Prepositional, Verbal, & Appositive Phrases
What is a phrase? A phrase is a group of words that is used as a single part of speech and does not contain both a verb and its subject.
Prepositional Phrase Includes a preposition, the object of the preposition, and any modifiers of that object A koala is a marsupial, a mammal with an external abdominal pouch. Koalas feed on only eucalyptus buds and leaves. No one in the class has seen the movie yet.
Infinitive Phrase To hit a curve ball solidly is very difficult. An infinitive is a verb form that can be used as a noun, adjective, or adverb. (i.e. to travel, to act, to believe, to visit) The phrase consists of an infinitive and any modifiers or complements the infinitive has. The entire phrase can be used a noun, adjective, or adverb. To hit a curve ball solidly is very difficult. She wants to study marine biology. His efforts to trace his ancestry led to greater appreciation of his heritage. I found his explanation difficult to accept.
Appositive Phrase An appositive is a noun or pronoun placed beside another noun or pronoun to describe it. The phrase consists of an appositive The Warrens live on Miller Lane, a wide street lined with beech trees. Mount Kosciusko, a part of the Australian Alps, is the highest peak in Australia. A diligent and quick-witted student, Mark always gets good grades.
Participial Phrase A participle is a verb form that can be used as an adjective. (i.e. boiling water, chipped, fingernail, chosen topic) The phrase consists of a participle and any modifiers or complements the participle has. The entire phrase is used as an adjective. Climbing the tree, the monkey disappeared into the branches. I heard him whispering to his friend. We watched the storm blowing eastward. The concert scheduled for tomorrow at the park has been postponed.
Gerund Phrase A gerund is a verb form that ends in –ing and is used as a noun. (i.e. reading, swimming, cooking, teaching, studying) The phrase consists of a gerund and any modifiers or complements the gerund has. The sudden shattering of glass broke the silence. (subject) One of my chores in the summer is mowing the lawn. (predicate nominative) She enjoys hiking in the mountains occasionally. (direct object) Ms. Jones, a part-time reporter for the local newspaper, is giving working full time careful thought. (indirect object)