This week, our focus is on a component of the English language that involves some terminology you may never have heard. HOWEVER, these are items already used in your speaking and writing.
VERBALS -infinitives -participles -gerunds
OBJECTIVE: Identify and label verbals and notice how they are used in everyday speaking and writing. infinitive = “to” + a verb
OBJECTIVE: Identify and label verbals and notice how they are used in everyday speaking and writing. pArticiple usually end in -ing or –ed (sometimes end with –en or –nt) AND function as A DJECTIVES in a sentence.
Everyone is excited for the snowboarding trip! Disappointed fans left the game early. The mechanic fixed the broken windshield. My friend loves burnt toast.
geruNds verb words that end in –ing *gerunds function as Nouns in a sentence
SUBJECT V PN Texting is a form of communication. S V DIRECT OBJECT Chorus members began singing. V OBJECT OF THE PREP. Participate by raising your hand. S V DIRECT OBJECT We tried solving the problem in class.
-ing verb --- always used with a helping verb I am working on the project. Dad will be fixing the car. The teacher was correcting papers. GERUND is a “stand alone” thing Working on the project took a lot of time. Dad spent Saturday fixing the car. The teacher kept busy by correcting papers.