Grammar as an Emergent Process Lesson 4 The grammar is not implanted from outside; rather it emerges out of the encounter between a pattern-hungry brain and a language-rich Environment.
What kind of text it is – e.g. news, article, definition, advertisement… What its purpose is. What does sustainable development mean? “…living in a way that meets the needs of today’s population without harming the ability of future generations to meet their own needs”
a. A Definition b. To explain
Repetition (i.e. words that are repeated) Synonyms (i.e. words with similar meaning) Antonyms (i.e. words with opposite meaning) Phrases that are repeated: Grammatical structures that are repeated:
Repetition: meet, needs Synonyms: population, generation Antonyms: today, future Phrases that are repeated: meet…needs – meet…needs Grammatical structures that are repeated: living, harming
What kind of text it is – e.g. news, article, definition, advertisement… What its purpose is When people make decisions about how to use the Earth’s resources such as forests, water, minerals, land, wildlife, etc., they must take into account not only how much of these resources they are using, what processes they used to get these resources, and who has access to these resources; but also, are enough resources going to be left for their grandchildren to use, and will the environment be left as they know it today?
a. An Article b. To persuade, to raise environmental awareness, to sensitize people
Repetition (i.e. words that are repeated) Synonyms (i.e. words with similar meaning) Antonyms (i.e. words with opposite meaning) Word families (i.e. words that are related by meaning) Phrases that are repeated Grammatical structures that are repeated Any other evidence that you think might be a pattern
Repetition: they (4), resources (5) Synonyms: earth resources – the environment Antonyms: None Word families: people- grandchildren Resources: forest, water, minerals, land, wildlife Phrases that are repeated: these resources Grammatical structures that are repeated: wh-noun clauses Any other evidence that you think might be a pattern It finishes with 2 questions
You are going to reconstruct the last text from memory. But before you do so, you can write down a maximum of ten words to help you. When you have selected your ten words, cover the text to reconstruct it.
I turn the faucet off when I am brushing my teeth I turn the lights off when I am going to sleep I use cold water to wash laundry I do all that I can to save energy Reduce, Reuse, Recycle I’m going green; I’m keeping the Earth clean I’m going green; I’m keeping it, keeping it clean I reuse rechargeable batteries again and again I shop at the thrift store to find a great bargain I take my bottles and cans and recycle them We’ll make a better world if we all join hands Reduce, Reuse, Recycle I’m going green; I’m keeping the Earth clean I’m going green; I’m keeping it, keeping it clean Reduce energy, water and waste Reuse what I can before I throw it away Recycle CD’s and DVD’s Newspaper, Junk Mail and Magazines Cell Phones, Cardboard and Old Machines I’m going green, would you go with me?
What does “going green” imply? Can you think of synonyms for this idiomatic expression? Find examples in the song of these patterns: I + action verb +object,e.g. I turn the faucet off. I + verb to be + -ing + other complements Noun + to-infinitive+other complements
What does “going green” imply? Can you think of synonyms for this idiomatic expression? become eco-friendly/Become environmentally aware Find examples in the song of these patterns: I + action verb +object,e.g. I turn the faucet off. I turn the lights off, I use cold water, I do all that I can I + verb to be + -ing + other complements I am going to sleep, I am keeping it clean Noun + to-infinitive+ other complements Water to wash laundry, Store to find a great bargain, all that I can to save energy
Find in the song one action of reduce, another of reuse, and another one of recycle. Find an example of condition and another of invitation.
Find in the song one action of reduce, another of reuse, and another one of recycle. Reduce water, energy, waste. Reuse rechargeable batteries. Recycle bottles and cans. Find an example of condition and another of invitation. We’ll make a better world if we join hands. I’m going green, would you go with me?