HTML - Quiz #2 Attendance CODE:
Announcements Course FTP accounts set up Enrollment should all be sorted out Quizzes have been graded Mini Project 1 Extension on last week’s HTML lab, with CSS styling Due next Monday!
Today’s Agenda Quiz Announcements CSS Introduction CSS Practice CSS Lab Mini Project #1
Web Design: Basic to Advanced Techniques Fall 2010 Mondays 7-9pm 200 Sutardja-Dai Hall CSS Introduction
What is CSS? Cascading Style Sheets Separate structured content (HTML) from visual appearance (CSS) In good web design code, these should be COMPLETELY separated (no formatting in the HTML!) More formatting/styling options than HTML alone Avoids repetition of code
What is CSS? Emphasized Text This is regular text. Emphasized Text This is regular text. …
What is CSS? Emphasized Text This is regular text. Emphasized Text This is regular text. span.emphasized{ color: #0000FF; }
CSS Syntax CSS rules go into a file with.css extension body { font-weight: bold; } selectorproperty value Rule Every declaration Terminated by ; Style.css
Useful CSS All Elements color: #FFF / #FFFFFF / white; font-size: 12px; font-weight: bold / normal; text-decoration: none / underline; background-color: #FFF / #FFFFFF / white; Block Objects margin: 10px 20px; padding: 10px 20px; background-image: url(‘/images/background.gif’); background-repeat: no-repeat / repeat-x / repeat-y / repeat; background-position: 10px 0px; border: 1px solid #000; text-align: left / center / right;
CSS Selectors We need a way to label the HTML elements we want to style so we can refer to them in our separate CSS code Style.css #myEle { font-weight: bold; font-size: 20px; }
Element Selector We can select HTML elements by their element type HTML Document Image Page Here’s a description of the image you see above CSS Style Sheet img { border: 1px solid #333; } p { font-color: #333; }
Class / ID Selector ID Used to identify ONE particular HTML element Must be unique for entire document Invalid XHTML if more than one element with same ID Class Used to identify ONE or MORE HTML elements Give multiple elements the same styling
Class / ID Selector We can tag HTML elements by giving them an # id or. class HTML Document Here’s a description of the image you see above Here’s the photo equipment I used Here’s where I took the photo CSS Style Sheet #description { font-color: red; }.extraInfo { font-color: blue; }
Universal Selector We can select all HTML elements HTML Document Image Page Here’s a description of the image you see above Here’s the photo equipment I used Here’s where I took the photo CSS Style Sheet * { font-family: verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif; color: #000; }
Combining Selectors Descendant (nested) Selects by nested structure p span { color: red; }.description a { color: blue; } Combined Selects between elements of same class { color: red; } { color: #FFF; } Grouped Applies style to list a, p, span { color: red; } para link a link a span a link a span a link a span para link para link a para a link a span a para a link a span
Specificity Text p { color: red; }.para { color: blue; } #myPara { color: green; } What color is the text? GREEN #id >.class > element
Attaching CSS Styles After we write our CSS rules we need to link our rules to our HTML document External Style Sheets Inline Styling Embedded Style Sheets
External Style Sheets ”/style.css Most common way to link CSS to HTML CSS and HTML in separate files Same CSS rules throughout site Best practice!
Inline Styling Useful for single cases Poor practice to use this extensively throughout site If applying same style to multiple elements, consider using class instead red text
Embedded Style Sheets Like inline styling, only use this for exceptions If elements in this page are styled differently than the rest of the site Try to avoid ever using this Better option is to link to another.CSS file p { color: red; }
Multiple Style Sources HTML documents can include multiple sources of CSS styles A HTML document may link to any number of external style sheets In addition to those style sheets, the documents may use inline styling and embedded style sheets SomeHTMLDoc.html ”/style.css ”/style2.css ”/style3.css
Cascade Order Proximity: Inline > Embedded > External Last style wins Rules in last style sheet overwrite previous rules Style.css p { color: red; font-weight: bold} Style2.css p { color: green; } Style3.css p { color: blue; } some text some text some text some text