NON-FICTION BOOK REPORT Tic-Tac-Toe Project Due Date: February 22, 2013
BIOGRAPHY A biography is a detailed description or account of someone’s life. It includes more than basic facts; it paints a vivid picture of a person’s life.
AUTOBIOGRAPHY An autobiography is an account of the life of a person, told by that person.
INFORMATIONAL BOOKS Its purpose is to explain the natural or social world.
HISTORY History is the study of past events.
Student Choice Activities Choose Three Picture Book *Words and Definitions Diary Entries *Letter to Movie Producer Travel Brochures *Artifacts Illustrated Timeline *Postcard Wordle
Picture Book
Picture Book Rewrite your book as a picture book. Use simple vocabulary so your book could be enjoyed and understood by younger children. Make sure your pictures are visually attractive and reflect the story you are telling. Your picture book must be at least eight pages in length and include a cover.
Words and Definitions
Words and Definitions From your book, make a list of twenty interesting, unique, and/or important words with their definitions. Explain how each word is effectively utilized in the book. Do you think other words would have been more effective? Are any of these words new to you?
Diary Entries
Diary Entries Write diary entries for a person in your book. You will need to retell actual events from the book in diary format (Date; Dear Diary,). Your entries should express emotions, thoughts, and feelings about the actual events in the book. You need eight diary entries (full page if handwritten, half page if typed).
Letter to Movie Producer
Letter to Movie Producer Convince a movie producer that the book you read is interesting enough to make into a movie. Include suggestions for filming location and actors who should portray people from the book. Letter format; 150 words minimum. You cannot choose a book that has already been made into a movie.
Travel Brochure
Travel Brochure Make a visually appealing travel brochure for a location featured in your book. Your brochure must have six panels, with a clearly identified cover. The information in your brochure must be typed. Include illustrations, interesting facts, and places of interest.
Artifacts Choose five artifacts (artifacts are just objects made by human beings) to represent people or events from your book. Write a paragraph explaining the relevance of each artifact (five paragraphs, total). You must turn in the artifacts.
Illustrated Timeline
Illustrated Timeline Create an illustrated timeline for your book; include a minimum of ten events. You need a picture and an explanation for each event. Create a map showing one location mentioned in the book. I recommend you look at some maps before you complete this task.
Postcard Make a postcard using the template provided. One side must be an illustration that represents your book. On the other side, compose an intriguing message written to me by someone in the book, in letter format. Design a stamp that relates to the book for your postcard.
Wordle Create a wordle at Choose ten character traits of someone in your book.
Other Important Information!! You must complete three tasks and they have to be connected horizontally, vertically, or diagonally. Your completed project is due on February 22nd.
. . . and still more information . . . This project is worth 150 points. Your parent’s signature on the tic-tac-toe form boosts your total points by 10. Five points off if you lose your form. All illustrations must have color.
. . . and don’t forget . . . I’m giving you seven weeks to complete this project so I expect it to look good and to be complete. If your project is messy or incomplete, I will return it to you and I will consider it late.