“New wave of migration from Islamic states: view from Russian regions” Alexander V. Koss Dr. of Law, Immanuel Kant State University of Russia (IKSUR)
Relevant studies on regional level on Migration in Kaliningrad region Tacis project INTERREG III A “New approach to the migration control in the South-East Baltic: European context” (IKSUR - Russia, Gdansk University, Klaipeda University) Tacis project “Developing Social Services for Vulnerable groups in Russia” (Russian and French institutions) Cross-border migration and Home Society, Multiregional project, ISE Center support Kaliningrad research Team: Dr. Larisa Emelianova Dr. Gennadiy Fyodorov Dr. Alexander Koss
Kaliningrad region of Russia: characteristics Enclave region separated from other territory of Russia. Population – appr. 1 mln. people (Kaliningrad – 0,5 mln.) Ethnic dimension (2005): Russians – 80% (94% - with Byelorussians and Ukrainians), 1,5% - Lithuanians, Muslims – 3%. Economics: Sea port, fishing industries, electronics, recreational businesses. As for population and ethnic dimension – an ordinary Russian non- Islamic region As for economics – territory is characterized of sustainable growth (about 9%, Russia – about 7%) Region is needed in migrants (demographical and economical reasons)
The Muslim population is increasing 1990 – 0,5% of total population 2000 – 2% 2005 – 3% The Muslim population has increased appr. +0,5%* The main source of increasing is migration. Most of new Muslim migrants are Uzbeks. * Data of Tacis project INTERREG III
Official Statistic data do not show the ethnic dimension in migration processes on regional level. Most of ethnic migrants represent themselves as “Russian” in interviews with officials 1995 Russians Ukrainians3594 Belorussians2185 Armenians 930 Germans848 Tatars486 Lithuanians392 Azerbaijanians212 Poles184 Mordvinians143 Chuvashes142 Moldavians82 Jews 79 Kazakhs34 Letts Russians 8627 Ukrainians 475Germans 301Belorussians 271Armenians 128Tatars 126Lithuanians 76Poles 34Azerbaijanians 29Chechens 22Georgians 21Mordvinians 20Kazakhs 19Bashkirs 19Jews 2006 Russians 7698 Ukrainians 426Germans 239Belorussians 210Armenians 170Tatars 95Azerbaijanians 56Lithuanians 49Uzbeks 44 Kazakhs 27Koreans 27Poles 27Moldavians 19*18Mordvinians 17 Jews 19 * Data of Federal migration service in Kaliningrad region
About 70% of labour migrants are young Muslims from Islamic states The number of the given working permissions as it was ordered by the employers in the year 2007 (data of Federal migration service in Kaliningrad)
The number of the given working permissions as it was ordered by the employers in the year 2007
Two waves of Migration in Russian non-Islamic regions (characteristics) 1 st wave, Post-soviet migration 2 nd Wave, 2006-? New wave States Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Ukraine, Tajikistan, Armenia Uzbekistan, Tajikistan Rural areas Ethnicity Russians, ArmeniansUzbeks, Tajiks (Islamic states) Language Russian-speakersWeak knowledge of Russian Age and Gender All agesYoung men (≤30), mostly men Qualification and education Different qualifications and education Non-qualified workers, basic or secondary school education Reason of migration Forced migration, compatriots (motherland – Russia or USSR), reunion of families Economic problems, unemployment, demography Aim of migration Integration, CitizenshipPermanent job, permanent residence Religion Christians, weak influenceIslam, strong influence Prospects of Integration Strong (0-3 years)Weak (?)
Portrait of young Muslim migrant coming for legal aid (according to practice of Office of Kaliningrad Ombudsman and some advocacy institutions in 2007) Man, Uzbek, years old, Weak knowledge of Russian, Basic school education, From rural areas, Occupation – non-qualified construction worker Religion – strong influence, becoming weaker from year-to-year of his living in Russia Problems – legalization, acquiring of residence permission, working permission. Often they have representatives – they are not professional lawyers, they are often their old relatives or group leaders
New Wave of Migration from Islamic states: Problems and Challenges The Home society in non-Islamic Russian regions is not prepared for the new wave of migration. Elites and ordinary people have traditional vision of migrants as compatriots but not people of different language and culture. They are not ready to live in “mixed society”. (For example, Kaliningrad has not Mosque). New migrants are not ready for integration in regional societies because of their background. We can suggest that they (and their young families) will face a task of integration in 3-5 years. How to deal with this task without relevant education and institutions? Home society and new migrants and their groups are not in dialog about the problems of Integration, legalization, social services etc. In conclusion, the main task for state regional migration policy for the next years is to focus on issues of the new wave of migration, to represent new standards of such policy according to new circumstances, to establish “policy of integration” for new migrants on regional and local level.