Development of Islam Post Classical Era
Islam and Arabic combined flexibility of the military How was Islam was able to spread from Spain to India in a relatively short amount of time, dominating a wide range of territories and societies? Islam and Arabic combined flexibility of the military conquered vast empires. strength of the Muslim economic, military, and political systems conquered territories were weak in those same areas
Describe the evolution of Islamic civilization and its impact on Europe. Shari’a, the law of Islam. a community of believers who are brothers and sisters and who share the same moral values provided a common cultural and secular set of laws The growth of urbanization cities became a centerpiece for conversion activities and the sharing of cultural traditions Intercity and long-distance trade flourished = linking of city dwellers and the countryside market economy grew under the strong influence of Islamic ethics and law Science and medicine also flourished; Muslim doctors and astronomers developed skills and theories far in advance of Europeans The Spanish cities were larger and richer than comparable European cities due to extensive trade with Islamic civilizations
Compare and contrast the Umayyad and Abbasid caliphates, particularly regarding religion, politics, and the military The Umayyads - seventh century C.E. political system was closely linked to their Byzantine and Sasanid roots less than 10 percent of the population consisted of converts to Islam. Rebellions against the legitimacy of the Umayyads were frequent. The Abbasid Caliphate was defined by its Islamic foundation. converts were attracted into the military and politics emphasis on theology and religious law Translated Persian, Greek, and Indian scholarship and thought. new capital was built in Baghdad
These conflicts result in three sects: After Muhammad’s death why was there fragmentation in the Empire ultimately creating three different paths? Ali has a personal relationship with Muhammad that leads to the conflict over the legitimate ruler and the formation of the new position of caliph. This continues with the Battle of the Camel and the martyrdom of Husayn. These conflicts result in three sects: the Sunni Shi’ite Kharijite
Compare the status of Muslim women with the status of women in other parts of the world at that time. Nowhere in the world offered women equality. Muslim women did have certain rights guaranteed them by Quranic law Rights to property, divorce, and to testify in court were all granted The topic of veiling is of particular interest as well. adopted from the Byzantine and Sasanid Empires Elite women were restrained from public view more strictly than lower status women By covering or staying secluded, some women were given access to the public world or the world of scholarship Some elite women also were permitted to study and become literate Women play an indirect role in public affairs through their husbands and sons.