Infinitive Phrases
Infinitive form of a verb that (generally) appears with the word TO in front of it, ACTS like a noun, adjective or adverb in the sentence To be or not to be, that is the question. To err is human. To forgive is divine.
Infinitive as “Nouns” Which part of the sentence is the infinitive functioning as? To understand life requires maturity and acceptance. To skate on the ice is not easy. The peasants decided to rebel. The soldier’s only hope was to surrender. You have only one choice, to stay.
Infinitive as Modifiers Which modifier (adj. or adv.) is the infinitive functioning as? For which word? The children showed a willingness to cooperate. The wood is hard to saw rapidly or with precision. Please help me to leave this place now!
Prepositional Phrase or Infinitive? Prepositional phrase the word “to” is always followed by a noun or noun phrase Infinitive the word “to” is always followed by a verb
Prepositional Phrase or Infinitive? 1.The soldier listened to the command. 2.A general’s role in the army is to command. 3.We took the computer to the back of the room. 4.Make sure to back up your computer so you won’t lose data.
Infinitive Phrases Just like gerunds and participles, infinitives can be combined with modifiers into infinitive phrases Consider the whole phrase when determining the function of the phrase in the sentence.
Infinitive Phrases 1.Jeffrey’s family likes to eat early. 2. To skate on the ice is not easy. 3. He hated to leave New York City. 4. They promised to show us the pictures from their trip.
Weird Infinitives Sometimes infinitives do not include the word “to”. If an infinitive follows one of the following words, the to is generally omitted. darehelpmakesee hear letpleasewatch She doesn’t dare go without permission. Help me leave this place now. John helped Sam extinguish the fire.
Identify the Infinitive Phrases 1.I need to get some sleep. 2.To sleep late on Saturday is impossible in my house. 3.To win the championship was our only desire. 4.Would you like to ride bikes? 5.He had a research report to write. 6.To read one book a month is my goal. 7.I want her to determine her own goals.
Next Time Review Phrases: – Prepositional – Participial – Gerund – Infinitive Grammar Test: A Day: Wednesday 2/15 B Day: Thursday 2/16