Gerund Gerund is the –ing form of a verb a) Playing tennis is fun. (gerund is used as the subject of the sentence) b)We enjoy playing tennis. (gerund is used as the object of the sentence)
c)He’s excited about playing tennis. (gerund is used as the object of the preposition) d)Not playing tennis with her was hard for me. (Negative gerund)
Verbs used with gerund start risk appreciate begin resist enjoy continue avoid feel like keep on delay dislike can’t help put off miss resume give up stop acknowledge finish consider quit
To + the simple form of a verb (to see, to be, to go, etc.) Infinitive To + the simple form of a verb (to see, to be, to go, etc.)
Verbs used with infinitives agree want seem afford manage refuse decide offer volunteer expect hope fail
Verbs + (pro)noun + infinitive advise tell convince invite encourage allow expect force permit ask persuade need remind warn require order
Verb + gerund or infinitive begin can’t stand continue hate like love prefer start
Verbs used with infinitive or gerund(with a difference in meaning) a)Sue stopped to smoke. (Sue stopped in order to smoke) b)Sue stopped smoking. (Sue stopped the act of smoking)
a) Judy always remembers to lock the door (remember to perform responsibility, duty, or task.) b)I remember seeing the Alps for the first time. The sight was impressive. (remember(recall) something)
a)I regret to tell you that you failed the test a)I regret to tell you that you failed the test. (regret to tell someone about some bad news) b)I regret lending him some money .He never paid me back. (regret something that happened in the past)
a)I’m trying to learn English. (make an effort) b)The room was hot a)I’m trying to learn English. (make an effort) b)The room was hot. I tried opening the window, but that didn’t help. So I tried turning on the fan, but I was still hot. Finally ,I turned on the air conditioner. (experiment with a new or different approach to see if it works)
Using It + Infinitive instead of gerund Learning a second language is difficult. It is difficult to learn a second language.