CENTER FOR NONPROFIT EXCELLENCE EVALUATION WORKSHOP SERIES Session IV: Analyzing and Reporting Your Data Presenters: Patty Emord
OVERVIEW–SESSION 3 Prerequisite: Session Three homework completed After this session, you will be able to Discuss the desired outcomes of your program Identify outcome indicators Explore and select various data collection methods Select data analysis methods appropriate to your evaluation Select communicating and reporting strategies appropriate to your evaluation 2
REVIEW: EVALUATION PROCESS Systematic, purposeful activity for gathering information, enhancing knowledge, making decisions Planning Designing Measurable outcomes Guiding questions Approach and design Collecting and Analyzing Data Reporting and Communicating Information 3
YET ANOTHER LOGIC MODEL Good Health for Kids – Innovation Network example – Handout #1 Evaluation Framework – Handout #2 4
SURVEY OR INTERVIEWS Consider your guiding questions. Consider your outcome and indicators. Does your method match up with your indicators? 5
SURVEY CONSTRUCTION Question types Open-ended Closed-ended Multiple Choice Single responses Multiple responses Values free and not leading Linked to your indicators 6
INTERVIEWS 7 Who you interview matters! Who is best positioned to know what you want to know? Recording Responses Hand written notes Notes taken on a laptop, notebook, etc. Recorded and transcribed interviews Probing questions
ANALYZING YOUR DATA Assuming surveys and interviews Quantitative/Numeric data can be counted Examples: Number of responses that fall into a particular category Scores on a test 9
ANALYZING QUANTITATIVE DATA Frequency counts and tables 10
3 KEY MEASURES 12 Mean Average, Best with continuous data Median Best with continuous data, The data point at 50% Mode Good for categorical data, the category with the most responses
QUALITATIVE DATA Words, pictures, observations, documents, artifacts Example with Open-ended Interview data 13
QUALITATIVE ANALYSIS Framed by the Evaluation Guiding Questions Look for particular themes or categories Listing responses is not analysis, but necessary Copy/past into themes or categories 14
REPORTING AND COMMUNICATING Handout #5 – Reporting Formats Handout #6 – Evaluation Communicating and Reporting Plan 16