfectFuture for 1 st /2 nd Conjugations Future for 3 rd - 4 th Conj. ENGLISH 1. am/is/are verbed 2. am/is/are being verbed Principal Part Needed to Form I or II 1 st Person Singular = I ---bor- 2 nd Person Singular = you rd Person Sing. = he, she, it st Person Plural = we nd Person Plural = you rd Person Plural = they ----
PresentImperfectFuture for 1 st /2 nd Conjugations Future for 3 rd -4 th Conj. ENGLISH1. am/is/are verbed 2. am/is/are being verbed 1. was/were (being) verbed 2. used to be verbed 3. kept being verbed 4. tried to be verb 5. began to be verbed 1. will be verbed Principal Part Needed to Form I or II 1 st Person Singular = I - or -b ar -b or -ar 2 nd Person Singular = you -ris -b āris -b eris - ēris 3 rd Person Sing. = he, she, it -tur -b ātur -b itur - etur 1 st Person Plural = we -mur -b āmur -b imur - ēmur 2 nd Person Plural = you -min ī -b āminī -b iminī - ēminī 3 rd Person Plural = they -ntur -b antur -b untur - entur
PerfectPluperfectFuture Perfect IV IV + sumus IV + er ā mus IV + erimus IV + esse PASSIVE ENDINGS
PerfectPluperfectFuture Perfect 1. has/have been verbed 2. was/ were verbed (once/simply) 1. had been verbed1. will have been verbed IV IV + sum IV + er am IV + er ō IV + es IV + er ā s IV + eris IV + est IV + er at IV + erit IV + sumus IV + er ā mus IV + erimus IV + estis IV + er ātis IV + eritis IV + sunt IV + er ant IV + erunt IV + esse
1. Principal parts + meaning: voc ō, voc ā re, voc āvī, voc ā tus/a/um = to call Conjugation #:1 st Person: 3 rd Number: Pl.Gender: Feminine tenses, etc. ↓ Latin ACTIVE ACTIVE translation Latin PASSIVE PASSIVE translation Present == Imperfect == Future == Perfect = = Pluperfect = = Future Perfect == Present Infinitive== Perfect Infinitive== Imperative Sing.=re = Imperative Plural=min ī = II. Verb Synopses – A great way to practice verb forms !!!
2. Principal parts + meaning: vide ō, vid ē re, v ī d ī, visus/a/um = to see Conjugation #:2 nd Person: 2 nd Number: Sing. Gender: Masculine tenses, etc. ↓Latin ACTIVE ACTIVE translation Latin PASSIVE PASSIVE translation Present == Imperfect == Future == Perfect = = Pluperfect = = Future Perfect == Present Infinitive== Perfect Infinitive== Imperative Sing.=re = Imperative Plural=min ī =
3. Principal parts + meaning: vinc ō, vincere, v ī c ī, victus/a/um = to conquer Conjugation #:3 rd Person: 3 rd Number: Singular Gender: Masc. tenses, etc. ↓Latin ACTIVE ACTIVE translation Latin PASSIVEPASSIVE translation Present == Imperfect == Future == Perfect = = Pluperfect = = Future Perfect == Present Infinitive== Perfect Infinitive== Imperative Sing.=re = Imperative Plural=min ī =
4. Principal parts + meaning: feri ō, fer ī re, fer ī v ī, feritus/a/um = to strike Conjugation #:4 th Person: 1 st Number: Singular Gender: M tenses, etc. ↓Latin ACTIVE ACTIVE translation Latin PASSIVEPASSIVE translation Present == Imperfect == Future == Perfect = = Pluperfect = = Future Perfect == Present Infinitive== Perfect Infinitive== Imperative Sing.=re = Imperative Plural=min ī =
5. Principal parts + meaning: tr ā dō, tr ā dere, tr ā didī, tr ā ditus/a/um = to hand over, surrender Conjugation #: 3 rd Person: 1 st Number: Pl. Gender: F tenses, etc. ↓Latin ACTIVEACTIVE translationLatin PASSIVEPASSIVE translation Present == Imperfect == Future == Perfect = = Pluperfect = = Future Perfect = = Present Infinitive == Perfect Infinitive == Imperative Sing. =re = Imperative Plural =min ī =
6. Principal parts + meaning: iube ō, iub ē re, iuss ī, iussus/a/um = to order Conjugation #:2 nd Person: 2 nd Number: Plural Gender: M tenses, etc. ↓Latin ACTIVE ACTIVE translation Latin PASSIVEPASSIVE translation Present == Imperfect == Future == Perfect = = Pluperfect = = Future Perfect == Present Infinitive== Perfect Infinitive== Imperative Sing.=re = Imperative Plural=min ī =
7. Principal parts + meaning: accipi ō, accipere, acc ē p ī, acceptus/a/um = to receive Conjugation #:3 rd-io Person: 2 nd Number: Singular Gender: F tenses, etc. ↓ Latin ACTIVE ACTIVE translation Latin PASSIVE PASSIVE translation Present == Imperfect == Future == Perfect = = Pluperfect = = Future Perfect == Present Infinitive== Perfect Infinitive== Imperative Sing.=re = Imperative Plural=min ī =
8. Principal parts + meaning: audi ō, aud ī re, aud ī v ī, auditus/a/um = to hear Conjugation #:4 th Person: 3 rd Number: PluralGender: Neuter tenses, etc. ↓Latin ACTIVE ACTIVE translation Latin PASSIVE PASSIVE translation Present == Imperfect == Future == Perfect = = Pluperfect = = Future Perfect == Present Infinitive== Perfect Infinitive== Imperative Sing.=re = Imperative Plural= min ī =
1. Principal parts + meaning: voc ō, voc ā re, voc āvī, voc ā tus/a/um = to call Conjugation #:1 st Person: 3 rd Number: Pl.Gender: Feminine tenses, etc. ↓Latin ACTIVE ACTIVE translation Latin PASSIVE PASSIVE translation Present vocant = they call, they are callingvocantur = they are being called Imperfect voc ā bant = they were calling, they used to call voc ā bantur = they were (being) called Future voc ā bunt = they will callvoc ā buntur = they will be called Perfect voc āvēr unt = they (have) called, they did call voc ātae s unt = they have been called Pluperfect voc āver ant = they had called voc ātae era nt = they had been called Future Perfect voc āver int = they will have called voc ātae er unt = they will have been called Present Infinitive voc āre = to callvoc ārī = to be called Perfect Infinitive voc āvisse = to have calledvoc ātae esse = (to have been called) Imperative Sing. voc ā = call (!)voc āre = be called (!) Imperative Plural voc āte = call (!)voc ā min ī = be called (!) II. Verb Synopses – ANSWERS
2. Principal parts + meaning: vide ō, vid ē re, v ī d ī, visus/a/um = to see Conjugation #:2 nd Person: 2 nd Number: Sing. Gender: Masculine tenses, etc. ↓Latin ACTIVEACTIVE translationLatin PASSIVEPASSIVE translation Present vid ē s = you (do) see, you are seeingvid ēris = you are being seen (seem) Imperfect vid ē bas = you were seeing, you used to see vid ē b ā ris = you were (being) seen (seemed) Future vid ē bis = you will seevid ē beris = you will be seen (seem) Perfect v ī dist ī = you (have) seen, you did see visus es = you have been seen (seemed) Pluperfect v ī d er as = you had seen visus era s = you had been seen (seemed) Future Perfect v ī d er is = you will have seen visus er is = you will have been seen (seemed) Present Infinitive vid ēre = to seevid ērī = to be seen, to seem Perfect Infinitive v ī disse = (to have seen) visus esse = to have been seen/to have seemed Imperative Sing. vid ē = see (!)vid ēre = be seen, Seem (!) Imperative Plural vid ēte = see (!)vid ē min ī = be seen, Seem (!)
3. Principal parts + meaning: vinc ō, vincere, v ī c ī, victus/a/um = to conquer Conjugation #:3 rd Person: 3 rd Number: Singular Gender: Masc. tenses, etc. ↓Latin ACTIVE ACTIVE translation Latin PASSIVE PASSIVE translation Presentvincit = he conquers, he is conqueringvincitur = he is (being) conquered Imperfect vinc ē bat = he was conquering, he used to conquer vinc ē batur = he was (being) conquered Future vinc ē t = he will conquervinc ē tur = he will be conquered Perfect vicit = he (has) conquered, he did conquer vic tus es t = he has been conquered Pluperfect vic er at = he had conquered vic tus era t = he had been conquered Future Perfect vic er it = he will have conquered victus er it = he will have been conquered Present Infinitive vinc ere = to conquervinc ī = to be conquered Perfect Infinitive vic isse = to have conqueredvic tus esse = (to have been conquered) Imperative Sing. vinc e = conquer (!)vinc ere = be conquered (!) Imperative Plural vinci te = conquer (!)vinci min ī = be conquered (!)
4. Principal parts + meaning: feri ō, fer ī re, fer ī v ī, feritus/a/um = to strike Conjugation #:4 th Person: 1 st Number: Singular Gender: M tenses, etc. ↓Latin ACTIVE ACTIVE translation Latin PASSIVE PASSIVE translation Present feri ō = I strike, I am striking ferior = I am (being) struck Imperfect feri ē bam = I was striking, I used to strike feri ē bar = I was (being) struck Future fer iam = I will strikefer iar = I will be struck Perfect fer ī v ī = I (have) struck, I did strikefer ītus sum = I have been struck Pluperfect fer ī v er am = I had struck fer ītus era m = I had been struck Future Perfect fer ī v ero = I will have struck fer ī tus er o = I will have been struck Present Infinitive fer īre = to strikefer ī r ī = to be struck Perfect Infinitive fer ī visee = to have struckfer ītus esse = (to have been struck) Imperative Sing. fer ī = strike (!)fer īre = be struck (!) Imperative Plural fer ī te = strike (!)ferimin ī = be struck (!)
Nouns and Declensions A noun is a:
Underline the nouns in the following sentences and above each noun write “Nom” if it is the subject of the sentence, “Acc” if it is the direct object, “Dat.” if it is the indirect object, “Gen” if it shows possession, “ABL” if it is an object of a with/from/by/in prepositional phrase, “Acc” if it the object of an idea of motion towards, “Voc” if the noun is being addressed directly, and lastly “Nom” if the noun is used as a complement with a linking verb 1. Percy slew the minotaur with his sword. 2. Percy is a demigod or a half-blood. 3. Percy is the son of the god, Poseidon.
Underline the nouns in the following sentences and above each noun write “Nom” if it is the subject of the sentence, “Acc” if it is the direct object, “Dat.” if it is the indirect object, “Gen” if it shows possession, “ABL” if it is an object of a with/from/by/in prepositional phrase, “Acc” if it the object of an idea of motion towards, “Voc” if the noun is being addressed directly, and lastly “Nom” if the noun is used as a complement with a linking verb 4. Percy lives on Long Island, then moved from his home to Camp Half-Blood. 5. A centaur gave a special pen to Percy, and this pen could turn into a sword. 6. “O Annabeth, how can I ever thank you and Jasper for saving my life?” 7. Annabeth’s mother, Athena, gave her daughter the power of wisdom.
Define the following noun uses. Remember some noun uses play off on the verb. 1a. Subject 1b. Complement 2. Possessor 3. Indirect Object 4. Direct Object 5. Object in a Prepositional Phrase (with, from, by, in) 6. Direct Address:
LATIN CASEFUNCTION(S) of CASETRANSLATION Nominative1. subject 2. complement(none) Genitive Dative Accusative Ablative Vocative In the chart below give the function(s) for each Latin case. Also give the basic translation
Explain what a case is: A declension is a system of noun case endings. In Latin there are 5 different declensions. So, a Latin noun belongs to one of the 5 declensions, and to that one only. Identify the declension of the following words. hasta, hastae_______ murus, -ī_______ ager, agr ī _______ cibus, cibi_______senex, senis_______vīna, vīnae_______ aqua, aquae_______ domina, dominae_______ annus, annī_______ liber, librī_______ hortus, horti_______lux, lucis_______ pater, patris_______mater, matris_______narrator, -is_______ oculus, -ī_______magister, magistrī_______ gladius, -ī_______
Case/Number1 st Declension (feminine mostly) 2 nd Declension (masculine mostly) 3 rd Declension Nouns (fem & masc) 3 rd Declension Adjectives (fem & masc) Nom/Voc Singular - Nom: Voc: -- Genitive Singular ---- Dative Singular ---- Accusative Singular ---- Ablative Singular ---- Nom/Voc Plural ---- Genitive Plural ---- Dative Plural ---- Accusative Plural ---- Ablative Plural ----
The 1 st Declension How can you recognize a 1 st Decl. Noun? What gender are most 1 st declension nouns?
CASESINGULAR ENDINGS PLURAL ENDINGS Here are some 1 st declension nouns! aqua, aquae F.- water auriga, aurigae M. - charioteer femina, feminae F.– woman, wife insula, insulae F. – island puella, puellae F. – girl scriba, scribae M. - scribe silva, silvae F. – forest, woods terra, terrae F. – earth, land via, viae F. – road, way, street vita, vitae F.- life Nominative-- Genitive-- Dative-- Accusative-- Ablative-- Vocative-- The 1 st Declension
Decline hasta, hastae F “spear” in all cases singular & plural & translate into English. CASE/NUMBER LATIN FORMSENGLISH TRANSLATION Nominative Sing. hastspear Genitive Singular hastspear Dative Singular hastspear Accusative Sing. hastspear Ablative Singular hastspear Vocative Singular hastspear Nominative Plural hastspears Genitive Plural hastspears Dative Plural hastspears Accusative Plural hastspears Ablative Plural hastspears Vocative Plural hastspears
The 2 nd Declension How can you recognize a 2 nd Decl. noun? Masculine Here are some 2 nd declension nouns! Neuter CASESINGULA R ENDINGS PL. ENDINGS SINGULA R ENDINGS PL. ENDING S Nominative -- puer, puer ī M.- boy; (pl.) children - Genitive-- hortus, hort ī M. - garden - Dative-- lupus, lup ī M. - wolf - Accusative -- ager, agr ī M. - field - Ablative-- saxum, sax ī N. – rock - Vocative-- macellum, macell ī N. – market -
Decline ursus magnus, ursī magnī M “the big bear” in all cases & translate into English. CASE/NUMBER LATIN FORMSENGLISH TRANSLATION Nominative Sing. ursus magnus the big bear Genitive Singular urs ī magn ī the big bear Dative Singular urs magnthe big bear Accusative Sing. urs magnthe big bear Ablative Singular urs magnthe big bear Vocative Singular urs magnthe big bear Nominative Plural urs magnthe big bears Genitive Plural urs magnthe big bears Dative Plural urs magnthe big bears Accusative Plural urs magnthe big bears Ablative Plural urs magnthe big bears Vocative Plural urs magnthe big bears
The 3 rd Declension (Nouns ) How can you recognize a 3 rd Decl. noun? Masculine & Feminine Here are some 3 rd declension nouns! Neuter CASE SINGULAR ENDINGS PL. ENDINGS SINGULAR ENDINGS PL. ENDINGS Nominative -- pater, patris M.- father - Genitive-- mater, matris F.- mother - Dative-- sidus, sideris N. - star - Accusative-- flos, floris M. - flower - Ablative-- nox, noctis F. – night - Vocative-- lumen, luminis N. – light -
One good thing about the 3 rd declension is that masculine and feminine nouns follow the same pattern. Decline flumen magnum, fluminis magnī N “the big river” in all cases in the chart & translate into English. CASE/NUMBERLATIN FORMSENGLISH TRANSLATION Nominative Sing. flumen magnum the big river Genitive Singular fluminis magn ī the big river Dative Singular flumin magn the big river Accusative Sing. magnthe big river Ablative Singular flumin magnthe big river Vocative Singular magnthe big river Nominative Plural flumin magnthe big river Genitive Plural flumin magnthe big river Dative Plural flumin magnthe big river Accusative Plural flumin magnthe big river Ablative Plural flumin magnthe big river Vocative Plural flumin magnthe big river
How can you recognize a 3 rd Decl. adjective? 1 termination (1 for M, F, and Neuter): par, paris 2 termination (most common: 1 for M/F, and 1 for Neuter): fortis, forte 3 termination (1 separate nominative for each gender): celer, celeris, celere Termination means how many individual forms in the nominative: The 3 rd Declension Adjectives
Masculine & Feminine Here are some 3 rd declension adjectives! Neuter CASE SINGULAR ENDINGS Plural ENDINGS SINGULAR ENDINGS PL. ENDINGS Nominative -- felix, felicis = happy, lucky celer, celeris, celere = fast, swift ingens, ingentis = huge immortalis, immortale = immortal par, paris = equal loquax, loquacis = talkative silens, silentis = silent vetus, veteris = old iuvenis, iuvene = young - Genitive --- Dative --- Accusative --- Ablative --- Vocative --- The 3 rd Declension Adjectives
Decline equa celeris, equae celeris F “the fast mare” in all cases in the chart & translate into English. CASE/NUMBERLATIN FORMSENGLISH TRANSLATION Nominative Sing. equa celeris the fast mare Genitive Singularequae celeris the fast mare Dative Singular equ celer the fast mare Accusative Sing. equ celer the fast mare Ablative Singular equ celer the fast mare Vocative Singular equ celer the fast mare Nominative Plural equ celer the fast mares Genitive Plural equ celer the fast mares Dative Plural equ celer the fast mares Accusative Plural equ celer the fast mares Ablative Plural equ celer the fast mares Vocative Plural equ celer the fast mares
Masculine (Feminine) Here are some 4 th declension nouns! How can you recognize a 4 th Decl. noun? Neuter (very few) CASE SINGULAR ENDINGS PL. ENDINGS SINGULAR ENDINGS PL. ENDINGS Nominative-- acus, ac ū s M.- needle - Genitive-- fructus, fruc ū s M. - fruit - Dative-- complexus, complex ū s M. - hug - Accusative-- manus, man ū s F. - hand - Ablative-- corn ū, corn ū s N. - horn, wing (army) - Vocative-- gen ū, gen ū s N. – knee - The 4 th Declension
When you look at a noun (adjective) ending, think of what case it is and number (singular or plural) and gender (feminine, masculine, or neuter). What gender are most 4 th declension nouns? How can you recognize a 4 th Decl. noun?
CASE/NUMBER LATIN FORMSENGLISH TRANSLATION Nominative Sing. exercitus tardus the slow army Genitive Singular exercit ū s tard ī Dative Singular Accusative Sing. Ablative Singular Vocative Singular Nominative Plural Genitive Plural Dative Plural Accusative Plural Ablative Plural Vocative Plural Decline exercitus tardus, exercit ū s tard ī M “the slow army” in all cases in the chart & translate into English.
Feminine (Masculine) Here are some 5 th declension nouns! CASE SINGULAR ENDINGS PL. ENDINGS Nominative-- rēs, rēī F.- thing, matter, circumstances Genitive-- rēs publica, rēī publicae F.- republic Dative-- diēs, diēī M.(F)- day Accusative-- spēs, spēī F.- hope Ablative-- faciēs, faciēī F.-– appearance Vocative-- maciēs, maciēī F.- thinness The 5 th Declension
When you look at a noun (adjective) ending, think of what case it is and number (singular or plural) and gender (feminine, masculine, or neuter). What gender are most 5 th declension nouns? How can you recognize a 5 th Decl. noun?
CASE/NUMBER LATIN FORMSENGLISH TRANSLATION Nominative Sing. di ē s f ē lix (the) lucky day Genitive Singular di ēī f ē licis Dative Singular Accusative Sing. Ablative Singular Vocative Singular Nominative Plural Genitive Plural Dative Plural Accusative Plural Ablative Plural Vocative Plural Decline exercitus tardus, exercit ū s tard ī M “the slow army” in all cases in the chart & translate into English.