Grade Six Advice For Grade Seven. By: Samantha & Renée 7A.
General. Bring materials to class. Come prepared. Be respectful. Try your best. Don’t talk in class.
Fractions, Decimals, & Percentages. Know your multiplications by heart! Make sure you understand the concept of fractions, decimals and percentages for this subject will be used all year. A lot of the questions are similar to each other. Scientific calculators are recommended for this subject. Try your very hardest!
Data Management. Data management is based on adding, and dividing. Know how to find the difference of each set of numbers. Memorize the meaning of mean, median, mode, range, and outliers. A lot of the work is the same for its all estimation. Try your very best!
Order Of Operations With Fractions. You must know all of your multiplications. Remember what B.E.D.M.A.S stands for. Remember the order your supposed to answer each question when using B.E.D.M.A.S. Know how to convert fractions into decimals. Try your very hardest!
Area. Remember all of the formula’s used. Know the different kinds of angles. Remember the names of all of the shapes. Remember that π ( pi ) is equal to Try your very best!
Integers. Negative plus positive equals negative. Positive plus positive equals negative. Negative plus negative equals positive. Be familiar with number lines. Try your very hardest!
Divisibility. Even numbers are divisible by two. If the number is divisible by five then the last number will be zero or five. to divide by ten the last number will need be zero. If the number is divisible by three or two then six will be divisible. Try your very best!
Thank You For Watching! Enjoy Being In Grade Seven!