Grammar Lesson 24 Vocabulary: Sit: to put the body in a seated position, past tense-sit or sat Set: to place something, past tense-set
Phrases and Clauses Phrase: a group or words used as a single word in a sentence, may contain nouns and verbs, but it does not have both a subject and predicate Different kinds of phrases: Prepositional (under a bridge) Verb (would have adapted) Gerund (exercising for hours) Infinitive (to be a good friend)
Clauses A group of words with a subject and a predicate Examples: As the climber ascended Mount Everest Since the geographer had mapped the terrain Every complete sentence has at least one clause, some sentences have more than one clause Example: After I arrived at the summit, but before I descended, I left a note that I had been there.
Grammar Lesson 25 Vocabulary: Pericardium- the membranous sack enclosing the heart Perimeter- the border of a two-dimensional figure, like a square or rectangle Periodontics- a branch of dentistry that studies and treats our gums
The Direct Object A direct object follows an action verb and tells who or what receives the action We can answer three questions to find the direct object: 1. What is the verb in the sentence? 2. Is it an action verb? 3. Who or what receives the action? (direct object) Example: Ancient Egyptians built the pyramids.