The Instructional Value of Baptism Our Union With Christ Matthew 28:18-20
Getting Started in Interpretation (you) make disciples (imperative verb) going (participle modifying the main verb) baptizing (participle modifying main verb) in the name... teaching (participle modifying the main verb) to obey (infinitive) all...
Discovering how the modifiers relate to the main verb go (participle taking the force of the main verb) (you) make disciples (imperative verb) baptizing (participle modifying main verb) in the name... teaching (participle modifying what?) to obey (infinitive) all...
I. The typical way evangelicals interpret the believer’s baptism of Matthew 28:18-20 A. Something we do when we make disciples B. A demonstrative statement of the disciple’s faith and repentance C. A sign of the new covenant
Typical evangelical interpretation go (participle taking the force of the main verb) (you) make disciples (imperative verb) baptizing (participle modifying main verb) in the name... teaching (participle modifying the main verb) to obey (infinitive) all...
Typical evangelical interpretation go (participle taking the force of the main verb) (you) make disciples (imperative verb) baptizing (participle modifying main verb) in the name... teaching (participle modifying the main verb) to obey (infinitive) all...
Typical evangelical interpretation go (participle taking the force of the main verb) (you) make disciples (imperative verb) baptizing (participle modifying main verb) in the name... teaching (participle modifying the main verb) to obey (infinitive) all...
Typical evangelical interpretation go (participle taking the force of the main verb) (you) make disciples (imperative verb) baptizing (participle modifying main verb) in the name... No connection between baptizing and teaching teaching (participle modifying the main verb) to obey (infinitive) all...
Typical evangelical interpretation go (participle taking the force of the main verb) (you) make disciples (imperative verb) baptizing (participle modifying main verb) in the name... No connection between teaching and union with Christ teaching (participle modifying the main verb) to obey (infinitive) all...
Typical evangelical interpretation go (participle taking the force of the main verb) (you) make disciples (imperative verb) baptizing (participle modifying main verb) in the name... No teaching in baptism for the disciple teaching (participle modifying the main verb) to obey (infinitive) all...
Typical evangelical interpretation The typical evangelical interpretation of the Great Commission doesn’t know the difference between a convert and a disciple.
“make disciples” maqhteu/w : to be a follower of someone in the sense of adhering to the teachings or instructions of a leader. maqhteu/w : to cause someone to be a disciple or a follower.
“make disciples” maqhth/ß : a person who learns from another by instruction.
Typical evangelical interpretation Consequently the typical evangelical interpretation of the Great Commission doesn’t see a connection between “baptizing” and “teaching.”
Typical evangelical interpretation Consequently the typical evangelical interpretation of the Great Commission doesn’t see a connection between “baptizing” and “teaching.”
II. The Apostle Paul’s interpretation of believer’s baptism
A. The source of Paul’s theology related to the ordinances
“For I received from the Lord what I also delivered to you, that the Lord Jesus on the night when he was betrayed took bread,...” (1 Cor. 11:23)
For I would have you know, brothers, that the gospel that was preached by me is not man’s gospel. For I did not receive it from any man, nor was I taught it, but I received it through a revelation of Jesus Christ (Gal. 1:11-12).
II. The Apostle Paul’s interpretation of believer’s baptism B. Baptism related to sanctification
What are we to say then? Are we to continue in sin that grace may abound (Rom. 6:1)?
II. The Apostle Paul’s interpretation of believer’s baptism C. Baptism related to union with Christ
Do you not know that all of us who have been baptized into Christ Jesus have been baptized into His death (Rom. 6:3)?
We were buried therefore with him by baptism into death, in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, we too might walk in newness of life (Rom. 6:4).
So you also must consider yourselves dead to sin and alive to God in (“in union with”) Christ Jesus (Rom. 6:11).
Interpretation of believers baptism In light of Paul’s teaching On union with Christ go (participle taking the force of the main verb) (you) make disciples (imperative verb) baptizing (participle modifying main verb) in the name... teaching (participle modifying “baptizing”) to obey (infinitive) all...
III. The instructional value of believer’s baptism A.Making disciples B.Baptizing disciples C.Teaching disciples
III. The instructional value of believer’s baptism C. Teaching disciples through baptism, how to obey all that Christ commanded. One day Jesus was praying in a certain place. When he finished, one of his disciples said to him, “Lord, teach us to pray, just as John taught his disciples (Luke 11:1).
Completing the interpretation in light of Paul go (participle taking the force of the main verb) (you) make disciples (imperative verb) baptizing (participle modifying main verb) in the name... (1 Cor. 12:13; Rom. 6:1-11) teaching (participle modifying “baptizing”) how to obey (infinitive) all... (Luke 11:1)
Baptism Teaches
Baptism teaches sanctification (Rom. 6:1).
Baptism teaches who we are in union with Christ.
Baptism teaches how Christ performed the new covenant circumcision, the circumcision of the heart.
Baptism teaches how God writes His law on our hearts through the new covenant relationship.
Baptism teaches how to be set free from the law of sin and of death.
Baptism teaches how to be delivered from the body of death.
Baptism teaches how to be delivered from sin’s enslaving power.
Baptism teaches how to put to death the deeds of the flesh.
Baptism teaches how to deal with the flesh, so as to be filled with the Spirit.
Baptism teaches how to put off the old man so as to put on the new man.
Baptism teaches how to be strengthened with all power according to God’s glorious might.
Baptism teaches how to reign in life through the One Man Jesus Christ.
Baptism teaches how to reckon and make choices based on the realities of our union with Christ.
Baptism teaches how to become a slave of righteousness.
Baptism teaches how to live with Christ having died with Him.
Baptism teaches how to present yourself to God— as one who has been brought from death to life.
Baptism teaches how to seek the things above having been raised in union with Christ.
Baptism teaches how to walk worthy of the Lord.
Baptism teaches how to live by God’s grace.
Baptism teaches how to abide in the Vine.
Baptism teaches how to live by the Spirit.
Baptism teaches how to be led by the Spirit.
Baptism teaches how the Holy Spirit bears His fruit in you.
Baptism teaches how to live as a new creation.
Baptism sets forth the path of discipleship.
Baptism teaches how to stand firm and not submit again to a yoke of slavery.
Baptism teaches the disciple how to obey all that Christ commanded.
The Instructional Value of Baptism Our Union With Christ Matthew 28:18-20